Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

No wonder there's ire in the air... Whales are getting hit the hardest by login issues ;)

Zyloh said:
It is true that having more vehicles may have caused some initial issues on startup. We believe we have a fix for this, which we're testing now - if all works out, we'll publish a post with more details on the fix!

Pepp is streaming the steaming pile on twitch.

He tried to land. His landing gear would not stay down.
Again, nope.
Again, nope.
Landed with the gear up.
Took off, put the gear down, it WORKED!

He walked to the back of his immersion-chariot, clicked to use the bed and lie down (to save position I guess?)

Climbing in to bed has sadly incapacitated him, he has an hour and a half before he will die.

His friend is trying to revive him.

It's not working.

His chat says "Imagine paying for this game" lol.
Pepp: "I would never".
Star Citizen seems to be doing well. See what happens when you are on the receiving end of a white knight, when it goes south the whole planet is lining up to take jab. Happened here too.

I guess that's the reason why frontiers finance department don't have to make the call on elite.. there's a perpetual stream of star citizen players who have elite ready as a rebound game in case they decide they've had enough with their star citizen experience. Looks like elite has been taken by this subculture of gullible human lifestylers and repurposed as the emotional counter anchor (or THE threat stick used internally when begging for something not delivered). This odd scenario among the billions that star citizen scams out is enough to make frontier 6 million a year?

Can't complain.
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