Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

PES Watch:

If you would like to see a man being repeatedly killed by trams, while being generally confused by his inventory, you can do so here ;)


That's the backer's fault for not knowing you have to sit in the provided seats. Can't blame CIG for that!

As far as being stuck in ship seats, everyone knows this...


And regarding very low server FPS, the solution is to tell CIG, who have asked to be told the shard number where low FPS rates are seen.

It's all going great.
Stress testing so we don't have to...

Stress test experiences:​

The FPS goes down as soon as there are more than 50 players. I've been making this observation since the EVOs were running reasonably well, and I'm still observing it today. Up to 50 players, the servers run at 17-30 FPS, above that it quickly becomes uncomfortable - down to 4 FPS at a full shard of 100-120. Nevertheless, I think that we should not down from 120 players per shard, but that CIG continues to optimize exactly there.

As Raikilq already wrote, testing is hardly possible at 1-4 FPS. I've seen from many influencers and streamers that they all tried their hardest to stress the server. Let's hope that we collected good data for CIG.

During the first stress test on Saturday 2am UTC, I was able to see 2 random server lags. These were observable server-wide, i.e. including the other players on the shard. Everything froze for about 5 seconds and then continued to run normally. All input, whether mouse, joystick or keyboard, continued during this pause. Today, Saturday, during the 3rd stress test at 8pm UTC, these problems occurred again and much more frequently. Even when the server's FPS was still above 13, the server was down for all players for several seconds every minute. In between the lags, the game continued to run "normally", at 4 FPS.

What I evaluate negatively since a few patches: the server FPS are even without a stress test, at full load already down to 4-6 FPS, which you notice at every corner already so.

It was a successful stress test, the servers were all done with us.

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