Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

In 2012 Chris and David, both had a very similar vision of what they wanted to do, except for some differences ( like the real universe vs the fictional one), they both talked about very similar things like about mining missions, moving cargo, bounty hunting, landing on planets, walking around your ship, walking around other players' ship (even stealing it), etc etc, they also talked about all the gaming opportunity that this things could offer

They both knew that the challenge was huge and that it was not easy to achieve, (they both said that) so each one chose to do it differently, David started with something simple to be able to deliver a "finished" product quickly with the promise of adding the other things later, while Chris began to build the pillars of all this not without encountering many difficulties along the way.

Now today we have that SC has almost all this, all about what they both said, and Elite does not and with its current engine it is practically impossible for fdevs to achieve it, so who built the game backwards???

don't get me wrong I used to play elite in the mid 90's, I loved that game, there is no point in berating Chris for having done it differently, especially when he has managed to do it 😉

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What? Each of these stars are flyable destinations. Certain game has 1:1 Milkyway, other has One system.


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What amuses me is that Star Citizen defenders still can't seem to defend SC on its own merits. They inevitably have to compare it to a game with a tenth its budget in the vague hope of building it up into something it's not. Meanwhile, I can't help compare SC to games with only a fraction of a percent of its budget, and wonder, "These games have got the features we were promised for release in 2014 working. Why can't CIG do the same?"
You seem to be wrong about Elite, although seeing you created an account here just to discuss SC, it does not surprise. More surprisingly you are also wrong about SC. Not only most of the content and many core gameplay features are still missing after 10+ years (exploration, server meshing for grandious battles, capital ships command and control features, 100 systems, dynamic economy, subsumption AI, the whole SQ42 etc, I mean, I can go on…), but the little of what has been “done” so far for an eye watering almost 500 millions (the largest ever budget for a video game) is just barebones, and still significantly broken so not even that can even be really counted as “done”.
no i am not wrong in any word I have written in my comment about elite, everything I wrote is in this video from 2012 from David himself.


Volunteer Moderator
no i am not wrong in any word I have written in my comment about elite, everything I wrote is in this video from 2012 from David himself.
And you would still be wrong I am afraid:
Many of those original plans and intentions (ship interiors is but one) have already come to pass by the way. From Newsletter 29 where FDEV outlined what they intended to do wrt future content DLCs after initial release:

For example, our current roadmap is to add (in no particular order):
  • Landing/ driving / prospecting on airless rocky planets, moons & asteroids
  • Walking around interiors and combative boarding of other ships
  • Combat and other interactions with other players and AIs in the internal areas of star ports (Note: EDO on the other hand offers combat in interiors of settlements and on all planetary surfaces though)
  • Accessing richly detailed planetary surfaces
  • Availability of giant ‘executive control’ ships to players
  • Green is released: With EDH, EDO and Fleet Carriers. Although first person combat happens rather outside star ports not inside.
  • Red is not delivered yet: no ship interiors indeed yet.
  • Orange is partially delivered: EDO´s thin atmospheres, updated planetary surfaces and new biologicals. Not yet delivered things like thicker atmospheres, liquid masses or prominent flora and fauna.
That is a base game followed by 2 major paid updates and a free dlc season (Beyond) all actually released so far (plus countless other free updates released including Fleet Carriers). All in all not a bad track record so far.

On the other hand not only most of the SC content and many core gameplay features are still missing after 10+ years (exploration, server meshing for grandious battles, capital ships command and control features, 100 systems, dynamic economy, subsumption AI, the whole SQ42 etc, I mean, I can go on…), but the little of what has been “done” so far for an eye watering almost 500 millions (the largest ever budget for a video game) is just barebones, and still significantly broken so not even that can even be really counted as “done”.

And this is the list of products actually released by CIG over 10+ years:
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David started with something simple to be able to deliver a "finished" product quickly with the promise of adding the other things later
So simple. What's weird is how many of the simple things David supposedly rushed out by 2014 aren't in SC. More than one system, never mind a galaxy or a 'verse. Orbits. Working NPC spaceships in a spaceship game. Game loops that don't rely on redefining "emergent gameplay" as running around larping.

