Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Villainizing people who enjoy playing a game and posting screenshots is below low. I could say the same thing about people who post cool Odyssey screenshots, but I won't, because it's absolutely absurd. If you had any idea how ridiculous you lot look with your constant nonstop whining and hyperbole, you might just be embarrassed.

Dude... really?

It was part joke, part commentary about CIG's business model. There was nothing in there against people who enjoy the game.
Dude... really?

It was part joke, part commentary about CIG's business model. There was nothing in there against people who enjoy the game.
You failed to use the joke emoji. Now where is that wagging "naughty naughty" emoji...

And I for one enjoy watching people enjoy this game, even though I'm not currently enjoying it myself (I remain agnostic for the time being). One of my favorite Space Engineers streamers has even picked up SC in recent weeks, and she's having a blast. Don't villainize these people! 👉
Don't forget the icache that's already in and all the less and less bugs patch after patch.
Icache was a mistake, I wrongly deducted it was there while only testing local cache, nobody's perfect (except some here that are incarnation of truth on earth).

Less and less bugs is true > gamers happy > funding exploding 👍
I would recommend starting a separate "For Fans of Star Citizen Only" thread, but I'm sure Robert would shut it down :p

FD would shut it down, it wouldn't be Rob's decision. Keep all the insanity contained in a single thread :p

Still, Star Citizen: Only Fans would sound rather funny.
Oh, that reminds me, its been a while, its time for....

Villainizing people who enjoy playing a game and posting screenshots is below low. I could say the same thing about people who post cool Odyssey screenshots, but I won't, because it's absolutely absurd. If you had any idea how ridiculous you lot look with your constant nonstop whining and hyperbole, you might just be embarrassed.

Agony's post was tame... a harmless joke. If you want to see real villianization, go back a few years in this series of threads where a small but very vocal minority vilified the entire SC community as their standard way of communicating. I called them out on it and they didn't like that at all. Much of it was moderated, but some of the vilification remains. Eg. a quick search turned up this from July 2017:

If they stopped selling jpegs I wouldn't have an issue with Star Citizen or its vile community but as it happens they are still pulling in cash off the back of empty promises, and that fact overshadows and dominates all discussion.

This type of post appeared regularly, from a small minority, but since back then the posts and posters have, in general, become much more objective (IMHO).
If you had any idea how ridiculous you lot look with your constant nonstop whining and hyperbole, you might just be embarrassed.
"I think I'm going to try out the free fly this time, what does it play like now?"
"So it's buggy and unstable, i'll still try it though"
"haven't yet tried it, but i will"
"Free fly is over but i didn't try it, maybe next time"
"stop being mean about the video game i haven't played"
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