Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12


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This thread is interesting, cool to see how more and more backers continue realizing that CIG over promising is bonkers. Nothing new for many of us here, but funny nonetheless when it is even CIG who can’t even help slipping the truth out there.

I watched a Q and A with the teams and they brought up the Polaris. The answer actually bothered me about the game as a whole. It was stated it would take Half the Manchester I believe office 12 to 18 months to make that ship. OMG, we have at least 12 ships that size if not more. You mean you have over 10 years of work to finish ships that have already been sold. I know we have streamlined a lot of stuff and made it faster but OMG. Sorry, stop making up new crap and putting it in the game until you start finishing this other stuff. That is just insane to me that we have that much time left into building ships that are required. Well, that is my rant. I am sure the Chris is the best White Knight Patrol will sprinkle Chris Fairy Dust on this and make it all better. Either that or it will be removed. I am concerned by that timeline. I mean 12 months to make a ship like the Polaris is actually not that long in my book but to say it was half of the office, that is scaring the heck out of me. Sorry, not waiting for another 10 for this thing.
If it's only the first time you feel worried about this project then IMO you're a very optimistic backer. CIG have been selling much more than they can chew for a very long time to me : a bunch of star systems with fully rendered planets but still a single one released after a decade of development, many different professions but just a few of them released yet most of which are still in a Tier 0 state, a gigantic backlog of concept ships they keep making worse, and so on...
Look they started one year ago with 600i rework till this day no updates about it.
Don't forget that timeline of 12 - 18 months is to release an unfinished ship with missing functionality such as new UI's, damage model, physicalized modules and features like drone bays, working escape pods, ground detecting elevators, depressurization and reworks to all ships to allow for better AI pathing. And that's just what I can think of right now.

And every single ship and variant needs to be reworked.
They have been pumping out more concept than finished ships for a long time. Who even needs 15 different capships before launch? It would have been totally okay to start with the minimum 3-4 capships needed for SQ42 chapter 1, and bring out 1-2 more for chapter 2 and 3.
But people do not care about this kind of feature creep, and when a concept ship that will not even get worked on for 10 years still brings in 20 millions, CIG do what any profit oriented company would do.
The sales team pushes out more and more concept sales, and pad themselves on the shoulder for a job well done, while the whole productive part of the company silently drowns unter a pile of too much workload.
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This thread is interesting, cool to see how more and more backers continue realizing that CIG over promising is bonkers. Nothing new for many of us here, but funny when it is even CIG who can’t even help slipping the truth out there.

Doomsayer. If you don't stop this we're gonna put you in the Ewok-onesie!
Some off my post on other forum where criticized of being necroed but any reference to a post will be necroed by the time of SC release. lol

SC units of time are being used t.
It is really shameful that players leave SC before it even releases. Why do you think that is?
My reason for moving from SC to ED was because CIG didn’t deliver the game I was promised, when I was promised it, while ED did. But then again, I could say the same about SC and Space Engineers, and SC and Empyrion Galactic Survival. I say could, but IIRC I originally backed SE around 2013, and only rediscovered it later. I did use part of my SC refund to buy a couple cosmetic packs, though, because Keen delivered a good game (though with crap official servers if I’m in the rare mood for multiplayer).

I also consider EGS more of a replacement for how disappointed I was about NMS, which was purchased with part of my SC refund. Neither SC nor ED scratch the “living off the land” aspect I consider an essential aspect of exploration, and SC has only a single system, let alone more procedurally generated systems than I could explore in a lifetime.

What I find most amusing of all is that a tiny development team managed to deliver a game with on tiny budget , Stonehearth, managed to deliver SC’s “subsumtion AI” with the added bonus of simulated emotional reactions, and the ability to not only navigate complex and changing environments, but construct them as well.

When I look at Star Citizen, I see a game:
  • where all the aspects of the game, both placeholder and undelivered, have been done, and done well, by half a dozen games in my Steam library... for less than a percentage of SC's budget.
  • that, similar to No Man's Sky, should be right up my alley, being a fan of space games, but isn't because some of the game development choices aren't respectful of my time, and what the game brings to the table is neither unique enough, nor done well enough, to play regardless of those flaws.
  • which has raised nearly half a billion dollars, most of it through crowdfunding, where the principle creative, and his friend and family, is, in an utterly unethical and contemptuously corrupt manner, enriching themselves to the tune of tens of millions of dollars of unearned wealth.
Star Citizen was supposed to be the game I'd play until Elite Dangerous was, IMO, at least as feature complete as Frontier: Elite 2, which remains the gold standard I use for the niche both ED and SC belong to. I play all these other space games because SC failed to deliver on its initial promises, and eight years later continues to fail at doing so.

