Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

The Agent ?
The same one claiming for the citizencon 2019 that CIG will reveal an Internal planet build of Earth and the start for land's selling ?
Or that SC will be remade with Stadia ?

For accuracy's sake:

But sure, TheAgent’s stuff is pretty scattergun, and not to be taken as gospel. As he says himself ;)

He has hit some targets along the way though:

TheAgent said:

Plus more recently:

TheAgent said:
AMD looking to repartner with Cloud Imperium after gaming management change (lol)

And personally I find the argument that CIG's internal state is such a mess that they don't know what they're doing either, making prediction a fairly fraught affair, to be a fairly compelling one ;)...

TheAgent said:
I'd also like to point out that I've never received so much conflicting information about a project

half the things I get I don't post until I hear it from multiple people, mostly because it seems like the internal roadmap for the project continues to change on a near monthly basis. first they are concentrating on SC, then SQ42, then SC again, then mocap, then SQ42 animations, then back to SC, then about how x needs to get fixed before y because z can't work without x and y which slows down everything and almost puts an entire company on hold for weeks

(the other half is just straight up crazy crap I don't believe or super personal crap that I don't really want to get into)

even the 38 studio leaks, the RTW leaks and DNF leaks were more clear and concise than anything I'm getting about SC/SQ42
Perhaps they had seen a good demo of SQ42 giving them confidence in the future success of the game ?

Bahwaahahahaahaaaa. If there was any such demo, it most certainly wasn't an actual gameplay demo considering that was the time when CIG said they had scrapped all their missions and didn't have a working AI. At best it would have been an in-engine heavily scripted demo and totally not representative of the actual state of SQ42.
Bahwaahahahaahaaaa. If there was any such demo, it most certainly wasn't an actual gameplay demo considering that was the time when CIG said they had scrapped all their missions and didn't have a working AI. At best it would have been an in-engine heavily scripted demo and totally not representative of the actual state of SQ42.

Are you suggesting Chris Roberts showed an investor a vertical slice and "gummed it together"?

Chris don't do that no more remember?
Wasn't that free fly month combined with a ship sale?

Free fly I can sort of understand, but more ship sales? If you can plainly see no underlying development except for new ships, why buy more ships? You can't be that deluded in parting with substantial sums for promises layered on promises can you?
Rich people don't have to be smart...they have accountants for that ;)

Can confirm. Not rich but self-employed and if i didn't have an accountant I swear i'd be paying twice as much in taxes if i tried to calculate everything myself. I'd even say the amount she calculates for me is suspiciously low, but our contract puts all liabilities for mistakes on her and she's very experienced at her job and comes highly recomommened.
As for Ci¬G and their financials, most seem to be under the assumption that the Calders are the only investors. What I see in the business model and sparse (Public) financial records points to there being other behind the scenes sources injecting some form of capital, probably off the books via the shell companies. None of these investors have even a passing interest in a space game...that's not what Roberts...or more likely, Freyermuth... is selling them.

As for the grey market, there's some that make fairly substantial amounts bulk buying then re-selling accounts...and ships... so there must be some shadow accounting going on via that resource...and it is a resource for Ci¬G or they'd have shut it down very quickly had that not been the case. Re-selling accounts is against TOS...but the accounts are still being re-sold none the less, and quite a few of them at that.

If you look at the grey market as an account re-seller with Ci¬G making a substantial income from it rather than merely a ship shop, it might be clearer why Ci¬G don't enforce the TOS regarding it...or open up their own official store to get rid of the artificial rarity they purposely induced by severely limiting what it has available for sale :)

We know Calder isn't the only investor. Several are mentioned in their legal paperwork.
What's believable ? The stadia engine part or the planet earth show at citcon 2019 ?

Not sure that was ever anything other than a SA joke.

