Star Citizen: What is actually in 1.0?
A Minimal Viable Product
I’ll keep it brief - these plans are
NOT FINAL. These are sourced primarily from a high-level design document that has been corroborated by a number of sources involved in various capacities, and I’ve done my best to try and update and clarify to the best of my capacity. I want to clarify once and for all the amount of content CIG is considering for an “initial release”.
This is just one plan at one moment that was once called:
Star Citizen 1.0
50+ - FPS Weapons (5 Damage Types, 7 Ammo Variations)
90+ - FPS Armors (6 Resistance Types, Up to 5 visually distinct rarities)
~30 hours - of optional Main Story Content (Made to be the “New Player Experience” going across the 5 initial systems, and will introduce every major gameplay mechanic. Players will be able to initially spawn anywhere in the Stanton System, but the story is planned to start on Hurston)
7 Guilds - each with their own ~10 hour story. Players will earn reputation for the companies (i.e BitZeroes, BlacJac Security, etc.) under a Guild’s umbrella.
The summaries of their activities I’ve included are both not final and not all-encompassing.
- Merchant Guild
- Gameplay focused on Trading and Hauling activities.
- Industrial Guild
- Gameplay focused on Salvage, Mining, and other Industrial-related activities.
- Security Guild
- Gameplay focused on Escort and Protection activities.
- Science Guild
- Gameplay focused on Research & Exploration activities (We’ll talk more about this in the next article).
- Organized Crime Guild
- Gameplay focused on Illegal activities like Theft and Kidnapping.
- Mercenary Guild
- Gameplay focused on Bounty Hunting and similar Combat for-hire activities.
- Medical & Rescue Guild
- Gameplay focused on Healing and Rescue activities.
100-200 - “Job Board” missions per Guild (15 minutes for the “quickest” mission, 30 minutes average)
“Will not be individually hand crafted. They will be generated using conditions and hazard modifiers.”
10+ - Unique Creatures (Incl.
the Vanduul)
4-8 - Dungeons (2-4 FPS and 2-4 Ship) (30-60 minute bespoke missions) (Repeatable)
2 - Raids (1 Ship and 1 FPS) (1 hour+) (Gives weekly reward) (Also Repeatable)
~16 - events throughout the year (4 major events, 12 minor events incl. seasonal)
5 Systems
- Stanton (Incl. New Babbage, A18, Orison, Lorville) (Early Game/Lawful)
- Pyro (Late Game/Lawless)
- Nyx (Incl. Levski) (Mid Game/Lawless)
- Terra (Incl. Prime) (Late Game/Lawful)
- Castra (Incl. Sherman) (Mid Game/Lawful)
Reputation System - Star Citizen’s alternative to leveling. Will be earned for both the Company the player works for and its overall Guild. Company reputation will affect the hostility of affiliated NPCs (either registered to the Company in question, or related Companies) and rewards for working for that particular company. Guild reputation will affect players access to progressively harder variations of missions. At this stage, they want this process to take 100 hours.
Death of a Spaceman - Player debuffs gained through various forms of death (scaling based off the quality of medical service) culminating into a final forced tax of a significant portion of the player’s UEC value, and a significant reputation debuff.
Player Economy - To be based off various forms of item production or knowledgeable item farming. This will be heavily focused around the soon-to-be-implemented Base Building mechanic - which will see players transform bases and strongholds into production facilities for both crafted goods and the resources (gathered through farming (crops & animals), refining, or automatic extraction) needed to create them. Players will use Science modules for either ships or bases to research physicalized Blueprints which are necessary for later tiers of crafting progression. All cargo and items in the future will be tied to individual players (or companies in the case of mission items/cargo), and this ownership can be transferred through a future in-game app, or registered to items that have had their ownership lapse (through a timed process or through manual wiping). Traded goods will either need to be manually handed off between player ships, or held in a station’s storage for pickup.
This is the end game of Star Citizen.
Next up: CIG Mulls "[
Redacted]" & More for Future Monetization
A Minimal Viable Product