Taking a break until EDO is fixed.

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Broken, unfinished, constantly "fundraising", lies from day 1, $450 million spent, 9 years an alpha etc.
There really is no comparison to be made at all.

Yep, which is why I'm not going to make a comparison. SC does its thing... you either buy into it, or you don't. I backed E: D more in their Kickstarter than SC, so I haven't really kept track. Played it recently though, and it's pretty good (when it works). It has wonderful coherence from ship, to on-foot gameplay. That's how you do it. The next update sounds good, but then next updates always do.

SC is an alpha sold as a real game when it suits (mainly for tax purposes and lawsuits by irate engine devs). Ships are sold based on future gameplay and plots of land sold, along with continually broken releases that never really get better. FD should have marked it early access (so in some ways they are similar), but they don't sell Panther Clipper pictures either. I find it comical that people hold up SC monthly updates when a lot of the time SC cut content or kick the can down the road. People who back SC are used to it now, while EDO has shown a lot of players ED side what that feels like.

And yet, SC's 'verse is currently filled with Elite exiles. Go figure. 🤷‍♀️

But now its hit the share price, which really ups the ante- and on Brabens reason and calling card.

Yup, which puts the whole future of E: D as a going concern / IP in doubt, if it wasn't already.

I think DB is concerned with Frontier as a whole, and has delegated.

If that's true, I wonder if he's going to roll his sleeves up more and delegate the 'company' to others in the future. Time will tell I suppose.
And yet, SC's 'verse is currently filled with Elite exiles. Go figure. 🤷‍♀️
Because they want another space game that is not NMS really. Both SC and ED were born around the same time, and seeing how SC stays in the headlines by being the biggest circus in town its natural people would try it. But then its also sad because SC is parts of a game, more of a fun machinma engine.

Yup, which puts the whole future of E: D as a going concern / IP in doubt, if it wasn't already.
Yes, that is a danger. But then having Braben give up because his unique calling card that built his career was too broken to fix is like John Carmack giving up on Doom because Doom was too hard to figure out.

If that's true, I wonder if he's going to roll his sleeves up more and delegate the 'company' to others in the future. Time will tell I suppose.
Well, look how big Frontier has grown in EDs lifetime- that growth has been driven by him. He is the big cheese and its him and his rep inking the deals- but I always got the impression ED was a project done between other projects, so maybe next time ED Next is a 'one and done' like PZ, JP etc. He could have made a self contained copy of Elite 2 and sold well enough.
Well the fallout from EDO has been considerable, and cut FD deep really for the first time- maybe it will be a painful lesson? But then, I look at SC and broken games are quite profitable, if you keep things tricking along. FD are nowhere near as bad but, well, I just wish they'd separate things out and have a regular balance update and then content updates.

To be fair the CMs started this, with balance passes but it got cut short with EDO coming. But it needs to come back to keep the space side fresh and coherent too. To be fair as well I think FD are working as hard as they can to get things ironed out, its just a shame that all this was not before and not after.

Sadly though it still shows no clear idea of what ED 'is'. ED has gone through four phases of teams / leadership (Brookes, Sandro, Chaos Period and Now™) and as time has gone on ED has slowly come apart, and ignored its own lore / internal consistency.

I don't know. I feel like ED was a light aircraft with a misfiring engine. Its glided as far as it could after getting airborne, but now its running out of altitude.
Wow you guys really don't see the vision? I can totaly see it:

Elite Dangerous - Space Ships/ Commander.
Horizon - SRV/Space Ships/Commander
Odyssey - Mercenary/SRV/Space Ships/Commander.

All that left is to add Explorer and it will be perfect. Exploration still feels to shallow, Odyssey just didn't added enough.
Actually we should demand that this thread be put back in it's original 'on topic' forum. I'm sick of Frontier trying to cover up bad news and manipulate us frankly. I'm sick of them taking us for fools. We are paying customers.

Write an open letter demanding it then. 🤷‍♀️
Wow you guys really don't see the vision? I can totaly see it:

Elite Dangerous - Space Ships/ Commander.
Horizon - SRV/Space Ships/Commander
Odyssey - Mercenary/SRV/Space Ships/Commander.

All that left is to add Explorer and it will be perfect. Exploration still feels to shallow, Odyssey just didn't added enough.

Nothing is integrated though, and that's the point. What does Powerplay have to do with Odyssey for example? What are the markets for? What purpose do missions actually serve with the BGS? Why does telepresence work with Multicrew but we are still physically in our ships? Etc etc etc.

But don't worry. I can see you're new here, so I expect you'll realise it all in time. In the meantime, have fun Commander o7.
An open letter is unnecessary, just put your support in the forum here or not.

Openly discussing moderator decisions is against the forum rules. 🤷‍♀️

The fact is, it's their forum and their prerogative. I sail close to the wind on things sometimes, but I never lose sight of that basic fact.

