COMPLETED CG Support Shadow President Winters Against Federal Surveillance (Data)

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How is this CG having only 1/5th the turn in of the other with around 1/2 the contributors ? Haven't you seen how the tiers scale ? At the current rate this CG will fail to even get to tier 6, and just look at the other CG how much more money that is.
How is this CG having only 1/5th the turn in of the other with around 1/2 the contributors ? Haven't you seen how the tiers scale ? At the current rate this CG will fail to even get to tier 6, and just look at the other CG how much more money that is.
yes, would like to push the Winter one to T6, too
as 2x T6-top25% is more Cr than 1x Top10%.
But if I loose the Hudson 10% and Winter dont get to T6 I'd lose mo'money ;)
yes, would like to push the Winter one to T6, too
as 2x T6-top25% is more Cr than 1x Top10%.
But if I loose the Hudson 10% and Winter dont get to T6 I'd lose mo'money ;)
One trip to Jameson is ~1 day worth of top 10% bracket growth, lots of time to help Winters limp over the line of tier 6.
Oooh, they get a KWS!
Now what does that have to do with Jameson Crash Site? :unsure:
At this time I guess it's the insane rewards more than the scanner, combined with the snowballing. It's just nuts.
The person I was responding to asked "Is there a trick to finding lots of data for this community goal?". I advised them to read the other CG-related thread, which has multiple posts on that specific topic. That faction clearly has more participants, no doubt first because of the KWS reward, and now because the cash rewards are so much higher. But it's also worth noting that the posts over there have been more helpful for newbie participants.

Generally, IMO, it's advisable to read both threads in competing CGs, as you never know what tips and tricks may be found in each.
The money reward is always there, it's the surveillance part and the module that will depend on how FD meant the wording.
I lost a vibrant immediate family member to a car crash lately. A drunk hit them. That has a tendency to dull the memories of mundane facts or perhaps make one too tired too care about always appearing right.
By the way, I believe there actually have been some CGs which do not pay the money if they fail to win a challenge.
Well, I guess it's good that this CG is encouraging some of the older CMDRs to try their first CG ..... or else you really haven't been paying attention :ROFLMAO:
As usual you're insulting without even answering the question. As you know I've done many CGs.
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People have decided they want credits even at the cost of their freedom. 1984 here we come.
Pilots Federation members are not affected, so why should they care ? The current outcome will even generate more opportunities for bounty hunting in all of Winter's space, with a 50% security drop. Sadly the numbers on the Hudson CG are now so big, that most people will go for an almost certainly futile rush for tier 8 there rather than helping here towards tier 6.
This is a good starting point.

Encoded and Manufactured Materials are also often available as optional mission rewards. It's well worth to accept smaller fetch or mine missions etc. that offer G5 Materials as mission reward and trade that down / sideways as need arises or if the storage approaches its limit.

I got into the top 50% of both running community goals just with the 60 Modified Embedded Firmware (Grade 5) I had still stored from missions.
Fortunately there is a Material Trader (Encoded) present at each of the community goal goal stations to trade the MEF down to Specialized Legacy Firmware (Grade 1), at a rate of 1:81, making this my fastest CG so far.
scan the planet missions for mission rewards you need. you also pick up a couple extra for scanning the data point. just remember to stop off at the local IF from time to time. :)
If anyone is having trouble finding resources and/or doesn't want to do the MEF farm up there, there's always the Jameson farm;
HIP 12099 1b, scan the comms beacons at the crash site in an srv, relog, repeat until full on atypical emissions archives and adaptive encryptor captures. Everything you can get there is worth a decent amount at converting to Specialized Legacy Firmware.
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So I was playing cop in a RES as a low-grind way of accumulating some data, tagged a security ship which promptly blew up in front of me :rolleyes: I was under the impression this just meant I'd have to log out and do something more worthwhile with my life for 2 hours but no apparently I have to sit in game, completely unable to do the thing I'm interested in doing, for 2 hours. Great system.
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