Thargoid invasion - Next target systems?

Salvage may also be an alternative for people in Controls who cannot take on CZs or Interceptors. A relatively tanky ship with some multicannons can kill Glaives, Scythes and Scouts while collecting any Salvage from signal sources, and make progress without having to be a hardcore AX pilot.
That's a strange phrase. I don't consider myself a specialist in AX combat, but from my experience in LI AXCZ (no Hydra) it's no different than what YOU wrote. Well, maybe it's just a little more difficult to gather materials.
It's even more convenient than flying around looking for signals.
I have a question:

Counterstrike system, what determine the number?

There's a minimum of 10, but I THINK whether other systems get them is dependent on player action. That explains why they've seemed to only appear on the bubble side, and why the more popular Titans have way more.
That's a strange phrase. I don't consider myself a specialist in AX combat, but from my experience in LI AXCZ (no Hydra) it's no different than what YOU wrote. Well, maybe it's just a little more difficult to gather materials.
It's even more convenient than flying around looking for signals.
Salvage = occupied escape pods, damaged escape pods and black boxes, not bits of Thargoids or materials.
I meant that dabbling in AXCZ is no more difficult than killing glaives, kos and scouts in signals.
Irrelevant. It's not what I am in there for. I'm there to collect salvage first and only fight if I want to or have to. In a CZ you're only there to fight.
We are giving Arietis Sector KR-V b2-1 a bit of a push, but either way I imagine it will end up with around one more periphery to clear next week before reaching the Titan. I would suggest a relaxed approach, but I know Commanders have an innate ability to do prolific amounts of destruction when it would contradict a prediction...

Additional: Either Arietis Sector KR-V b2-1 at 9.92 Ly is not nearly as quick to progress as was Hyades Sector DX-H a11-1 at 24.16 Ly, or Spire strength changed last Friday. Spire progress is now either slowing due to distance from the Titan, or has been made much slower recently!
Or stockpiles of contaminated compounds have been depleted and saboteurs have switched to restocking.
Or stockpiles of contaminated compounds have been depleted and saboteurs have switched to restocking.

Probably that also, but I am comparing the minimum effects of INIV actions here! A minimum Spire progress rate I knew we can achieve alone from previous weeks was not achieved yesterday, hence either something has changed since then or the Titan distance matters since update 18.06. The latter seems plausible—Spire attackers opened with a massive effort at the quite inner HIP 19870 and it progressed moderately, compared to HR 1358 going very quickly.
After some testing-at-the-same-time-as-system-completion, which does not yield specific numbers due to background activity but falls definitely on the conclusive side of an inequality—Control strengths have increased a bit and Spire strengths have increased a lot. I am very sure it was since Friday afternoon, which was the time of week when several unexpected and announced strength changes occurred in 3309.

Using HIP 20349, its progress was short from our actions even if I suppose nobody else moved it at all, not even due to Spire siege or Titan rescue! In practice it suggested around 9.8% stronger followed by around 15.7% stronger, which is natural if we now introduce other actions and consider the rate changing over the evening, where I presume its actual strength increase was around 20%.

Using HIP 22350, the Spire system this time at ~22 Ly where I can be sure it was not due to Titan distance, I think their strength is around 2–3 times higher.
scratches head Well, there goes that theory of the change being done so we could clear up the Titans faster.

Not sure I saw any particular need for a strength increase to (control) systems. It’s not as if Indra’s control sphere was wiped clean in a single week. (glances over at the 18.04 bug which inadvertedly spoiled the new spire mechanics)

So is this the reason to the slower Indra progression this week, or …?
So is this the reason to the slower Indra progression this week, or …?

Definitely, yes—actually I think Spire site effort now has perhaps only a small bit more effect as just doing a Conflict zone in a normal Control system, although with the advantage of carrying fully between weeks. For anyone at a Spire site only due to the extra progress over direct actions in normal Control systems, I suggest switching to Control systems!

I suppose it is possible that the strength could change due to the number of remaining systems, but that seems much less likely than just having been increased.
scratches head Well, there goes that theory of the change being done so we could clear up the Titans faster.
Even with the strength increase it's certainly still doing that - even despite taking out three Titans and being in the process of containing a fourth, the total size of Thargoid-occupied space remained basically constant between the attack on Taranis starting and 18.06 ... whereas now even if the net gain is going to be more like 20 than 30 systems a week that's still a faster reduction than has been seen for a while.
Even with the strength increase it's certainly still doing that - even despite taking out three Titans and being in the process of containing a fourth, the total size of Thargoid-occupied space remained basically constant between the attack on Taranis starting and 18.06 ... whereas now even if the net gain is going to be more like 20 than 30 systems a week that's still a faster reduction than has been seen for a while.
Indeed, it isn't so long ago we were talking about doing nothing till August.
Indeed, it isn't so long ago we were talking about doing nothing till August.
And even assuming and “optimal” pace of 30 controls per week, once Indra falls it would be around 16-17 weeks for the last three Titans to go down, which makes the war against them go on until October.

