Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

For you AA, some varied piracy exemples, some you can't do in ED.

You land your ship on a planet to do a cave mission. You finish the mission and your are on your way back when you encounter 100 m before the exit of the cave a guy saying you have to pay 10 000 aUEC if you don't want his friend to blow up your ship.
You can't see your ship (your are in the cave). Will you pay or not ?

Same but the guy say his friend have stolen the ship and give it back to you for 10 000 aUEC. For this one, you can have a clue if you see the ship marker not at the position it should be.

Same but you see nobody and your ship is gone when you go out of the cave. Someone has stole it with the ROC and the cargo inside.

Same but you see nobody, you take off and suddenly while in your seat, a guy is pointing a gun at you and ask for money to not kill you. He was hidden in your ship.

You can be interdicted and have to pay to not be blown off.

You can be interdicted and be boarded.

You can be blown off directly just for the pirates to get your cargo floating in space.
I found the original video. It's from Experia888 which is the Mongrel Squad membre so a real pirate.

Correct me if I'm wrong but in ED pirates can only steal cargo. In SC, you have a lot more gameplay mechanisms to do piracy (sneaking, boarding, stealing ship/cargo/money). Being a pirate in SC is far more varied than in ED. It's not "gank everytime".
How does that change whether or not I get blown up at the end? Still going to assume gank, and deny them everything I can. Definitely going to go out like Kahn spitting my last breath every time. Legit pirate or not.
You screw with my game play, and I have no reason to facilitate yours.
I got sick of one half of the first 6 months of the roadmap being shunted off to make up the latter 6 months of the year 2 years ago.

1 year of the roadmap turns in to 2 years, 2 years in to 4 years.... this is why its taking so long, i have had this argument with a couple of people and they just say "well i would rather they take their time and get it right" its so frustrating, if we aren't even going to hold CIG to their own time table then we are to blame for effectively allowing it.

There is an expectation, again, for server meshing and Pyro to be in by Q4 2022, the roadmap ends at Q2 2022 with no server meshing in sight, in January its due for an update, Q3 2022 and Q4 2022 should get added to it, lets see what it says and if the crap finally hits the fan proper if it doesn't appear.

Someone on reddit noted that quarterly patches are good for player engagement, but not necessarily ideal for development. (Trying to hit those bundled delivery milestones, and intermediate polish fixes, could slow dev down over the long term.)

The recent 3.16 decisions feel like a microcosm of those issues in action, in some ways.

Add in the long-form technical issues that CIG are having with their big pillar tech (IE server meshing etc etc), and it's a recipe for delays...
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For you AA, some varied piracy exemples, some you can't do in ED.

You land your ship on a planet to do a cave mission. You finish the mission and your are on your way back when you encounter 100 m before the exit of the cave a guy saying you have to pay 10 000 aUEC if you don't want his friend to blow up your ship.
You can't see your ship (your are in the cave). Will you pay or not ?

Same but the guy say his friend have stolen the ship and give it back to you for 10 000 aUEC. For this one, you can have a clue if you see the ship marker not at the position it should be.

Same but you see nobody and your ship is gone when you go out of the cave. Someone has stole it with the ROC and the cargo inside.

Same but you see nobody, you take off and suddenly while in your seat, a guy is pointing a gun at you and ask for money to not kill you. He was hidden in your ship.

You can be interdicted and have to pay to not be blown off.

You can be interdicted and be boarded.

You can be blown off directly just for the pirates to get your cargo floating in space.

Most of which would mean I would probably stop playing the game if it was a common event.

Most of it doesn't sound fun at all for the receiver of the piracy.
That's why I gave this exemple. It's exactly something you can't understand if you don't play SC for real. "running through the ship every time i want to dock/undock" is not boring at all !
It's boring in ED because there is 0 gameplay tied to the hangar. It's just a decorative space that make you loose time and give nothing in return.
In SC, when you run through your ship, every space you encounter can be used to fight in PvP/stock equipment/stock cargo/put vehicle/get in a turret/transport friends etc. It's not decorative. Those places are used for a lot of activities. For instance, the cargo place is mandatory to transport a ROC. You must manually drive the ROC in the cargo to go on mining on a planet and drive it out of the cargo to mine.

In your opinion.

And sorry, but running through your ship, how often do you get into PvP when entering/exiting your ship? How exciting is carrying boxes back and forth when you've done it hundreds of times?

Let's keep the focus related to piracy as an example here. You're pirating another ship. How many times are you going to go back and forth taking boxes before it gets boring? EVA out, collect box from the other ship, return, go back, return...

I'm not saying it will be boring for you. Let's make that clear. Maybe for you its the height of fun! I'm saying, for me, i don't find the idea of all this running back and forth particularly exciting, and, if in ED, one day we get ship interiors, I hope FD add a fast exit option.
Someone on reddit noted that quarterly patches are good for player engagement, but not necessarily ideal for development. (Trying to hit those bundled delivery milestones, and intermediate polish fixes, could slow dev down over the long term.)

