I kinda get where you're hinting at...but the ships mean absolutely nothing and are infinitely replaceable. I lend most of mine out regularly to random people during a session simply because I have no attachment to any of them...except perhaps my Pirate Caterpillar. I'm more fond of that since I had to earn the pirate skin in game rather than just purchase it from the store.I disagree.
Specific mechanisms/gameplays give specific stress/feeling. You can't give a "surprise" feeling if you have no "surprise" mechanism in your game. The feeling a player have is vastly due to gameplay/mechanisms a game serve him.
For a lot of people, parking a brand new car somewhere give more stress than parking the same car with just one little scratch on it. It's not "special pleading", it's how a lot of normal humans feel this situation.
SC serve the player with a mechanism where the way out of some missions is a mobile destructable device (player's ship) that the player have to manage and protect. So you have a specific stress tied to this mechanism, you can't deny it.
It doesn't stop me lending it out to completely random strangers though...I can never lose it through any form of carelessness or malicious intent by them so it has no significant value in game...to me or to anyone else. If it gets blown up through random terrorism...I just go spawn another one.
When it comes right down to it...and I'll make a completely pointless comparison here...I was genuinely attached to my Python in Elite, it was the one ship I never, ever removed from my inventory and had some pride it was still the original one I bought in game as soon as I had earned enough credits to own one. It was never blown up or destroyed...because I valued it more than a pointless kill/death ratio.
All in all, I spent more of my 5,500 hours in Elite flying it, fighting with it, trading in it, mining with it, exploring the galaxy in it...even fuel ratting with it... than any other ship that came before or after it. I lavished most of my engineering on it and bought numerous cosmetic additions for it...it meant something to me in a way that no ship in Star Citizen ever could...all because I had to earn it in game and learn how to use it's weaknesses as well as it's strengths. Ships in SC, besides their looks, are all generic real cash status symbols with absolutely no sense of achievement attached to any of them...and they'll never be anything more than that thanks to Ci¬G's predatory marketing department.
My Python will always be MOL-01 (Heart of Sparta)...first of all ships in my Elite ship hangar

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