25 controls/week - 20 weeks||5 months = November

20 - 25 weeks > 6 months (and a week), which would land you in… December or maybe January. Unless massive rushes occurred at all three Titans all at once - not a huge risk of “running out” before August, even assuming that clearance pace goes up as random efforts are redirected to surviving Titans, not counting those lost to attrition or no interest in a Titan not affecting something which they care about.

(And at 50 controls/week it will still take four to clear out Cocijo and Raijin sufficiently for them to be vulnerable.)

So… unless they’re doing on-the-fly balancing for an unclear reasoning or because they thought spires were getting knocked down too quickly, I’m not sure any intervention was actually required. Certainly not to the cleanup timescale involved…

Week 83, 27th June 3310​

Maelstrom Indra
Spire: Only Arietis Sector KR-V b2-1 remains.
Titan: Rescued Bio-storage capsules from HIP 20567 will boost progress for all 11 remaining systems. Vulnerable week 84!

Twenty-six Alerts repelled at Koko Oh, HIPs 18513, 113698 and 117762, Pegasi Sectors HW-V b2-0, NY-O a7-4, JS-Q a6-2, EB-W b2-3 and LY-O a7-4, Col 285 Sectors KB-O c6-10, KB-O c6-11, HF-G b11-2, WC-C b13-2, DA-E b13-3, OM-J b10-1, OS-T d3-68, GP-H b10-3, JG-O c6-15, WN-H b11-4, HL-O c6-5, AF-P c6-16, PM-J b10-1 and OM-J b10-0, Sukurbago, Kissi and Chibis.
Eleven Control evictions at Hyades Sectors RT-Q b5-3, RT-Q b5-4, TO-Q b5-4 and FB-N b7-2, HIPs 20086, 20082, 21138, 20357 and 20563, Arietis Sector KR-V b2-2 and Balak.
Two Matrix systems cleared at HIP 22350 and Arietis Sector KR-V b2-1.
Two recaptured systems starting Recovery are HIP 21138 and Balak.
Maelstrom Indra is depleted!