The recent 3.16 decisions feel like a microcosm of those issues in action, in some ways.

Add in the long-form technical issues that CIG are having with their big pillar tech (IE server meshing etc etc), and it's a recipe for delays...

I think the problem is CIG are being slaves to their own processes. They want to keep hitting quarterly updates rather than simply saying to backers, sorry, its taking longer than expected, we're going to delay it. Yeah, we skeptics will laugh anyway, but its not us CIG needs to please. Which is worse from the perspective of the backers? Barebones patches or delayed patches?

Well, i'm not a backer of SC, so i won't presume to speak for them, but i'd probably be happier with delayed patches, knowing at least when it does arrive it will have some meat to it.
For you AA, some varied piracy exemples, some you can't do in ED.

Piracy in SC is not that varied in SC. Every single instance of it comes down to "send me money or I blow you up".

Maybe when the oft delayed cargo refactor happens and cargo will meaningfully drop from destroyed ships it will change.

Well, I guess with the ROC miner you can take the cargo from those. At least you used to be able to.

In elite there is no piracy because the "victim" will just log out. alt-f4 is breaking the rules, but waiting out the 15 second danger logout is condoned behavior.
In your opinion.

And sorry, but running through your ship, how often do you get into PvP when entering/exiting your ship? How exciting is carrying boxes back and forth when you've done it hundreds of times?

Let's keep the focus related to piracy as an example here. You're pirating another ship. How many times are you going to go back and forth taking boxes before it gets boring? EVA out, collect box from the other ship, return, go back, return...

I'm not saying it will be boring for you. Let's make that clear. Maybe for you its the height of fun! I'm saying, for me, i don't find the idea of all this running back and forth particularly exciting, and, if in ED, one day we get ship interiors, I hope FD add a fast exit option.

You can not currently take cargo out of a ship. Can take the little mission boxes, not sure if you can sell them.

But moving them around is what the tractor beams are for.
I will say this for CIG:

At this point, they let everyone play the "alpha" a couple of times a year absolutely for free. Just create a free account, download the gigabytes and go. This year they even gave everyone a "free" ship to fly during their annual "show". Prospective customers get to test the product and assess it's performance, glitches, crashes and all BEFORE being required to make a purchase decision and these "shows" where they let everyone fly for free are stress tests for their systems, so customers get to see them at the worst BEFORE deciding whether or not to buy.

The alpha's performance currently sucks, let's be clear on that but you do not have to spend anything but some time to find that out. o7
That is absolutely true.

The problem for me is the predatory nature of the funding model once a player decides (say during the free fly) that they want to buy in. Buy a starter pack, you don't need to spend any more. Sounds good, let's go!

Ah but it's not what they WANT you to do, or what in fact they NEED you to do. CIG need whales to continue this most amusing charade.
Most of which would mean I would probably stop playing the game if it was a common event.

Most of it doesn't sound fun at all for the receiver of the piracy.

That's the thing. Piracy, when done well, with people behaving like actual pirates, can actually be not that bad for the recipient. As long as the pirate isn't greedy, and maybe in-character act like a pirate but OOC be a decent person about it (rather than sending through chat LOL, git gud scrub), then it can even be enjoyable.

The problem is, as a target, you never know. You can't trust other players. And as soon as someone appears and starts shooting, you have to assume its a ganker just looking to get their jollies.

I'll relate a discussion i had with a well-known pirate/ganker in ED. He uploaded a video showing how he pirated. He basically interdicted and immediately once out of SC he started firing. He frequently complained about people combat logging on him. I said, why don't you start with some roleplay instead of shooting? Why not issue some demands? He said it was because if he gives them any time to react they would quit. Keep in mind, this guy was not only a pirate but a very well known ganker/griefer. Of course some people would combat log when they saw it was him, they are expecting a ganking. But even if the name wasn't familiar, people who've been on the recieving end of a gank before know if they start firing immediately, to expect it to be a gank. For the player, the experience is the same.

I suggested to them that while some people will combat log anyway, he might actually get the cooperation of some targets simply by sending a message that its a piracy attempt, but they didn't accept this suggestion.

Basically a situation of their own creation. First by being one of the gankers who set expectations that any attack is going to be a gank. Second by behaving exactly the same way a ganker would behave. The target has no way to understand that this time its different.

Of course, if people stop for "pirates" who send messages, then the gankers will also get the idea to send messages and pretend its a piracy, and as soon as the target stops, they shoot to kill. And now the target isn't going to trust people saying that they are pirating.

