Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

"Big Clunky Rig" in that refers to the Reclaimer.

Which is ridiculously huge. Its like a 20 story building, quite imposing standing next to it.

Its grabby arm is meant to tear ships apart, one of the many things CIG thought was a good idea without actually thinking about how that was going to work in code and visually, to me i don't see how that would work.

But its always had its huge extendable arm with its grabby claw, it looks cool but its a completely useless appendage, it does nothing because they haven't figured it out.

The Vulture, a very much later salvaging ship just magically sucks ship parts in, the Reclaimer is supposed to feed its self with its grabby thing.
I would be interested to see how they get around that one now that they are filling out all the salvage stuff.
Yeah, it's very much from the Ben 'What Ship Would Space Nerds Absolutely Love?' Lesnick school of ship design. Just leave the devs to figure the damn thing out etc.

(It didn't help that a dev at one point said the claw would suck material in from space using an internal vacuum... :/)


The Vulture not having its struts wide-enough for the current ship debris parts is just classic CIG too. (Can't wait to see what happens to the Crucible repair ship with its similar pre-baked struts ;))
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