Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

The Vulture, a very much later salvaging ship just magically sucks ship parts in, the Reclaimer is supposed to feed its self with its grabby thing.
I would be interested to see how they get around that one now that they are filling out all the salvage stuff.

Like a Praying Mantis I imagine, or a crab, just grabbing bits off and feeding them into it's mouth.....that's an entire level of difficulty there, I could imagine CIG spending 500m just to develop that feature!


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Read a bit of thr first thread and it took literally a handful of posts until the inevitable


Yeah, it's very much from the Ben 'What Ship Would Space Nerds Absolutely Love?' Lesnick school of ship design. Just leave the devs to figure the damn thing out etc.

(It didn't help that a dev at one point said the claw would suck material in from space using an internal vacuum... :/)
A vacuum more vacuous than the vacuum of space.......... erm about having a portable mini black-hole instead... ...whilst we're spouting pure madeupium-onthespotticus...
. ...whilst we're spouting pure madeupium-onthespotticus...

Just imagine the scene - A Majestic Grabby Salvage Chariot is victorious after battle. It's proboscis-like appendage controlled by mulitple crew on the bridge at the orders of their Moplord, swiftly extends toward its victims hull. Buzzing with energy like an angry mosquito, it pierces its prey to begin the complicated salvage process. Pumps whine, seals slurp, and various interesting lights and displays flash their status in completely meaningless garbage in places the crew cannot read. An arpeture opens, and a horde of flying Space Monkeys are mercilessly ground together and shot through the tube like rush-hour at Waterloo, and politely told to mind the gap. Once inside the target ship, they activate their Sorcerous Simian Salvage Beams and begin deconstructing everything in sight. Expensive equipment, Commandos, each other, their own ship - it really doesn't matter. All this matter is then wondrously transferred without mass, inertia, or time to a Handbag of Holding.

Just imagine the scene - A Majestic Grabby Salvage Chariot is victorious after battle. It's proboscis-like appendage controlled by mulitple crew on the bridge at the orders of their Moplord, swiftly extends toward its victims hull. Buzzing with energy like an angry mosquito, it pierces its prey to begin the complicated salvage process. Pumps whine, seals slurp, and various interesting lights and displays flash their status in completely meaningless garbage in places the crew cannot read. An arpeture opens, and a horde of flying Space Monkeys are mercilessly ground together and shot through the tube like rush-hour at Waterloo, and politely told to mind the gap. Once inside the target ship, they activate their Sorcerous Simian Salvage Beams and begin deconstructing everything in sight. Expensive equipment, Commandos, each other, their own ship - it really doesn't matter. All this matter is then wondrously transferred without mass, inertia, or time to a Handbag of Holding.

Epic! Where do I join up?
Just imagine the scene - A Majestic Grabby Salvage Chariot is victorious after battle. It's proboscis-like appendage controlled by mulitple crew on the bridge at the orders of their Moplord, swiftly extends toward its victims hull. Buzzing with energy like an angry mosquito, it pierces its prey to begin the complicated salvage process. Pumps whine, seals slurp, and various interesting lights and displays flash their status in completely meaningless garbage in places the crew cannot read. An arpeture opens, and a horde of flying Space Monkeys are mercilessly ground together and shot through the tube like rush-hour at Waterloo, and politely told to mind the gap. Once inside the target ship, they activate their Sorcerous Simian Salvage Beams and begin deconstructing everything in sight. Expensive equipment, Commandos, each other, their own ship - it really doesn't matter. All this matter is then wondrously transferred without mass, inertia, or time to a Handbag of Holding.

You had me at slurping seals!

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