Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12


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A few days ago:



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The sign up button is actually just for subscription to the newsletter, not to actually buy SQ42.
Indeed. It is now just a signup button to sign up for the newsletter 😆

It seems to confirm it is not just a store glitch/bug or a simple store/price update thing. They may be either creating a completely separate entity to sell it (new site etc) or giving up on it (at least for now) for some reason. Either way prolly interesting to see the story develop…
For a moment I hoped I could finally play my copy of this mega budget jank some time in 2024, but then I though - do I want to install it if the installer is made by the same people who created the installer for SC?

And then I realised we are talking about CI and those loving Vanduul combat animations are still in progress.

(I stand by my statement that if released in the same poor shape that probably fake 2018 demo was, I would still enjoy the janky bejesus of it)
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found my best friend from the other day and had a 5 1/2 hour session on one server tonight. schizophrenic game. depends on how lucky you are on the server you get put on. supposedly SC will try and put you back in the same server you were in so you cant server hop like you could before if you are on a bad server and want to find a better one.
You have to change region to force server change. Asia is a good one when US/Europe don't make it
or giving up on it (at least for now) for some reason. Either way prolly interesting to see the story develop…
Lol. You really think that SQ42 is vaporware or in so bad state that it's doomed ! ROTFLOL !!!
Have you noticed almost all problems af SC (that you refer to judge SQ42) are server related ? And that SQ42 will not have server's problems ?


Volunteer Moderator
Lol. You really think that SQ42 is vaporware or in so bad state that it's doomed ! ROTFLOL !!!
No, we just don’t know why SQ42 has been removed from sale, and simply offer two scenarios:

Given they have purposefully removed the sale / pre sale option for SQ42 (I.e. not a glitch or a simple price update) they may be either:
  • creating a completely separate entity to sell it (new site etc) or
  • giving up on it (at least for now) for some reason.
Which one you think it is? Or please offer any other scenarios that you may come up with by all means.
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Lol. You really think that SQ42 is vaporware or in so bad state that it's doomed ! ROTFLOL !!!
Have you noticed almost all problems af SC (that you refer to judge SQ42) are server related ? And that SQ42 will not have server's problems ?
SQ42 has been in great shape for over seven years now, as it continues into the longest "close out" phase in the history of gaming.

Ask Zyloh.
Have you noticed almost all problems af SC (that you refer to judge SQ42) are server related ? And that SQ42 will not have server's problems ?
Did you see that recent CiG video where they showed something off (for SC) on a dev machine? The frame rate was really low and Jared's response was 'well, he's running the server on his own box' (as SQ42 will), and 'not all devs have the fastest PCs' (so, like player PCs). I hope it comes out soon ;)
No, we just don’t know why SQ42 has been removed from sale, and simply offer two scenarios:

Given they have purposefully removed the sale / pre sale option for SQ42 (I.e. not a glitch or a simple price update) they may be either:
  • creating a completely separate entity to sell it (new site etc) or
  • giving up on it (at least for now) for some reason.
Which one you think it is? Or please offer any other scenarios that you may come up with by all means.

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