Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Amazing as always...

“We're now in a position to add to the tests and potentially change some low-level paradigms to enable exploration of new pipeline possibilities.” Technical Animation team

It's good to hear that the navigation mesh is getting reworked, that the great NPC seating and standing wars continue, and that the VFX team are inquiring whether fire can be networked...
SQ42 Report is out too

A big focus for Gameplay Story during November was the Fortune’s Cross level, including a scene featuring an NPC talking to the player with branching dialogue.
“This is quite typical of many of our scenes apart from the fact it is taking place on a moving escalator! Whilst looking into this, we decided to take responsibility for getting the NPC to traverse all four escalators in the level. This was quite a technical challenge that required a lot of difficult investigation. However, with some help from Design, we were able to get the character to seamlessly enter and exit all four escalators whilst they are moving.” Gameplay Story Team

Most exciting elevator conversation ever?

There was also a concerted push on Archon Station, which has hundreds of background crew going about their daily business. This involved collaborating with the AI Content team, who have been striving to make the AI in these sections as convincing as possible.

Translation: It looks bad but Chris really, really wants it...
Angry review of the day...

The worst company I ever worked with​

The worst company I ever worked with. HR is a Joke, their working methods are chaotic at best. They have some great developers, but the company is run by two brothers who clearly don't value the players, just the money they can make.

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

31 Aug 2019
What is CI-G's fascination with wonky escalators? Besides - if there truly is "branching dialogue" then what about the scenario where the player has summarily executed every irritating NPC before they have even had a chance to unleash their apocalyptically awful lines?
Amazing as always...

“We're now in a position to add to the tests and potentially change some low-level paradigms to enable exploration of new pipeline possibilities.” Technical Animation team

It's good to hear that the navigation mesh is getting reworked, that the great NPC seating and standing wars continue, and that the VFX team are inquiring whether fire can be networked...
I’ve just been skim reading the email and had to re-read that line several times, and I’m still not sure whether the Technical Animation team are ‘avin a laugh 😂

For a game that was supposedly just being polished there’s a lot of stuff in that email that looks to my uncultured eyes like it’s still got lots of work required - I thought the polish stage was when you had everything done and working, and you now focused on optimising and tweaking 🤷‍♂️
Amazing as always...

It's good to hear that the navigation mesh is getting reworked, that the great NPC seating and standing wars continue, and that the VFX team are inquiring whether fire can be networked...
Enable "exploration" of new "exploration possibilities" - after changing some "low level paradigms", of course. The mental diarrhea brought forth continues. "Expect to see very little yields" of their work is basically what it says.
For a game that was supposedly just being polished there’s a lot of stuff in that email that looks to my uncultured eyes like it’s still got lots of work required ...
Just searching for "design" comes up with numerous mentions, which seems a little worrying. eg

However, this requires a better specification of the intended design and will come with planned improvements to the hostility system.
Yup, on the final straight now.

But as long as they are concentrating on the important features:

Level Design completed work on three new racetracks (with one more in progress) for a new game mode.
Here are the true testers...

Veterans examining their unconscious bug-dodging, through the medium of noob deaths:

TLDR: They avoid broken features, and walk very slowly near functioning ones ;)

At Ghost hollow, he jumped down onto the rubble.

Nothing happened. But honestly i would not do that, because in my mind i know i will likely get stuck.


I just don’t even think about it, and i saw him do it and only then i thought. Wow .. why take that risk?

Here are the true testers...

Veterans examining their unconscious bug-dodging, through the medium of noob deaths:

TLDR: They avoid broken features, and walk very slowly near functioning ones ;)
This is behaviour caused by operant conditioning.
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