Ian Phillips

Volunteer Moderator
Actually we should demand that this thread be put back in it's original 'on topic' forum. I'm sick of Frontier trying to cover up bad news and manipulate us frankly. I'm sick of them taking us for fools. We are paying customers.
You paid for your copy of the game.
That gives you zero rights to demand anything, especially on Frontiers forums, which are not tied to one specific game.
Nothing is integrated though, and that's the point. What does Powerplay have to do with Odyssey for example? What are the markets for? What purpose do missions actually serve with the BGS? Why does telepresence work with Multicrew but we are still physically in our ships? Etc etc etc.

But don't worry. I can see you're new here, so I expect you'll realise it all in time. In the meantime, have fun Commander o7.
Powerplay has been abandoned long time ago. We shouldn't count it.
Odyssey mission work in BGS - in theory they should at least, since they have Influence rewards and Conflict Zones.
Odyssey Exploration is synced with Horizon one.

Trade/Market - never done it much, was never interested.

In Space we should blow things up, Enjoy some cool storylines, Search distant planets for new food sources and minerals, and take part in Politics and control of Star Systems ( BGS does it better than Power Play ).

Deleted member 182079

Wow you guys really don't see the vision? I can totaly see it:

Elite Dangerous - Space Ships/ Commander.
Horizon - SRV/Space Ships/Commander
Odyssey - Mercenary/SRV/Space Ships/Commander.

All that left is to add Explorer and it will be perfect. Exploration still feels to shallow, Odyssey just didn't added enough.
My cynical self reckons the only vision FDev had with EDO is to sell more expensive skins.
Powerplay has been abandoned long time ago. We shouldn't count it.

Remove it from the game then. 🤷‍♀️

E: D is littered with abandoned gameplay loops & features - another reason why putting more cards on top of the house of cards has resulted in Odyssey collapsing everything. Because nothing is integrated in any meaningful way.

You're playing individual bits in isolation - and that's fine - but E: D should be much more than that. It's 2021, and other games are. Why not E: D? :unsure:
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My cynical self reckons the only vision FDev had with EDO is to sell more expensive skins.
It's funy i was looking at Ground Weapon skins, and it seem that some has many unique skins while other very few basic ones. - Feels like they didn't had the time to finish it. And if you remember the shape Suit Extra shop was in - they really didn't had time to finish it either.
That was one thing that shocked me the most about Odyssey early launch - that the cash shop was broken. That so unlike any other MMO i have played, when Cash Shop always takes first priority.

Deleted member 182079

I would go with that, except for the lack of ship interiors (so many paid cosmetic opportunities there), and the fact that many cosmetics that people have already bought are currently broken since Odyssey dropped. 🤷‍♀️
Even with their MTX they seem to take an MVP approach. Just look at the Fleet Carrier stuff. They never added anything to the initial offers. Money left on the floor, I just don't understand this.
You paid for your copy of the game.
That gives you zero rights to demand anything, especially on Frontiers forums, which are not tied to one specific game.
I can demand to be treated like a paying customer as is Drew. And discarding our opinions and ratings of a product we've paid for to the bottom of the bin is not being treated like a paying customer... is it?

Deleted member 182079

It's funy i was looking at Ground Weapon skins, and it seem that some has many unique skins while other very few basic ones. - Feels like they didn't had the time to finish it. And if you remember the shape Suit Extra shop was in - they really didn't had time to finish it either.
That was one thing that shocked me the most about Odyssey early launch - that the cash shop was broken. That so unlike any other MMO i have played, when Cash Shop always takes first priority.
Has been like that with ships and as long as I can remember. Skins can also break after an update and never get fixed (FGS tactical PJs for example). Even the web version of the store is very bare bones. Thankfully my cosmetics spending days are over although I gave them a lot of money for really quite sub par work (especially when you check out other dev's offerings) so I'm part of the problem for sure.
I can demand to be treated like a paying customer as is Drew. And discarding our opinions and ratings of a product we've paid for to the bottom of the bin is not being treated like a paying customer... is it?

In Frontier's eyes it is. They're not your friend, they're a corporate business traded on the stock exchange. Buy shares, and you'll have a voice at the AGM. And the customer isn't always right.

Technically, like me, Drew never "bought" the game. We backed it on Kickstarter. Important distinction.
Wow you guys really don't see the vision? I can totaly see it:

Elite Dangerous - Space Ships/ Commander.
Horizon - SRV/Space Ships/Commander
Odyssey - Mercenary/SRV/Space Ships/Commander.

All that left is to add Explorer and it will be perfect. Exploration still feels to shallow, Odyssey just didn't added enough.
No. IMO exploration killed ED, because a) it has no purpose to feed into the BGS (for expansion) and b) it dilutes the vicious edge Elite needs to be Elite, which is economic and personal survival in a hostile uncaring galaxy. Its not Space Engine, its not about being pally with everyone.
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