State of the Game

Playing something that one doesn't enjoy what one has, and would rather dwell on what it "might be", or "should have been" is a recipe for disillusionment.

Playing with what exists is the only way, and if that isn't entertaining, find something that is 🤷‍♂️

who said people dont enjoy playing? I enjoy walking. But i'm certainly not going to enjoy all the dog crap i have to avoid. Especially when that dog crap is prohibiting enjoying the sidewalk in more entertaining ways. And so while walking is enjoyable even though it's boring and repetitive...the knowledge that it's so close to being better.. overshadows that enjoyment in discussion. as it should, since the dog crap is avoidable and not neccessary.
i dont feel like giving up on the game even though the developers are bad. it's not the game's fault or the players that it's in the state it's in. Always a chance it can get better, be sold, or released to the community.
"The state it is in..." is the only state it will be in, regardless of change, be it for better or worse, of the "state it is in", for you, is tiresome, why bother? The developers are not going to give it to the community, build it on the Unreal engine or sell it off to another developer (I doubt any would want it - if the genre was that profitable we'd be inundated with clones of the game, we aren't, that gives a subtle hint, I'd surmise) for the forseeable future.

"Oh, but the developers are..." Yeah, same old, same old... Why not just admit that the fault is not theirs, but yours? You expect what they have not delivered...

It actually is quite amazing, honestly!
This current if the game gets sold meta is probably one of the funniest meta in a long while.

how is it meta?

i wouldn't expect fdev would ever part ways with the IP... for sure. more likely is that Fdev gets purchased entirely. And then parted out / restructured / replaced etc. That's how most games switch hands when they're not already third party ip
how is it meta?

i wouldn't expect fdev would ever part ways with the IP... for sure. more likely is that Fdev gets purchased entirely. And then parted out / restructured / replaced etc. That's how most games switch hands when they're not already third party ip

Because you're not the only person I've read today or indeed in the last few months that have been zig zagging back and forth between the five stages. The oh perhaps the IP will get sold to another developer is the bargaining stage.

Be careful what you wish for its more likely that a third party would buy Frontier and ditch Elite or turn it into a p2w money maker than actually "fix" the game.
"The state it is in..." is the only state it will be in, regardless of change, be it for better or worse, of the "state it is in", for you, is tiresome, why bother? The developers are not going to give it to the community, build it on the Unreal engine or sell it off to another developer (I doubt any would want it - if the genre was that profitable we'd be inundated with clones of the game, we aren't, that gives a subtle hint, I'd surmise) for the forseeable future.

"Oh, but the developers are..." Yeah, same old, same old... Why not just admit that the fault is not theirs, but yours? You expect what they have not delivered...

It actually is quite amazing, honestly!

that's doomier than anything I mentioned. The idea that the game stagnates as-is ... If you want to get into doomism, that's how you get into doomism.

I expect what is sold...not revised to match what is actually delivered and then pretend like everyone else is being unrealistic. I hope for what is possible given the potential of what exists in the game.

What would be my fault? that i dont keep lowering my expectations each update to match the level of quality provided? That i dont forget about what was last released and then abandoned ? What is the implication there? that i could do more thru self delusion and twist it into a positive from an negative? i can play everything in the game i can play for however long i want to no matter what my opinion of the game is.

I'm not complaining about being forced to play the game. That would be my fault. The game being in the state it's in is entirely fdev's fault. Not some virus's that they tried to shift the blame to initially...not just the nature of software ... But that's something that can certainly ...and should change. Even someone as blind as you would be able to see that it's got miles of headroom to improve there... even if many other game design aspects are set in stone.
Because you're not the only person I've read today or indeed in the last few months that have been zig zagging back and forth between the five stages. The oh perhaps the IP will get sold to another developer is the bargaining stage.

Be careful what you wish for its more likely that a third party would buy Frontier and ditch Elite or turn it into a p2w money maker than actually "fix" the game.

you'd have to give something to win first. which would be a huge change to the game. would it be some kind of ownership of systems? Would they make the game's economy playerbased soley? would you be able to found and control factions and eliminate factions?

So many options are possible there and at least one would have to exist for a pay to win model to factor in. lots of work. I'm not worried about a pay to win model because i dont think anyone is refactoring the game just to do so. if they changed the game to allow players to purchase ships or engineering stuff by cash, that wouldn't impact the game in the slightest. The game is already balanced like that's the way it works anyway. Things are infinitely available and placed behind a time sink with little if any skill required to acquire it. just time. The fact that some players have xyz and you dont doesn't tip the game in their favor. ..there is nothing to tip.

pay to win with time is no different really than pay to win with cash. And we already have the former.
you'd have to give something to win first. which would be a huge change to the game. would it be some kind of ownership of systems? Would they make the game's economy playerbased soley? would you be able to found and control factions and eliminate factions?

So many options are possible there and at least one would have to exist for a pay to win model to factor in. lots of work. I'm not worried about a pay to win model because i dont think anyone is refactoring the game just to do so. if they changed the game to allow players to purchase ships or engineering stuff by cash, that wouldn't impact the game in the slightest. The game is already balanced like that's the way it works anyway. Things are infinitely available and placed behind a time sink with little if any skill required to acquire it. just time. The fact that some players have xyz and you dont doesn't tip the game in their favor. ..there is nothing to tip.

pay to win with time is no different really than pay to win with cash. And we already have the former.

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