Yet, on the forums, whenever such topics came up, the pirates defended the gankers and the gankers defended the pirates, so from the perspective of everyone else, it just appears that real "piracy" doesn't really exist, that pirates are just gankers in disguise, you can't trust anyone saying they are a pirate. And in many cases, the people who wanted to do piracy were also gankers.

In short, the pirates themselves makes other players distrust piracy and thereby just assume that any attack is a gank and that you might as well just combat log or self-destruct, because the end result is the same. Loss of cargo, ship and any other death penalties.

This applies equally to SC and ED.

Its worth noting that most of Smiling Dog Crew have moved to SC. Would anyone in their right mind assume any of those guys are going to pirate you rather than gank you?
You can not currently take cargo out of a ship. Can take the little mission boxes, not sure if you can sell them.

But moving them around is what the tractor beams are for.

Umm... so how can you pirate another player in SC? I thought you could take the cargo boxes. Its just those little boxes only?

That doesn't sound very fidelitious!
Reddit recap is out!


I don't think their stats understand FUD development!

No mention of my posting efforts on the refunds sub :(
i don't find the idea of all this running back and forth particularly exciting
When you've done cargo mission hundreds of time in ED, you are not going back and forth ? How exciting is it ?
If you find repetitive tasks boring, you should be bored also with ED...
Every type of task is repetitive in a game, it's the ability to vary the tasks that counteracts boredom. Possibility of piracy are more varied in SC than in ED.

Piracy in SC is not that varied in SC.
That's what I do when I do some pirating with my son ;-) It's not frequent as I do pirate things only when I have a CR (which is rare). I do it from the roleplayer side, so I always ask for really small amount of money, talks a lot and don't urge the victim. I only do pirating on foot.
When you've done cargo mission hundreds of time in ED, you are not going back and forth ? How exciting is it ?

Its not. Same in any game, doing the same thing gets boring. At least in ED there are a wide range of gameplay loops available so you can mix and match. While i sometimes do deliveries, its more of a thing to do while watching a TV series and easily earning some credits on the side. For excitement i do other activities. Box (and passenger) missions are boring as hell. I'm having lots of fun (yes fun!) doing Odyssey missions at the moment, and such a wide variety of mission types that i don't think ill get bored for doing them for a good long time.

That's what I do when I do some pirating with my son ;-) It's not frequent as I do pirate things only when I have a CR (which is rare). I do it from the roleplayer side, so I always ask for really small amount of money, talks a lot and don't urge the victim. I only do pirating on foot.

That's decent of you. Unfortunately, if SC ever releases, I think you'll find it harder and harder to find willing targets. Once the real idiots start playing, that's when your experience will suffer.
That is absolutely true.

The problem for me is the predatory nature of the funding model once a player decides (say during the free fly) that they want to buy in. Buy a starter pack, you don't need to spend any more. Sounds good, let's go!

Ah but it's not what they WANT you to do, or what in fact they NEED you to do. CIG need whales to continue this most amusing charade.
I am in to CIG for about $100, the price of a somewhat useful (Cutlass Black) ship and consider myself lucky not to have spent more. Not going to spend another dime on SC until they release a finished product.
I am in to CIG for about $100, the price of a somewhat useful (Cutlass Black) ship and consider myself lucky not to have spent more. Not going to spend another dime on SC until they release a finished product.

It's interesting that most would consider that a nominal amount to spend on Star Citizen but a horrendous amount to spend on a finished video game made by any reputable company.
Self-destruct will cost more and more in the future as the stability/permanence increase in the server.
For long, autodestruct costed almost nothing because CIG was not able to provide enough stability to put a cost on it. Too much bugs destroying your ship, they couldn't put the real price on material looses.
When the server's stability will be sufficient, with medical gameplay penalities + cost of loosing armor + ship + equipment + cargo + missiles they have all the tools to not make you want to self destruct.
That won't be popular choice. Basically you'll loose hard to get items for good, or at least loose a lot time getting your stuff back and yourself to same point as you were before attacked. That won't be bad if say PVP attacks would be rare phenomenon, but we all know how it is going to be. Some edgelord types shooting all that moves over and over again.
Piracy in SC is not that varied in SC. Every single instance of it comes down to "send me money or I blow you up".

Maybe when the oft delayed cargo refactor happens and cargo will meaningfully drop from destroyed ships it will change.

Well, I guess with the ROC miner you can take the cargo from those. At least you used to be able to.

In elite there is no piracy because the "victim" will just log out. alt-f4 is breaking the rules, but waiting out the 15 second danger logout is condoned behavior.
In Elite there is not much piracy because people assume it is gank. As it usually is when somebody interdicts you. At that point you either boost&jump, or menu log, assuming your ship can take punishment for 15 seconds.

Btw what prevents you to be dishonest in SC, say give me money or I blow you up, you get the money, and then blow victim up?
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