Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12


"Things were looking good, and then they weren't."
A fitting epitaph for SC.
Wow, i should have known better, but i thought people were joking about backers telling CIG this latest lulz is fine.

The threads are full of people telling CIG its fine.

If this was any other forum the community would be up in arms! But no, in CIG land they get excused.

And of course, the number of theme is "i'm glad CIG are taking their time to get it right unlike CP2077 and rushing out a buggy game". Remember when CP2077 was ED? Backers have got a new whipping horse!

And the thing is, you look at the PU, and you wonder where all this vaunted quality actually is. Asset? Ok, they put a lot of effort onto those. But actual working features?

But if you dare to diss the quality that backers and CIG like to claim, then suddenly ITS ALPHA!


Volunteer Moderator
Just heard FD are now worth 1.3 billion pounds. Who would have thought actuallly releasing products and iterating on them could make a company profitable.

I thought the right way was to keep taking money from people and giving nothing in return.

I dont think the "right way" is a choice for CIG. Incompetence to deliver what has been sold seems to limit their options quite a bit.
I discovered my newly acquired Hammerhead is almost as good for pad ramming newbies as my Caterpillar is :)

In other news, the latest PTU build still hasn't fixed the broken trade terminals. Looks like I'll have to reduce my gameplay options down to the lowest common denominator and go pew something :cautious:

...but now, I once again have something that launches torpedoes...I hope Jorunn will be unpleasantly surprised :)
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Why should they? It's just another bar, lacking distinct visual cues. Boring as hell. CP2077 has a lot of more interesting bars.
Maybe OP implies that SC loks as good as CP2077? One can't deny that it is possible to make good screenshots is SC, but that doesn't make SC any better game.

So in the end, are backers just fond that SC screenie didn't get bashed by CP2077 players? Now that's an achievement.
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