Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

There was a 'leak' quoted on here a while ago (maybe from The Agent?) that said something like:

'We cant release a RoadMap to the public because the backers will hold us to it and enforce penalties.'

Meaning they have 2 RoadMap, one for backers and one for public, or that it won't be any use at all and never will be. Ever since then nothing I have seen has contradicted that. They still trying to hide information and avoid any dates, deadlines or certainty. Nothing a backer can hold them to.
There was a 'leak' quoted on here a while ago (maybe from The Agent?) that said something like:

'We cant release a RoadMap to the public because the backers will hold us to it and enforce penalties.'

Meaning they have 2 RoadMap, one for backers and one for public, or that it won't be any use at all and never will be. Ever since then nothing I have seen has contradicted that. They still trying to hide information and avoid any dates, deadlines or certainty. Nothing a backer can hold them to.

Enforce penalties how? Backers have no say. They can't release a roadmap (mind you: "roadmap" - not a busification scheme that Direktor Zylon plans) because failing to deliver endangers the cash intake from the gullibers. The more they fail on delivery, the more sceptic the gullifools become.
"Star Citisn't" - the only game where a professional actress as PR officer is replaced with a notorious liar. I guess the handbags were nice and all but she couldn't take it anymore. Or is she just that bad an actress?
There was a 'leak' quoted on here a while ago (maybe from The Agent?) that said something like:

'We cant release a RoadMap to the public because the backers will hold us to it and enforce penalties.'

Meaning they have 2 RoadMap, one for backers and one for public, or that it won't be any use at all and never will be. Ever since then nothing I have seen has contradicted that. They still trying to hide information and avoid any dates, deadlines or certainty. Nothing a backer can hold them to.
The quote mentioned investors possibly holding them to account, not backers :)
Enforce penalties how? Backers have no say. They can't release a roadmap (mind you: "roadmap" - not a busification scheme that Direktor Zylon plans) because failing to deliver endangers the cash intake from the gullibers. The more they fail on delivery, the more sceptic the gullifools become.

I think you need to read 'investors', not 'backers'. That's what the leak was about.

Edit: damn, ninja'ed by Mole!
"Star Citisn't" - the only game where a professional actress as PR officer is replaced with a notorious liar. I guess the handbags were nice and all but she couldn't take it anymore. Or is she just that bad an actress?
The handbag lady was head of marketing...the only noteable PR thing she ever did was to slag off concierge backers live on video. If I recall correctly, she called us all 'entitled whiners' ;)
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How dare you give money and expect something in return!
That was about the gist of the time, she was in charge of concierge support (we get a speshul hotline so we can whine direct). She was removed promoted from there to head of marketing after the Beer for the beergod saga....All detailed in the excellent and very informative 'Sunk cost fallacy' video from Bootcha...the one that has her as the star of the show. Lady Macbeth I think it's titled.

All in all, the nicest thing I can say about the handbag lady is that she's a properly nasty piece of work...and that's me being conservatively nice.

She's the type that if you took her home to meet your mum, she'd take one sideways glance at her, slap you and say very quietly whilst shaking her head, "Failed" as she shuts the door in your face. I know mine would...been there...done that :D
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From the Inside Star Citizen video, the Nova Tank is in white box stage.
I think it's the last main type of vehicle for ground combat which is missing in CIG plans.

Is this the CIG plan where they just randomly add vehicles which they think will sell? Apparently with few concerns about how the game mechanics and tech will function, or will mesh with the rest of the game?

If so, I believe that plan is ongoing ;)
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The quote mentioned investors possibly holding them to account, not backers :)

Forgive me, I forget that backers and investors are 2 different things in CIG, never been done before they the same thing everywhere else, and that 'Pledgers' either are or arent or do or dont exist depending on POV. Yes I mean the legally enforceable contracted Investors not the legally enforceable 'backers' / non-investors / (not) donators who just gave money to the project for legally enforceable returns. (I think The Calders initial investment and the bank loans were the relevant ones at that time being referred to as the Investors, mainly the Calders)

Basically the people expecting a Cash ROI are being told one thing.
The people expecting a game ROI are being told another and cant be told more as the first group will hold them to any deadlines even though the second group wont.

So the RoadMap can't be pure fantasy anymore as the game people are used to getting and it all being complete nonsense and changing all the time to get more money, because the cash people will use any info to hold them to account and measure against it. Something they dont want and arent used to, thats the problem.
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