Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Heck, Morphologis literally has a "Scam" Twitch emote making fun of those who call SC a scam. Therefore how could it be a scam?!
I think we all know that for as long as SC looks pretty, and has a complement of 'this year +1' salesmen stuck in its fly paper, it's gonna entice in noobs who've never heard of it before.

It's their look out, for sure. But yep, the dream weavers at the top still have a responsibility. They've known from nigh day 1 that they were selling vapour at a premium. They just got addicted to the exchange rate. And now they'll own the rage storm if they can't form those dream clouds into actual heavenly worlds.

All we can do on the sidelines is make up more fun acronyms for 'SC'. (And maybe drop the odd inconvenient fact into the mix ;))
I think we all know that for as long as SC looks pretty, and has a complement of 'this year +1' salesmen stuck in its fly paper, it's gonna e

I ve tried to figure out "what exactly makes SC fun to people" and that particular answer comes up time and time again, maybe in different words but it basically boils down to "it looks good" and thats it. Because Star Citizen is not offering anything unique. Other games cover the same mechanics and more, just not in such a flashy way or with that much eye candy..

So we are already scraping the bottom arguing with people who think "graphic makes a game good or bad" when its really just one factor among many. Whats far more often the case is that "it looks good" is the only possible pro-argument that even can be given in an argument because everything is so barebones, shallow, glitchy and unrefined and thus if its the only thing you can have you blow it out of proportions which also routinely happens in Star Citizen. It looks "good" yes but its not even competetive to current gen projects anymore.

Of course these extreme individuals who leapfrog from good looks to "superior product" and "amazing gameplay" should be a rarity as they happen in other games as well but in Star Citizen there are simply so many of them making up bogus qualities just because the visual style. In the end we are in year 10 of development and if it seems like the average SC player is a bit special maybe thats because its whats left after many many others left throughout the years. Of course not every remaining SC backers is a fanatical die-hard but the actual honest people who tell you what they really think and who are able to keep a rational perspective are pretty rare when the ratio should be the other way around (cultish whaco being the rare one).

"Star Citizen looks good" has been the projects go-to default point since 2014 enabling people to keep going, to keep spending and to keep defending. I completely agree with you until Star Citizen gets sereverely outclassed visually to a degree where it starts looking like the ugly stepchild CiG will keep going. And if they actually can make the transition to a new engine, effectively resetting development and start from zero (the question is if the community would accept and support such a move) they can keep going until Roberts dies of old age
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Never was a typo more fitting to the topic at hand. :)

I m glad its just a small one too...I sometimes write words backwords and only notice when I proof-read the whole thing. Its kind of unsettling and we r not talking about short or easy ones here. When you stumble upon a word like "tnempoleved" and are like "what the heck..." until you realize what you wrote you start to wonder if somethings wrong with you ^^
Oh it's not about us. Game publishers sponsor top streamers like Cohh to play their games, because Twitch moves merchandise. Gamers tune in, see streamers playing SC, and naturally assume everything is normal because that's what Twitch does. Tune in to SC streamers to see this happening every day. Why would someone bother researching a game that looks cool and is being played on Twitch? This is part of the confidence scam. To appear normal like other businesses.
From SC leaks. Only CIG would have trouble adding a name to an object.
He is not completly negative about the alpha despite the nice bug's collection of his video.
I go through phases. It’s something I love to hate. It probably wouldn’t hurt if I was running it on a more powerful machine and to be fair a lot of this gameplay I have is pretty old and I run into some of these bugs a lot less.
And for a game in alpha it is incredibly impressive regardless of the issues I have with it.


Volunteer Moderator
There are obviously exceptions, several good ones in this thread even, but I have rarely seen players / consumers subjecting themselves voluntarily and so committed to such an ordeal. I can only explain this via sunk cost (wether financial or emotional).
If you are sensible and a bit worldly wise then you should know to do a bit of research before spending your hard earned money on anything. If however you are a bit naive or innocent and fall victim to the rogues and conmen out there, it does not mean the you are the one to blame. You are the victim. It is the rogues and conmen who are the villains and should be reviled much as they would like to put the blame on the victims.
If you were sensible enough to do your research then good for you, but you should still have sympathy for those fleeced but the crooks. It's the crooks you should condemn.
I think this is true to a point. While you, I and others might say it's a scam, the law does not seem to think so. Sure, there are some people out there that had heard nothing of it, saw some pretty pictures and thought this looks cool I'm going to buy it, later regretting their decision. It still only takes minutes to figure out the game barely runs as it is, well within the legally required two week return period.

Yet, some people not only do not return it, but do CIG's job for them by advertising how awesome the game could be on the internet, getting more people to buy in and making all kinds of excuses for why it's not broken but actually really awesome and totally coming out soon -Tm. Some here in this very thread.

Are these people victims? No, I do not think they are. They are not as culpable as Chris Roberts, who I don't buy the he intended to make a game excuse, he 100% knew what he was doing as he's done it many times before successfully, but they are still culpable. As are CIG employees, who are certainly not dumb and know exactly what the company they work for is doing. Hey, I get it, it's a job and a paycheck, but don't play innocent acting all like nothing to do with me bruh.

Others know full well the risks, have read all about the insane development yet still buy in, perpetuating the cycle. At that point people need to take responsibility for their own decisions, and indeed some do. I think it's generalising to say everyone that bought SC is a victim. Some are. Some deserve what they get.
I ve tried to figure out "what exactly makes SC fun to people" and that particular answer comes up time and time again, maybe in different words but it basically boils down to "it looks good" and thats it. Because Star Citizen is not offering anything unique. Other games cover the same mechanics and more, just not in such a flashy way or with that much eye candy..

So we are already scraping the bottom arguing with people who think "graphic makes a game good or bad" when its really just one factor among many. Whats far more often the case is that "it looks good" is the only possible pro-argument that even can be given in an argument because everything is so barebones, shallow, glitchy and unrefined and thus if its the only thing you can have you blow it out of proportions which also routinely happens in Star Citizen. It looks "good" yes but its not even competetive to current gen projects anymore.

Of course these extreme individuals who leapfrog from good looks to "superior product" and "amazing gameplay" should be a rarity as they happen in other games as well but in Star Citizen there are simply so many of them making up bogus qualities just because the visual style. In the end we are in year 10 of development and if it seems like the average SC player is a bit special maybe thats because its whats left after many many others left throughout the years. Of course not every remaining SC backers is a fanatical die-hard but the actual honest people who tell you what they really think and who are able to keep a rational perspective are pretty rare when the ratio should be the other way around (cultish whaco being the rare one).

"Star Citizen looks good" has been the projects go-to default point since 2014 enabling people to keep going, to keep spending and to keep defending. I completely agree with you until Star Citizen gets sereverely outclassed visually to a degree where it starts looking like the ugly stepchild CiG will keep going. And if they actually can make the transition to a new engine, effectively resetting development and start from zero (the question is if the community would accept and support such a move) they can keep going until Roberts dies of old age
You're over analyzing it... go play some games ;)
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