Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Well, that vid at IGNs sure does not have any "alpha", or "early days" disclaimer in it. Not even a meaguer "in development".
State of SC in every particular moment is determined by the direction of money flow: it is a released game when CRobber wants your money, and the ALPHA when you want your money back.

building a house on sand
But the wurmies need a place to live!
Some say "house on a sand", all sandwurmies hear is "clootie dumpling".
Be sure to make that house yummy and nutritious, will ya?
They often have threads where players note the many old bugs that have resurfaced. IE 'regressed'.

These then get entirely omitted from the tiny list of 'Known Issues' added to the next patch notes ;)
Almost exactly happens during PTU where Ci¬G will ask for volunteers to test for regressive bugs in every update build until the patch goes live. It used to be an ETF phase...but they farmed it out. It's a bit more focused than general PTU faffing about and with folk that generally, actually want to help find bugs...sort of a mini ETF if you will.

I kinda liked it as opposed to the usual PTU nonsense where nobody is really testing anything, far less reporting bugs...The PTU phases have just turned into a kids playground with new toys for the majority who now have wave 1 PTU access ...and judging by the ICC pages over the last couple of years, most of them typing on there have the comprehension, reading and writing skills of 5 year olds.

The general decline in testing focus isn't unique to SC either...ED beta testing, back when it required a small payment to take part outside of LTP owners, was far more focused than when FDev opened it up to all and sundry for free. The testing pages started to fill up with a running commentary by argumentative teenagers all pushing their own petty opinions and little agendas whilst testing nothing much outside of others folks patience.
I gave up on Elite beta testing just after 2.4 when the "I want everyone to pay attention to me!" posts vastly outweighed anything of real value to anyone...far less FDev trying to sift through it all... mostly the same reasons I binned ETF...

I still fly my ED beta 2.4 award badge on my ships though ;)

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Well its going to look bad for CiG and heap on the pressure if the Faithful start seeing OtherGame™ do what it was supposed to do. The last line of defence will be the level of fidelity offered (which is higher in SC certainly, but at a cost of melting GPUs and networking overhead).

You really don't understand the faithful do you?

Holy Roberts already descended from the Mount Yacht to inform his True Believers that all other games are worse than SC. So it was spaketh!

They will always find some reason to say why other games are worse than SC and while maybe SC doesn't have it yet (horror of horrors if forced to admit they are talking about a future event that doesn't exist yet, let alone may never happen) when it does have it, it will be better than what other games have.

Where the chipping away might happen is with those who are not so far down the rabbit hole.
Takeaway things I take from this experience:

1. Start small.
2. Build with efficiency first and maintain that efficiency.
3. Make a plan, try to stick to that plan.
4. Don't overpromise under deliver.


Project management 101.

Unfortunately CR never got past Project Management for Kindergarden. He spent the time colouring in the pictures while muttering the word fidelity.
I hope Spheres of Combat is not something like Theatre of War. ToW should just be a shooting park to test weapons/vehicles, it's not a real part of the PU.

It won't be as it will be part of the main game. However, the shade comes from the choice of name... although, perhaps not intentional by FD.
The size of the world is ED's disadvantage when it comes to matching up players. Be it distance, tavel time, visibility. It just works better in more limited environment.

Quickly looks around for Yaffle.

Indeed, and the only way people are likely to see massive PvP fights are a) if the networking doesn't poo poo itself and b) if someone orgnanizes it.

Someone should pay Rexshilla to play it.
Evocati guide to the event - spoilers

Sounds like a fun set up in principle. If the AI works. And the physics. And the everything.

Not sure about this bit though:

There 3-4 Starfarer wrecks in a gas cloud located about 600km from Jericho
One of the cargo types is quantum-sensitive and cannot be jumped with

So they need to drive this stuff at non-quantum speeds 600km?
The max speed in space is around 1000 m/s isn't it? So around 10 minute flight times?

Bit too ED for my blood :/

EDIT : previous message deleted, will talk about it after the event, don't want to spoil.

Oo now we have to guess what you said. Was it:

"Frame rates will be truly awful" ;)
Quickly looks around for Yaffle.

Indeed, and the only way people are likely to see massive PvP fights are a) if the networking doesn't poo poo itself and b) if someone orgnanizes it.

Someone should pay Rexshilla to play it.
Just organize a Distant World 3 meetup on foot.
Evocati guide to the event - spoilers

Looks like a class one clusterfarce in the making :D

I may well pop into the RSi store and melt something to get a Hammerhead especially for the event. My rarely used Carrack to a Perseus destroyer upgrade for an additional $20 in store credit ($0.00 real $) gives me a Hammerhead and a Harbinger torpedo bomber as loaners whilst Ci¬G colour in the concept destroyer jpeg with crayons for the next 2 years. Looks worth a shot in the interim... I'll head off and recruit some newbies for the HH turrets...could be fun...but most likely... a proper class two clusterfarce in execution :D

I'll melt the Perseus in a couple of months and buy some more ships with the store credit I make in profit...since my Carrack original concept is only $350 in buyback to the Perseus $675. I also have a $320 original concept BMM sitting in my buybacks...just in case ;)
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