Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

The new person isn't wrong. "Arguing about Star Citizen" is the topic wherever Star Citizen is mentioned.

Even the backers don't always agree on what they're supposed to be getting. (Even Chris Roberts disagrees with what the game is supposed to be or when it's supposed to be, given his statements over the past decade.)
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Somehow this content means nothing anymore now that elite is in the same boat game wise. I don't get the pass to complain about one bad game when "my game" is just as uncertain. Feels good to drop it actually. Doesn't help that the half the reason why star citizen is not appealing is the community and the elite community is matching that post for post these days.

ps. The other game is doing great.. while it isn't really a space game, its space legs for sure. Skips along in fresh air don't have to pretend anything.

Yeah, NMS is doing amazing.
Main question: Why?

Why is everything so absolutely huge and completely non-interactive?

Chris Roberts

Why do I need a museum inside a space game?

Chris Roberts

Why do I need to take the bus inside a space game?

Chris Roberts

Why do I need a two story ship full of empty rooms with nothing to do inside?

Chris Roberts

Why does this empty shell take over 75 GB to download?

Chris Roberts

Why does it run slower than CyberPunk 2077 on my base PS4?

Chris Roberts
If star citizen becomes optimized before elite does (server meshing removing the server caused hitches?), i'll buy it just out of spite.

Months ago d2ea said that you can earn all the pay ships in game with grind time much less than classic ed (which i didn't mind at all). If you can do that you can't really complain about the funny store transactions. Its much worse in real mmo's where many things are only available via cash purchase. Just avoid the star citizens who play it and space game.
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If star citizen becomes optimized before elite does (server meshing removing the server caused hitches?), i'll buy it just out of spite.

Ah,. the classic spite pledge. Be sure to get an Idris!

Months ago d2ea said that you can earn all the pay ships in game with grind time much less than class ed (which i didn't mind at all). If you can do that you can't really complain about the funny store transactions. Its much worse in real mmo's where many things are only available via cash purchase. Just avoid the star citizens who play it and space game.

You can buy almost all ships that are done with in-game credits, until the next wipe. Then you will lose them.
Still loads of salt on Spectrum over the ship showdown voting.

But not to go into that topic further, here's some other threads

Perhaps finally some PvEers are waking up to the fact that when you mix PvP and PvE in an open world game with consequences for death things might not be as rosy as they initially appeared. FD understood this and thus we have modes. Many MMO companies understand it and offer separate servers. CIG thing they can design the game so that it won't create a toxic environment when it opens up to the masses. Haha. There is a guy in there saying they totally plan to zerg people from alt accounts and gift them stuff from their main accounts to keep them in credits. Its totally going to be a thing.

And CIG have registered ToW as a standalone game which is causing some discussion.

I wonder who they think they can sell ToW as a standalone game? Well, i suppose they could sell it to backers :p

Nice to see backers money that was given to develop SQ42 and SC directed to a different project, especially before those two are even delivered.

Double plus funny if its released on console.

Woah, Boo Huxley actually being critical of CIG!!!

Yes, I think that most people would agree that stating the need for ToW was; 'to help balance the PU', was transparently (censored)!

Of course, thread is locked by CIG

Hi folks!

We appreciate the enthusiasm regarding Theaters of War and we'll have more to show you as development continues.

That said, given the hyperbolic assertions, speculation regarding real-world litigation, and other factors on display that aren't contributing to a healthy discussion, we're going to close the thread here.
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Volunteer Moderator
The funny part of trying out the Star Citizen Firefly every two years or so, is that you get entirely new game to try out every single time.

This time it was an 5 fps walking simulator with an art style reminding me of CyberPunk 2077. After straying through a bunch of non-interactive scenery which tries to represent some kind of Crusader museum, I finally managed to catch the sky bus, which called itself a train on the inside and took a ride to the space port. Why the owner of four ships including a two story luxury cruise ship has to ride the bus is beyond me. What kind of dystopia does this represent?

After figuring out at the public transport station that I have to take another elevator to get to the actual space port, I finally managed to find the ship retrieval terminal, which promptly told me that my ship is in hanger 19. The port however only featured elevators to ten hangars. As the adventure game player I am, I first had to solve the riddle by scrolling through the touch screen inside of any elevator through all hangers to reach the right one.

After searching through the two-story luxury ship for the cockpit (first thing I've ended up in was the bathroom), I entered the forward left seat only to find out that it is not the pilot seat. After getting out and looking behind me I finally found the seat with the to joysticks and took off with R and the space bar. However a second after that the hangar announced that I took to long to leave the platform and I have to return my ship to storage.

Nevertheless I didn't manage to open the hangar doors anyway, because I didn't remember how that worked from two years ago.

Main question: Why?

Why is everything so absolutely huge and completely non-interactive?
Why do I need a museum inside a space game?
Why do I need to take the bus inside a space game?
Why do I need a two story ship full of empty rooms with nothing to do inside?
Why does this empty shell take over 75 GB to download?
Why does it run slower than CyberPunk 2077 on my base PS4?
Because it's Tier 0. Later you will have a glorious opportunity to purchase the personal driving license, driving permit for the planet, vehicle entry permit for the spaceport, and the actual car itself! But you have to wait until CI-G finishes server meshing.

It's early days!

First I wake up inside the two story luxury suite in the best hotel on the planet - instead of the single room working-poor accommodation the game decided was my actual residential space. After enjoying all the amenities of that suite, I call my concierge to get my private shuttle to the next helipad on the roof, so I quickly get to my two-story luxury cruise ship parked in a zero gravity orbit. That way I don't have to waste all that fuel to have a huge ship reach escape velocity - as you know I didn't get rich by spending tons of money.

I also find it really amusing, that the Chairman's Club was located inside the space port with public access like a regular bar instead of being in an exclusive resort on a private island. It seems Chris Roberts has no clue about how upper class people actually live. Buying a $4 million mansion doesn't make you upper class.

Beside all that lore which doesn't add up, the scale of everything was just completely off. Every asset was just humongous. I realize now why the third party Star Marine assets didn't fit in.
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