Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

I never (like in never) said that Valheim and SC as equally playable. I said they are both alpha and both playable, nothing more.
Valheim is close to beta stage and SC is still pre-alpha with a lot more bugs and less stability. I play both and have fun in both.

You ignored the inconvenient differences to try and make them sound more similar. Bringing in Valheim out of nowhere to try and ride on their respectable coat-tails.

Look, here you are doing it:

I don't need the alpha term. It's already a working game but still in alpha.
Being in alpha doesn't prevent me to play it. It's the same for Valheim.

But I'm glad we agree on where they differ though :)
You can also read what is clearly written on the website
You see, it's written "ITS ALPHA" everywhere. And "ITS ALPHA" is not a ultimate defense but a perfectly valid point on a lot of critics (like "the game crash every minutes", "the FPS are low" or "there is just ONE system").
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Yes but the context there was:

Should they be treating this alpha product as a released one, and taking dividends & ROI payments from the monies raised?

What's your answer Ant?

Should they be?
According to CIG: Star Citizen is in early alpha development (essential core tech still required, e.g. Dynamic Server Meshing), in early access, and playable now. With micro and macro pay2win/pay2skip transactions.

Meanwhile, Theaters of War, SATABall, and Squadron 42 are vaporware.
So it's early alpha development, ok.

Just giving facts you can read by yourself don't make me priceless.
SC is not yet at the status of the Valheim's alpha.
The alpha need at least all core mechanisms in game. SC still lacking some important ones (mainly SM), it's not yet near the beta phase.
Valheim having all of them in game, the game is near the beta status.

You want to call SC a beta in its current state ?
So it can't be alpha since it needs all core mechnisms in game? Like a galaxy map?

So basically their legal department allready says it is released game, not an "early" alpha, like our LittleAnt says. So why not review it with same standards as other released games?
No matter the talks of SC, they keep raking in the moneys. I'd say even releasing it would have no effect, or maybe sell more even. Why not then? CR doesn't wanna hear it.

Chris thinks its released.

Remember when he was interviewed by in 2017 was it?

When asked about a 1.0 release, Chris said something along the lines of: what do you mean 1.0? We have 3.0 coming out soon!
I believe the ToS thing you have to agree to with every update now is solely for CR. Everyone else on the planet knows this thing is barely alpha, so it's only for that 1 fella in denial.

SC "large scale mmorpg" by 2027, Squadron 42 out within 1-2 years

Looking forward to its release. Will that be straight from alpha to release then? Another game seemed to do that earlier this year, but has a few hiccups.

It's not a tech demo anymore. Game breaking bugs are less frequents, stability is good and there is enough content and working gameloops to play it full time (if you can stand the bugs).
It's a working and playable alpha.
I never (like in never) said that Valheim and SC as equally playable. I said they are both alpha and both playable, nothing more.
Valheim is close to beta stage and SC is still pre-alpha with a lot more bugs and less stability. I play both and have fun in both.
So it's a playable alpha, or it's pre-alpha with a lot more bugs and less stability?

You can also read what is clearly written on the website
You see, it's written "ITS ALPHA" everywhere. And "ITS ALPHA" is not a ultimate defense but a perfectly valid point on a lot of critics (like "the game crash every minutes", "the FPS are low" or "there is just ONE system").
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Ok then, 100% Alpha and can be reviewed as such.

Bearing in mind it's alpha, it sucks they have no core game or galaxy map etc.
Looking forward to its release. Will that be straight from alpha to release then? Another game seemed to do that earlier this year, but has a few hiccups.
No, it won't. Will enter a beta stage once 4.0 comes out with another system. Then they'll fix the bugs and sometime in 2027, hopefully with atleast 10 systems or so release it as a 1.0.
Not really when it has been already 10+ years of alpha and 400+ millions wasted. It simply indicates very serious technical and management issues that can´t seem to be resolved in any reasonable manner.
It's still an Alpha. There is no "not really". To any question of "Is star citizen finished?" "Is Star Citizen a released game?" You will hear "No, it's an Alpha" Everywhere on the SC website it says it's an Alpha. There is no debate about it.


Volunteer Moderator
It's still an Alpha. There is no "not really". To any question of "Is star citizen finished?" "Is Star Citizen a released game?" You will hear "No, it's an Alpha" Everywhere on the SC website it says it's an Alpha. There is no debate about it.

There is indeed a very clear "not really". There are alphas and alphas. This alpha is quite different to others in that it has been stuck without delivering a single product or even going to beta for 10 years and 400 millions wasted. It is a likely indicative of technical and management problems that cant seem to be resolved in any reasonable manner.
It's not a tech demo anymore. Game breaking bugs are less frequents, stability is good and there is enough content and working gameloops to play it full time (if you can stand the bugs).
It's a working and playable alpha.
I wonder what percentage of backers would agree that the game has enough content and working gameloops to enable it to be a full-time game.
I bet the number is very small.

Perhaps CIG should release a new stat chart showing the high amount of playtimes and concurrency to support your claim.
There is indeed a very clear "not really". There are alphas and alphas. This alpha is quite different to others in that it has been stuck without delivering a single product or even going to beta for 10 years and 400 millions wasted. It is a likely indicative of technical and management problems that cant seem to be resolved in any reasonable manner.
And? It's still an Alpha. Or are you attempting to argue it's ready for a commercial release since it's not really an alpha? The devs say it's not ready, everyone says it's not ready, yet you say it is?
No, it won't. Will enter a beta stage once 4.0 comes out with another its second system. Then they'll fix the bugs and sometime in 2027, hopefully with atleast 10 systems or so release it as a 1.0.

Ok, that's only 5 years from now. So we should see that in Version 14 or 15 of these threads.
You can also read what is clearly written on the website
You see, it's written "ITS ALPHA" everywhere. And "ITS ALPHA" is not a ultimate defense but a perfectly valid point on a lot of critics (like "the game crash every minutes", "the FPS are low" or "there is just ONE system").
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Yes, we know they love to splatter alpha all over their website, but they still market it like a released product. Look at their flashy videos. Look at all the "PLAY NOW" buttons and text.

CIG are a clear case of wanting to have their cake and eat it.

And backers do exactly the same. They go all over the internet preaching how good the game is right now, but the moment there is criticism, ITS ALPHA.

Go on, deny it. I dare you. I double dare you.
No, it won't. Will enter a beta stage once 4.0 comes out with another system. Then they'll fix the bugs and sometime in 2027, hopefully with atleast 10 systems or so release it as a 1.0.

10 systems by 2027 out of 110 sold and paid for.

In a 1.0 release, which CIG were keen to stress that all 110 systems would be done by after CR's earlier statement about 5-10 systems on release.
Oh come on, they already have like 2 other systems in active development.
Any proof? Only ever seen them talk about Nyx and Pyro, never seen any actual flyby of the system. For a company who like to show off every single asset for marketing reasons, they show very little about these 2.
Also, seeing as planets were meant to be coming online so much faster now that the tools & pipelines are in place why is it taking them so long?
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