State of the Game

See the movie I talked about earlier ? "The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert". It's an Australian movie about transexuals, and their "adventures". You have australian "rednecks", racism, sexism and all that. But it's done in a good way, and it's funny. This is humour about a touchy subject AND minorities (even more in the 90's) done well. I encourage watching it.
You liked that movie? Really?
I thought it was a disaster!
And believe me, I have nothing but absolute admiration for trans people. Some of the best folk you'll ever meet 😉 But that movie wasn't funny at all.
Well, this photo was made on Monday evening AFAIR, after a weekend with my "old pack".
We make some kind of "time travel" trip once a year, a weekend "like in old times" - starts with going to club on Friday and ends on Sunday.
So I guess my eyes were just very tired, or I had so much "leftovers" from weekend that I was still... "confused" ;)
Now for the real trippy part, how did I know I would need to have a hint in my name, without prior knowledge of this conversation?

I understand this MORE then most of people who got angry at me today here would ever expect ;)

Unfortunately there is no other way to have happy life and calm soul then grow over negative feedback to your person,
and you only know you have achieved this when you have enough distance to yourself
to laugh at those perks/properties of yourself that used to be your fragilities, triggering points, and be patronizingly arrogant to people who want to insult you.

I've been mocked for some reasons I won't explain further, went a very long way from being a very fragile kid/teen, to the point I have described above.

And closing some group of people under protective "dome" is not helpful there.
At least not in the long run. They need to "harden", whether they want or not, because there will be always mean people out there who just like to hurt/humiliate others,
using any way they find working. And thinking that you can change it by some laws or telling people what can they laugh at and what not, is purely delusional wishful thinking.

I think there is not much to say on this topic from my side, so I hope it will serve as my summary.
Well Said! 😎😘
Well, this photo was made on Monday evening AFAIR, after a weekend with my "old pack".
We make some kind of "time travel" trip once a year, a weekend "like in old times" - starts with going to club on Friday and ends on Sunday.
So I guess my eyes were just very tired, or I had so much "leftovers" from weekend that I was still... "confused" ;)
Sounds like a fun, if exhausting weekend! 🥳
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