Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Off the top of my head ships that are in game without their big game play part (almost everything has cargo so everything could be a cargo ship)

Exploration: Carrack, 600i Explorer, Mustang Beta, Freelancer DUR
Data Running: Star Runner, Herald
News: whatever that terrible ship is, i cant remember its name
Luxury Anything Maybe Transport: 890J, 600i Touring
Bounty Hunting (prisoner storage things): Hawk, Cutlass Blue, Avenger Stalker
AWACS or fight shot calling: Hornet Tracker, Vanguard Sentinel
Real Scanning: Terrapin

sure i probably missed something

Thank you citizen.
Everything makes it back to the shop...

CIG also seem to be extra keen for money at the mo, running an unprecedented number of 'sales'...

StuartGT said:
Sales events of 2024 so far
1. In Case You Missed It
2. Siege Of Orison
3. Valentines (Coramor)
4. Chinese New Year (Red Festival)
5. Free Fly
6. Capture The Idris
7. Jumptown
8. St Patrick's Day (Stella Fortuna)
9. Overdrive with F7C mk2
10. Jumptown again
11. P52 Merlin Referral-Reward
up next: Xenothreat (soon after 3.23 goes live), then Invictus, plus any ship/vehicle specific sales
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With Chris or Sandi?

On the one hand you have the chubby teddy bear, on the other you have the tickler in black.

Its a difficult choice I agree!
how is this even a question?


Volunteer Moderator
Here is a list

123 out of 157 in total are available in game. Which is not bad actually.

But yes. Game, where? :D
Some ships « are available » but even that is misleading though.

Yes, their carcass is “available”. And you can move it in game on a sort of no-clip model and shoot guns. But most in-depth ship gameplay related elements such as e-war/signature or silent running related stuff, avionics/engineering, or dedicated ship role features such as exploration/science, passenger gameplay, info running and a large etc are still simply missing or “T0” broken.

Can that be considered as “being available”? You decide, citizen!

SC’s 123 (one hundred and twenty three) “available” ships is the most accurate depiction of literally being a mile wide and an inch deep.
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a sort of no-clip model and shoot guns.

That's 'Master no-clip Mode' now! ;)

(So in fairness, there is a flight model of sorts there. It's just a mish-mash of competing designs and legacy stuff, with some no-clippy aspects. Which is all going to have more mish mashed into it ;). 'Control surfaces', materials refactor, etc...)
That 6m streamer is still discovering SC's systems...

Behold, ship storage!

(He'd just been the passenger on that Cutlass. Rearm/Refuel hadn't worked so they were storing it. Not sure if this is a borked trespassing issue or what but didn't see any warning text 🤷‍♂️. Trespassing TPing has been pretty eccentric recently though...)
PTU or PU?
The new stuff, the 3.23 EPTU, of course. Another thing I sadly didn't record was when I crashed my ship into the hangar floor - from below, after it dropped through the surface when I left the seat. So I flew up towards the light again but blew up just as the ship's nose poked through the floor.
Might be Replication Layer lag if PTU maybe? (RL would be in charge of NPC position iirc)
Even then, a character shouldn't try to walk towards two different targets. It looked as if one was trying to leave the hangar lobby while its other self wanted to inspect an elevator door.
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