Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12


Better hope CIG doesnt wipe anytime soon

Oh wow o_O You can actually sell those? Is that even legal??

But then again, seeing how EBay didn't give two DUCKS that PC hackers were ripping off Bethesda when F76 came out two years ago. Were using Smurf accounts to hack into the dev room Bethesda couldn't be bothered with securing. And ended up selling all the drip feed Atom Store god mode/end game DLC that hadn't been released yet. EBay is truly the corporatized version of Pirate Bay 😂
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Whatever happened to these xenophillic linguist experts?

Did all these ppl get demoted and/or let go for daring to be competent at their jobs?

But I thought there were all sorts of cool new things?
Lots of cool things that are broken, some cool things that aren't but don't work properly and a lot of not so cool game bugs and server crashes. I haven't been able to launch the game for a couple of weeks due to some weird happenstance I can't fathom out...
they have been replaced with this:
Well given the fact I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed (but fingers are insightful enough to use Google) I decided to see if I could scry this cipher from the Great Pedantic Tower of CI.....


...employed some mad cut 'n paste keyboard warrior skillz from keywords into that Rosetta Stone site of yours. And received this divination in Gobbledygook that would turn Dumbledore green with envy:


Which word order proved intriguing, as "wet face" bore an ominous portent to that brine concentrate fluid which originates from one's eyes. Which in turn, logically brought me right back to my original dilemma at ground zero.


Thanks with the guidance in solving this puzzler. It appears those CI linguists were double agents working for Hitler and were dually sacked for their competence in both endeavors. /end mad logic> :geek:


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So, apparently CIG are putting together a Vehicle Experience Team to look at how vehicles, including spaceships, should work...... 8 fracking years after they started development. 6 years after their initial estimate for the release of the game! You can't make this stuff up!

Also, in "people can't understand why people say mean things about SC" land... Source:

"I'm getting kind of sick of having to defend this game to people in bars, my friends, randoms who join my discord."

You know, maybe, just maybe, if you are having to defend a game so much to so many diverse people, including (apparently) random people in bars, just maybe, there is something not quite right with the product. Also, dear redditor... perhaps stop bringing up the topic of SC with random people in bars. Also your friends are clearly all Derek Smart alt goon FUDsters and you should clearly get rid on them and buy more JPGs. That will totally show them how wrong they were :D
Today's video - Star Citizen PVP - Woo!

Different solar systems are connected to each other - apparently.

Stanton is lawful. Terra is safe. Pyro you should expect to be blown up in - although neither exist.

100% safety anywhere cannot be guaranteed. Stanton is so lawful it has lawless areas. PVP slider will not be player-facing, but will instead be a backend of "player choice". Pew-pew will lead to higher rewards for killing pew-pews, and they will apparently leave behind salvageable goodies - but global inventory will not apparently apply?

If you are norty in Green Zones then turrets and security AI will be out to get you! PVP slider is again - not something selectable playerwise.

Physical inventory and food / heat / burden gumpf. Lots of imaginary handwavium. They are basically going for Halo weapons / Skyrim backpack. Meta builds will be drawn up in two seconds.

Current mining "wheel" wil be replaced with the "grid" it was always intended to be. Mole - can you help us out here on that one?

Item persistence and icache are currently not online. Something was so spoilery (our outright bad) it had to get muted.

Theaters of War is supposedly magically including AI ships and physics refactors. They had no idea how poor performance could get in a limited test group, the overhead of matchmaking, party joining and squads was a bit too much - but the good news is that all the fixes apply to the PU - so full 50 player PVP in the PU is totally possible!

Their servers have some concurreny scaling issues. Arena Commander and Star Marine matchmakers are not fit for purpose???

Fire extinguishers and chairs have confirmed player kills!

The next version of Theaters of War will be more like Star Citizen.
The ToW discussion was terrible. Sean and Richard didn't give any timeline or indication of when backers will see the next version. This is after telling the press it would release in early 2020.
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