So simple.

You know what IS simple, and yet counterproductive? Starting with graphics assets rather than a design, and then trying to smash them together in to a non existent game. That madness leads to a decade without a release ...

Now today we have that SC has almost all this
All of what? An FPS game in an (old) off the shelf FPS engine populated with hand-crafted assets in a single system that can't be scaled up to multiple systems without spending decades doing it? That doesn't work?

It's literally the most expensive cryengine mod ever, in $ and man hours.

don't get me wrong I used to play elite in the mid 90's, I loved that game, there is no point in berating Chris for having done it differently, especially when he has managed to do it 😉
Ha ha ha.
And you would still be wrong I am afraid:

All in all not a bad track record so far.

On the other hand not only most of the SC content and many core gameplay features are still missing after 10+ years (exploration, server meshing for grandious battles, capital ships command and control features, 100 systems, dynamic economy, subsumption AI, the whole SQ42 etc, I mean, I can go on…), but the little of what has been “done” so far for an eye watering almost 500 millions (the largest ever budget for a video game) is just barebones, and still significantly broken so not even that can even be really counted as “done”.

And this is the list of products actually released by CIG over 10+ years:
tell that to him, I guess he didn't know :)


Volunteer Moderator
tell that to him, I guess he didn't know :)
#Idontknowman, he may be friends with this guy:


Or this one:
ED:O is awesome. It added a lot to ED. They could have added a lot more, but that's the trap CIG has fallen into--promising the sun and delivering on nothing.

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You really don't want to talk about SC do you mate?

so who built the game backwards???

Not sure why this phrase triggered you so much. SC clearly is "building a game backwards" in some key ways. No amount of whataboutery about other titles changes that.

Is taking art to high polish before game mechanics are in place not building the game backwards? (With all of the wasteful rework that entails).

Is advertising the fine detail of your gameplay design (& pre-selling aspects of it for up to $3000 a pop) prior to even having working prototypes not building the game backwards?

Is building your MMO game, for nearly a decade, prior to deciding what your final networking architecture is not building the game backwards?

Absolutely. Categorically.

These are absurdly counter-productive ways to build a game, and ones that are generally avoided in game dev for that reason.


Now go on mate, give it a go. Try actually discussing SC in the SC thread...


Volunteer Moderator
not everyone thinks the same

That we can agree on :)

Looking at the comments I feel I'm a fairly unique case in that I've played SC for about 2 years and only started playing ED in the last week and I'm really enjoying it. I've not even left the starting systems yet, so I'm by no means an expert.
I got so overwhelmed with game still not being released and bugs, I just moved to Elite dangerous. Never regretted, love ed

It is really shameful that players leave SC before it even releases. Why do you think that is?
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Or this one, who tried the first time and kicked it, then he gave it another chance by making some adjustments to his settings

This guy Break (not the same as full time twitch streamer Break) has less than 50 views on his videos which he has been posting for a year, then more views for Project Zomboid, then 1.5k views a month ago for a SC video, back to 50 views until 12 days ago when he posts his goodbye to ED video, despite never having posted a video on it.


Since then, back to 50 views, a few hundred etc.

He must be really thankful you guys are desperately crawling youtube looking for ED vs SC videos.
This guy Break (not the same as full time twitch streamer Break) has less than 50 views on his videos which he has been posting for a year, then more views for Project Zomboid, then 1.5k views a month ago for a SC video, back to 50 views until 12 days ago when he posts his goodbye to ED video, despite never having posted a video on it.


Since then, back to 50 views, a few hundred etc.

He must be really thankful you guys are desperately crawling youtube looking for ED vs SC videos.

the sc community is great, very big, very friendly and very active right now :) I'm not going to deny that there is a lot of morbidity around the new elite refugees, I don't understand what you want to argue here 🤷‍♂️
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