Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Not sure of the full story here, but it sounds like Nightrider took action against a user's post, edited the post to give a different meaning to what was said, and then moderated the poster in some way. Someone (possibly the same person) tried to make a thread objecting to this, and was also moderated against (banned?).

Anyone got the skinny on this?
That's how you do it. Basic agent provocateuring 101.
Somethings always getting polished over there.

And "the fake SC refugee" is still going strong today. Totally unprompted. I'd post more but you guys are too untrusting. 😛

42. Sand worm


Amazingly enough, thread hasn't been locked yet!


LOL, land claims. Suckers still think they are going to add base building this century.

Ah, the dreamcrafting going on about the video on underground facilities.

It's cool to have live gameplay on whitebox phases like that ! More is needed! Can't wait to see pyro !!

You can't make this up! Live gameplay, whitebox, pyro. 🤣 🤣


We have temporarily disabled Claim Jumpers missions in this build while we investigate additional server stalls.

Patch going OK?


Only three things are certain.

Death, bugs and taxes...

Dear god...

Feb 2018:


We have continued working on animation setup for Duncan Shakma, the master-of-arms in the armoury area of the ship... We're polishing up the assets to a full shipable release quality....


April 2022

The Sq42 Feature team continued work on the master-at-arms, last month getting the character’s behavior working in sync with the kiosk. This includes retrieving the selected weapon from behind the counter or weapon rack, placing it on the counter, and putting it back again once the player has finished with it.

June 2022

Last month, AI Content began their work on the master-at-arms behavior, which uses the same AI as the bartender but interacts with different usables and plays other dialogue options. Supporting SQ42’s numerous weapons and their varying shapes and sizes requires an extensive catalog of assets.
Mar 2023: We've refined our methods of producing fake progress reports and using meaningless fillers as milestone achievement blurbs. The game design remains undecided and noone actually knows what's up for delivery but as always Robbers is happy with being given a choice to pick a colour for some shoelaces.
"ChatGPT has been successfully integrated into our Progress Report Generator pipeline, substantially improving efficiency."
Don't want to alarm anyone, but 3.18 may actually be getting worse ;)

Known Issues​

  • Server FPS Drops severely and for extended periods
  • Multiple Locations- Locations / Transit - It is possible for all carriages on a transit manager to despawn / fail to spawn initially


This build has further server stability fixes to help with memory leaks. We will be monitoring this build thoroughly over the weekend. (even more so during the stress test times)
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