They are just getting lazy now.
Those new space-bikes look more like Nvidia graphics cards than erm, space-bikes
I'd love to commute to work on that thing though. Have to make do with my GoCycle until then.
watching the last episode of ATV i had a chill.
the very last phrase of one of the guys that explained the building of a solar system:
''we never been able to complete a solar system with cryengine because that engine wasn't able to do it at all''.
so the shameful truth comes out at last.. 4 year wasted to try to build a entire universe when you cannot even complete a single
solar system ?.
I've just gone and watched this video and you have misquoted to be fair.
"...we would never be able to solar system let alone, y'know, the hundreds of solar systems we're going to be able to, going to have to make
if it wasn't for this tool. You can imagine the amount of hours it would take to hand move these out. Because the CryEngine was never built to do this. You know, again I say it sounds extremely simple, and it is a simple tool but it wasn't there out the box."
So they have a tool that lets them do what they need to do but CryEngine out of the box never had this tool which would have made it difficult if not downright impossible.
That's not quite what you suggested is it. If you are going to quote the man at least do it accurately and give people that haven't bothered to watch the video, and I still haven't watched the whole thing and only what you were drawing attention to, the facts rather than a version of them.
Rewinding a bit to find out exactly what this "tool" is, as I had no idea.
The tools is called Solar System Ed (SolEd). Written by Sasha Huber ( did a quick search so spelling may be off!) from Germany. It allows them to build a star system with a hierarchy, adding a star then children orbiting bodies.
Conceptually that sounds fine but that in itself doesn't really answer the core question for me, which is whether their version of CryEngine can graphically depict that star system for many different players at the same time, regardless of how it was designed.
For me, I would look forward to watching a timelapse video, or trying it myself of course, of a ship near an orbiting space station and then flying in real time down to the surface without using quantum drive or any other in-game "trickery". Or an even longer journey, say planet to planet, just to see if it would actually be possible or whether the use of quantum drive is necessary to jump from one instanced location to another.