The planet earth one is easy to guess at, since we know CIG are wanting to do Earth and we know they do land claims. Speculating that they are going to release Earth (at some point) and sell land claims for it is not unlikely (assuming they ever get that far).
Free fly I can sort of understand, but more ship sales? If you can plainly see no underlying development except for new ships, why buy more ships? You can't be that deluded in parting with substantial sums for promises layered on promises can you?

c.f: Whales, backers, citizens
As for Ci¬G and their financials, most seem to be under the assumption that the Calders are the only investors. What I see in the business model and sparse (Public) financial records points to there being other behind the scenes sources injecting some form of capital, probably off the books via the shell companies. None of these investors have even a passing interest in a space game...that's not what Roberts...or more likely, Freyermuth... is selling them.

As for the grey market, there's some that make fairly substantial amounts bulk buying then re-selling accounts...and ships... so there must be some shadow accounting going on via that resource...and it is a resource for Ci¬G or they'd have shut it down very quickly had that not been the case. Re-selling accounts is against TOS...but the accounts are still being re-sold none the less, and quite a few of them at that.

If you look at the grey market as an account re-seller with Ci¬G making a substantial income from it rather than merely a ship shop, it might be clearer why Ci¬G don't enforce the TOS regarding it...or open up their own official store to get rid of the artificial rarity they purposely induced by severely limiting what it has available for sale :)

It has been theorised that some form of money laundering is taking part. Usually a buggy mess of a software doesn't guarantee the influx of capital Star Citisnt sees and I consider it plausible that the bloated budget is due to some dirty money.
It has been theorised that some form of money laundering is taking part. Usually a buggy mess of a software doesn't guarantee the influx of capital Star Citisnt sees and I consider it plausible that the bloated budget is due to some dirty money.
I have not seen this theory. If I had, thought it plausible, and did not support the perps. I would report it to local law enforcement or send evidence to the FBI. Let us know how you get on.
If you do not intend to report this serious crime to law enforcement please explain why not.
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I logged into SC PU today. First time in 3.10
1825 clicked enter Stanton
1826 woke in Area 18. This was the only time I got bad pop up. 35FPS. The concourse looked good, the NPC behaved but looked some looked unconvincing up close. 24-30FPS
I had 40,000+ credit but can not say if this was the same as when I last played 3.9 as it was so long ago.
Purchasing especially food was painfully long winded and slow.
The train ride was very good graphically and gave me 40+ FPS
Spawned a ship which took about 20 secs.
The lifts are no better and it took me two attempts to get to my hanger.
HUD is much better and I really like the flight corridor. I presume that I can not land anywhere and get out for a walk as promised but I did not test it.
1915 QT to Crusader, One of my biggest moans was the flight times. Interestingly it seemed quicker than before, have they reduced QT times? only 24FPS in QT
Around Port O I tested the targeting which is much improved, although someone in chat said that it used to be like that a few years ago.
1950 game crashed with no code just a report crash box.

If I was new too this I would be very very impressed by what I saw. I will give some missions ago over the next few weeks, but other games/activities seem more enticing.

What I would ask is. If this was single player (IE SQ42) would I get better FPS if so and the game play was good it might be a good game.
Free fly I can sort of understand, but more ship sales? If you can plainly see no underlying development except for new ships, why buy more ships? You can't be that deluded in parting with substantial sums for promises layered on promises can you?
They re-released some big stuff, like Idrises and such, IIRC. My favourite theory, though, is that the black market (mostly Russians) hopped on as a diversification during COVID peak craze and bought in like mad to clean some money fast.
I have not seen this theory. If I had, thought it plausible, and did not support the perps. I would report it to local law enforcement or send evidence to the FBI. Let us know how you get on.
If you do not intend to report this serious crime to law enforcement please explain why not.

Excellent comment... with some caveats. Even if you think something is against the law, doesn't mean a) it is and b) you have evidence to support your theory.

Moreso, even if CIG are being used to launder money, its not clear what the FBI or any other TLA can do about it. As I understand, Valve stopped their RMT not because of the legal implication but because of the optics of it. It wasn't good for business being known as a company that was being used for money laundering.
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