Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12


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I see they have sort of the same issues we have with FDev's Issue Tracker...
Yeah, although at the FDEV tracker, far from perfect, the system automatically and by default at least proposes similar issues already posted to help minimize duplication. Not sure CIG’s helps with that.
This situation happened twice tonight.

Get 30k. Log back in and have to claim ship. A Cutlass Black so about a 12 minute claim timer. Wait the 12 minutes and spawn the ship. Take off and start QT to destination. Get a 2nd 30k while in QT.

So twice, the only thing I did in between 30k's was wait on a ship timer.

Happened twice tonight, but not back to back.

I was trying to do ROC mining. The little surface buggy thing. When I was doing prospector mining yesterday i saw a lot of the ROC gems. I did not successfully do a run and sell any though (Except for the trick where you put some of the gems in your character backpack because those are 30k proof). Mainly because of 30k's. However did explode a free fly Valkyrie trying to drive the ROC out of it at the first cluster of gems i came across in that run.

Hadanite, Daymar and Aberdeen. 500 gems nets you 137,500 aUEC, compare that to something like Dolivine which only gets 30,000 for 500 gems.
If on Aberdeen, that's where Hadanite is most abundant, you will need the Pembroke suit and helmet, temperatures up to 270c on Aberdeen.

Hadanite is like a pinky-purple colour
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Hadanite, Daymar and Aberdeen. 500 gems nets you 137,500 aUEC, compare that to something like Dolivine which only gets 30,000 for 500 gems.
If on Aberdeen, that's where Hadanite is most abundant, you will need the Pembroke suit and helmet, temperatures up to 270c on Aberdeen.

Hadanite is like a pinky-purple colour


I was constantly running across aphorite. And if you find and mine it twice as fast, you are better off with it.

CIG has reactivated their hacky workaround that is required because their database keeps breaking:



Wait, isn't the 'Repair Tool' the new downgraded option? When did it stop working?


Ah ok, sounds like it was busted.

The repair tool needed a repair. I should have known 😁

(Wonder if it was struggling to handle requests, even though it's supposedly a lighter variant?)
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Wait, isn't the 'Repair Tool' the new downgraded option? When did it stop working?


Ah ok, sounds like it was busted.

The repair tool needed a repair. I should have known 😁

(Wonder if it was struggling to handle requests, even though it's supposedly a lighter variant?)
Repair tool, reminds me of old Amiga's diskdoctor. That doctor basically euthanised floppies :D
From tonight's PTU patch notes:

Important! We have identified a couple major DGS crashes in tonight's build that may degrade performance. We are monitoring this after release to PTU and if these spike up to become too disruptive we may roll back to the previous build tonight.
This is true?
So, 800 people studio has to outsource to another company? What are those 800 people doing because their output doesn't match the size and funding.
Imagine the Kickstarter campaign, "Give us money so we can hire game devs to develop games, but only after we buil a huge chain of companies."
They count the externals, the janitor and the waitresses where they go out for lunch, the postmen, traffic cops, ex staff and so on. They dont have 800 hands on it simuljtaneously. It's hot stale air to size up the balloon.
Most of staff are probably artists.
found my best friend from the other day and had a 5 1/2 hour session on one server tonight. schizophrenic game. depends on how lucky you are on the server you get put on. supposedly SC will try and put you back in the same server you were in so you cant server hop like you could before if you are on a bad server and want to find a better one.

did notice the server fps started off at the beginning averaging around 15fps. at the end it was under 5. when it is under 5 it is noticeably bad.

made in a million and half UEC to seed the alts with some ships.

The trains in the original Mafia were cool. you could ride around the city looking out of the window, and get on or off at any stop. That was over 20 years ago

I think it was removed in the definitive downgrade edition
OMG, that game was a mileestone. Yeah, loved to use that to shake off hot pursuit. I couldnt say which came first - "new" GTA or Mafia. I feel it was Mafia that defined the genre.
Fun thing #1 that I've learned since I started playing again.

NPC's are back flying around on planet surfaces. They can and will shoot your ship if it is parked at an outpost on a planet (for no reason). Even if you arent in the ship.

If/when you get back to your ship, you cant shoot back. You are in an armistice zone.
Bloody greefahs
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