Targets updated at 06:30 4th July 3310
Varlawoth Control 94% — Thor 29 Ly, 636 strength
Col 285 Sector AF-E b13-3 Control 78% — Cocijo 28 Ly, 1415 strength
HIP 18702 Control 76% — Thor 35 Ly, 2421 strength
HIP 113076 Control 48% — Raijin 24 Ly, 5740 strength
Col 285 Sector BA-P c6-3 Control 40% — Cocijo 30 Ly, 3800 strength
Pegasi Sector GW-W d1-92 Control 38% *38.4%Raijin 29 Ly, 3936 strength
Col 285 Sector AP-F b12-2 Control 38% — Cocijo 30 Ly, 3912 strength
Pegasi Sector KH-V c2-6 Control 30% *30.5%Raijin 29 Ly, 4437 strength
Pegasi Sector BQ-Y d46 Control 28% — Raijin 28 Ly, 4612 strength
Pegasi Sector HH-U b3-7 Control 26% *26.2%Raijin 29 Ly, 4708 strength
Pegasi Sector VK-L a9-4 Control 26% *26.2%Raijin 29 Ly, 4717 strength
Col 285 Sector PB-E b12-3 Matrix 26% *26.1%Thor 15 Ly
Pegasi Sector FB-X c1-24 Control 26% — Raijin 28 Ly, 4734 strength
Pegasi Sector JH-V c2-26 Control 26% — Raijin 28 Ly, 4737 strength
Pegasi Sector LN-S b4-0 Control 26% — Raijin 29 Ly, 4730 strength
Pegasi Sector LY-O a7-1 Control 26% — Raijin 28 Ly, 4742 strength
Tagin Control 24% *24.2%Raijin 23 Ly, 8439 strength
Pegasi Sector PJ-N a8-2 Control 24% *24.1%Raijin 28 Ly, 4864 strength
Pegasi Sector IH-U b3-4 Matrix 20% *20.7%Raijin 20 Ly
Maribe Control 20% — Raijin 28 Ly, 8572 strength
Col 285 Sector KL-E b12-5 Control 20% — Thor 31 Ly, 5006 strength
Col 285 Sector KV-F b11-1 Control 20% — Thor 33 Ly, 4902 strength
Col 285 Sector LB-O c6-3 Control 18% — Thor 31 Ly, 5125 strength
Col 285 Sector LB-O c6-1 Control 18% — Thor 32 Ly, 5096 strength
HIP 17310 Control 18% — Thor 33 Ly, 5039 strength
HIP 19501 Control 16% — Thor 31 Ly, 5269 strength
Col 285 Sector SI-T d3-89 Control 16% — Thor 33 Ly, 5176 strength
Col 285 Sector SH-C b13-1 Control 16% — Thor 35 Ly, 5091 strength
HIP 19198 Control 14% *14.2%Thor 17 Ly, 10k strength
Synuefe OU-D b45-0 Control 12% — Thor 30 Ly, 5538 strength
Col 285 Sector AP-F b12-4 Control 10% *11.1%Cocijo 32 Ly, 5501 strength
Col 285 Sector US-H b11-5 Control 10% — Cocijo 33 Ly, 5555 strength
HIP 39468 Control 10% — Cocijo 30 Ly, 5665 strength
Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-82 Control 10% — Cocijo 32 Ly, 9305 strength
Col 285 Sector TC-J b10-0 Control 10% — Cocijo 32 Ly, 9273 strength
HIP 39186 Control 10% — Cocijo 34 Ly, 5505 strength
Col 285 Sector US-H b11-1 Control 8% *8.8%Cocijo 30 Ly, 5752 strength
Col 285 Sector DA-E b13-1 Control 8% — Cocijo 30 Ly, 5785 strength
HIP 116052 Control 8% — Raijin 27 Ly, 5961 strength
Col 285 Sector YY-F b12-6 Control 8% — Cocijo 30 Ly, 5790 strength
Pegasi Sector ON-S b4-2 Control 6% *7.7%Raijin 27 Ly, 5952 strength
HIP 37844 Control 6% *6.3%Cocijo 28 Ly, 9992 strength
Col 285 Sector XT-Q c5-18 Matrix 4% *5.5%Cocijo 11 Ly
Col 285 Sector IG-O c6-17 Control 4% *5.1%Thor 26 Ly, 6185 strength
Col 285 Sector NG-E b12-0 Matrix 4% *4.6%Thor 11 Ly
Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-143 Matrix 4% *4.6%Cocijo 16 Ly
Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-3 Matrix 4% — Raijin 24 Ly
Col 285 Sector TN-H b11-4 Control 4% — Cocijo 29 Ly, 6120 strength
Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-9 Matrix 2% *3%Raijin 14 Ly
Mapon Control 2% *2.6%Cocijo 18 Ly, 11.3k strength
Kamato Control 2% *2.6%Raijin 27 Ly, 10.5k strength
Pegasi Sector PI-S b4-3 Control 2% *2.6%Raijin 22 Ly, 6561 strength
Pegasi Sector GW-W d1-115 Control 2% *2.5%Raijin 23 Ly, 10.9k strength
Col 285 Sector SM-C b13-3 Control 2% — Thor 26 Ly, 6399 strength
Col 285 Sector PM-J b10-3 Control 2% — Cocijo 30 Ly, 6202 strength
Iceniguari Control 2% — Raijin 23 Ly, 10.9k strength
Pegasi Sector RE-N a8-1 Control 2% — Raijin 26 Ly, 6393 strength
Pegasi Sector WK-L a9-1 Control 2% — Raijin 27 Ly, 6347 strength

The Alert report lists predicted attackers.

Week 82, 20th June 3310​

Thirty-one Alerts repelled at Nu Guang, HIPs 20492, 19157, 21918, 18857, 20509 and 37520, Col 285 Sectors UD-G b12-5, YT-Q c5-28, YT-Q c5-27, VY-F b12-3, EA-Q c5-16, US-H b11-4, IA-G b11-1, LL-E b12-3, YT-F b12-3, EA-Q c5-12, AU-F b12-1 and NQ-F b11-3, Tvasu, Holvandalla, Pegasi Sector VK-L a9-3, Jawul, Hyades Sectors ST-Q b5-4 and BC-I a11-1, Ngolite, Wanmi, Laumas, Bormuninus, Aurus and Unktety.
Twenty-three Control evictions at HIPs 21179, 19263, 21912, 21112, 19098, 20350 and 20349, Raidal, Arietis Sectors HG-X b1-2, HG-X b1-1, IG-X b1-4 and EQ-Y c18, 76 Tauri, 71 Tauri, Hyadum I, Col 285 Sectors ZE-P c6-11 and US-Z b14-4, 51 Tauri, 63 Tauri, 64 Tauri, 75 Tauri, Ixbaksha and HR 1385.
One Matrix system cleared at Hyades Sector ST-Q b5-5.
Eleven recaptured systems starting Recovery are HIPs 21179, 21912, 21112 and 20350, Raidal, Col 285 Sector ZE-P c6-11, 51 Tauri, 63 Tauri, 64 Tauri, Ixbaksha and HR 1385.
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