But at least Star Citizen looks pretty. For a game from 2012...
Nah, the big streamers are getting comedy clicks just fine without me ;)

I am here for the real connoisseurs though :)

Like, where else can you see a man fight with a water bottle for a minute before finally dehydrating to death? It's a thing of wonder...


Glorious. Random deaths. Unable to save self from death. Janky physics. Insane survival mechanics. And when there is another player around who could save you, they can't actually save you.

Outstanding stuff. Well worth half a billion dollars.
This thread is interesting, cool to see how more and more backers continue realizing that CIG over promising is bonkers. Nothing new for many of us here, but funny nonetheless when it is even CIG who can’t even help slipping the truth out there.

Typical response.

There is no release except for SQ42. It will be constantly in development an improve. Otherwise its dead after 1 year latest. You can play already so play it or if you miss a ship or feature or its to buggy wait a bit

By this logic no game in development ever needs to put a release label on a game.

And someone tries to retcon history

the never claimed 100 on release. there was a stretch goal for a minimum 100 total. meaning 100 before the shut the servers down. they said they anticipate 10 to 15 by release

They were immediately shot down by people posting the actual quotes. However, to be fair, it does say "by release", and if SC never releases they never have to make 100 systems! Checkmate!
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Waiting for the game to come out is the wrong approach. Either stick around and learn and enjoy what’s happening, or cash out now. Because if all you’re doing is waiting for a finished game you’re going to be furious.

LOL. Remember when SC backers would say "At least CIG will produce a quality released product unlike a certain other space game"

Ah, good times. Good times.

If only we could go back in time and let those poor innocent fools know what was going to happen in the future.

Do you really want to go down that rabbit hole? You do realize that during the Kickstarter, and for some time after, the only thing possible was Concept ships. Long before any mechanics were ever built to support those ships. Need I reminded you, you (nor anyone else) is required to buy any ship beyond the starter ship. If you don’t possess the patience to wait for a ship to be built, and don’t want to purchase a ship before mechanics are developed to support that ship, then act on your desire and don’t by the ship. It’s really that simple.

But it’s a lot more fun to complain isn’t it?


Feature creep is a fun term to throw around. Unfortunately, people who use it, are either unaware of what it is. Or simply don’t understand how they are misapplying it as it relates to Star Citizen. But I’m not going to get into that with you here. It is beyond the scope of this thread. If you want to create a new thread, I would be glad to engage you there.


The rest of what you wrote is just over exaggeration and not worth commenting on.

I’m sorry it annoys you how other people act. Perhaps you can try to ignore the actions of others. What’s it to you what others think about CIG. Their business model. Or how people perceive them?

Way to dodge what actually happened, which was CR promised a bunch of stuff, backers funded it, and CR promised it would all be delivered in just a couple of years.

Perhaps if CIG had focused on delivering that content first, then it would have let everyone know if CIG were capable of delivering on it, and if they did, then they could have asked for more funding for more stuff... or, you know, actually invest money earned from sales back into the project to make the new stuff... i know, call me old fashioned, better to beg for money so you can fail without risking anything yourself.
LOL. Remember when SC backers would say "At least CIG will produce a quality released product unlike a certain other space game"

Ah, good times. Good times.

If only we could go back in time and let those poor innocent fools know what was going to happen in the future.

Way to dodge what actually happened, which was CR promised a bunch of stuff, backers funded it, and CR promised it would all be delivered in just a couple of years.

Perhaps if CIG had focused on delivering that content first, then it would have let everyone know if CIG were capable of delivering on it, and if they did, then they could have asked for more funding for more stuff... or, you know, actually invest money earned from sales back into the project to make the new stuff... i know, call me old fashioned, better to beg for money so you can fail without risking anything yourself.
It's the backer's fault for being frauded.
Also its an average of FPS. If i may bring up ED for a moment (ducks), some people get significant difference between flying in space and walking around settlements, and from what i've seen, same applies to SC. Its one of the reasons EDO gets bashed, if you get a solid 60 in space it doesn't matter if you are in single digits on planets, it kills the experience.
What gets me in Star Citizen is that standing still I get a solid 60 FPS, but the instant I start moving, their engine struggles maintain a solid 30 FPS. When you consider how much time is spent standing around waiting…
What gets me in Star Citizen is that standing still I get a solid 60 FPS, but the instant I start moving, their engine struggles maintain a solid 30 FPS. When you consider how much time is spent standing around waiting…

Last time i tried, i got 20 FPS, standing still, staring at a blank wall.

Pretty sure that's the SC experience anyway :D
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