Thargoid invasion - Next target systems?

I had noticed that around Starports! It "disappeared" in Solo, which I had supposed was connection problems, but that sounds as if watching a targeted Interceptor while docked in Solo may also show that problem. Either way, that is very much worth me watching short-term and warning soon after if it seems here to stay.
It's been an ongoing problem ever since the CZs around stations were added - as soon as somebody docks, the interceptors (and other large objects like capital ships) start to rotate with the station, the same way wake signals started to behave many updates ago. Some people say the interceptors start "rubber-banding" or flying backwards, but you can chase them for several minutes and find you're not moving any further from the station - because they're not flying away in a straight line, they're orbiting the structure.
Victories in HIP 20485 and Neites! That makes five, and the course is such that around seven more can be expected. Haitchane joins the fight!

Top targets at 01:50 27th February 3309:
Pentam Invasion 66% — Taranis 29 Ly, 4 ports, 214 Ls outpost attack
Lahua Invasion 56% — Oya 19 Ly, 2 ports, 19 Ls planet attack, 10 Ls outpost damage
Yan Zangata Invasion 52% — Hadad 22 Ly, 1 port, 70 Ls outpost attack, 98 Ls outpost damage
HIP 2422 Invasion 38% — Oya 24 Ly, 7 ports, 325 Ls starport + 192 Ls planet attack
Luggerates Invasion 36% — Oya 22 Ly, 4 ports, 1473 Ls planet attack
Namayu Invasion 30% — Taranis 27 Ly, 3 ports, 255 Ls planet attack
HIP 20899 Invasion 26% — Indra 23 Ly, 3 ports, 2988 Ls planet attack

Persistent but unfortunately unlikely:
Kagutsuchi Alert 22% — Indra 22 Ly, 42 Ls starport
Khondo Po Invasion 22% — Oya 24 Ly, 2 ports, 37 Ls planet attack, 37 Ls outpost damage
Victory in Pentam! It looks very much like time for M. Oya to get its turn to complete Lahua, HIP 2422 and Luggerates, while I remain at Yan Zangata for now. HIP 20899 is still a bit above projection for 12th with 1231%, though often this can slip in the last few days, so I would expect around 11 systems for now. HIPs 20616, 20948, 22524 and 8525, Nihal and Picenile join the fight!

Top targets at 23:40 27th February 3309:
Lahua Invasion 82% — Oya 19 Ly, 2 ports, 19 Ls planet attack, 10 Ls outpost damage
Yan Zangata Invasion 62% — Hadad 22 Ly, 1 port, 70 Ls outpost attack, 98 Ls outpost damage
HIP 2422 Invasion 50% — Oya 24 Ly, 7 ports, 325 Ls starport + 192 Ls planet attack
Luggerates Invasion 42% — Oya 22 Ly, 4 ports, 1473 Ls planet attack
Namayu Invasion 42% — Taranis 27 Ly, 3 ports, 255 Ls planet attack
HIP 20899 Invasion 38% — Indra 23 Ly, 3 ports, 2988 Ls planet attack

Welp... a weekend lost on Kagutsuchi...

Without ordering people around or being unduly pessimistic, I would love to know if there is anything I can do differently to help prevent that! I could be a bit more assertive if I think that a solo Commander should not invest but a decent group may have a chance. If I ruled the populated Galaxy, I would have ordered everyone away from the Community Goal the moment it reached the first tier and all rush to help.

In any case, I always recommend those higher-activity systems for first consideration next cycle, in the hope that Commanders looking for targets as good as any will be happy to reward it.
Victory in Lahua! Great job overnight there, and indeed then following it with a surge at HIP 2422 nearby. Arietis Sector AQ-P b5-2 joins the fight!

Top targets at 10:00 28th February 3309:
HIP 2422 Invasion 72% — Oya 24 Ly, 7 ports, 325 Ls starport + 192 Ls planet attack
Yan Zangata Invasion 66% — Hadad 22 Ly, 1 port, 70 Ls outpost attack, 98 Ls outpost damage
Namayu Invasion 46% — Taranis 27 Ly, 3 ports, 255 Ls planet attack
Luggerates Invasion 44% — Oya 22 Ly, 4 ports, 1473 Ls planet attack
HIP 20899 Invasion 42% — Indra 23 Ly, 3 ports, 2988 Ls planet attack
Victory in HIP 2422! Luggerates should be achievable for those still at M. Oya, meanwhile we have the last of Yan Zangata to finish over the other side of the bubble. Namayu should also be fine for completion, though HIP 20899 is likely to be a surplus system this cycle along with the rising Khondo Po. HIP 9764 joins the fight!

Top targets at 21:40 28th February 3309:
Yan Zangata Invasion 82% — Hadad 22 Ly, 1 port, 70 Ls outpost attack, 98 Ls outpost damage
Namayu Invasion 54% — Taranis 27 Ly, 3 ports, 255 Ls planet attack
Luggerates Invasion 50% — Oya 22 Ly, 4 ports, 1473 Ls planet attack
HIP 20899 Invasion 48% — Indra 23 Ly, 3 ports, 2988 Ls planet attack

Khondo Po Invasion 30% — Oya 24 Ly, 2 ports, 37 Ls planet attack, 37 Ls outpost damage
I've been ranking federation in Muchihiks, Stephenson Arena. Looking at your targets, progression in Muchihiks will get lost tomorrow...
Well, fortunately for my three secondary commanders accounts, the three will be rewarded with Federal Corvette soon. Probably two ones this thursday and another one for the Friday.
Victory in Yan Zangata! Two more systems are likely, and three look narrowly possible with HIP 20899 projecting 12th with 1209% by typical activity, though 1267% by available time. As always, it would be quite nice to spend only 100 on defending it, though no worries if it ends up costing 133.

Top targets at 02:50 1st March 3309:
Namayu Invasion 62% — Taranis 27 Ly, 3 ports, 255 Ls planet attack
Luggerates Invasion 56% — Oya 22 Ly, 4 ports, 1473 Ls planet attack
HIP 20899 Invasion 52% — Indra 23 Ly, 3 ports, 2988 Ls planet attack

Khondo Po Invasion 36% — Oya 24 Ly, 2 ports, 37 Ls planet attack, 37 Ls outpost damage

I've been ranking federation in Muchihiks, Stephenson Arena. Looking at your targets, progression in Muchihiks will get lost tomorrow...
Well, fortunately for my three secondary commanders accounts, the three will be rewarded with Federal Corvette soon. Probably two ones this thursday and another one for the Friday.

Actually it is not too far from the threshold—
Muchihiks Invasion 28% — Oya 20 Ly, 3 ports, 210k Ls planet attack, 1228 Ls planet + 2946 Ls planet damage

That makes it at least a recommended target next cycle, if not a surplus candidate this cycle. That said, I have suggested to many Commanders now that attempting to coincide navy ranks with war systems is generally a poor prospect. Filtering populated systems to view those with a high number of factions with a specific allegiance already gives few candidates, and then also requiring an Invasion present would give fewer still and typically none. I consider that sparse enough that it would be as well to disregard the war and instead invest reputation in a good Shop system with many Federation factions and run Wing Assassinations, or the quickest missions you are able to complete.

To use this cycle for specific numbers, I count 37 systems which have at least six Federation factions, and I think only one of those (HIP 20948) has an Invasion. HIP 20948 looks like it has only some planetary ports at 55k Ls from entry, but would its six Federation factions interest you compared to having only two in Muchihiks? It is worth noting that HIP 20948 has 4% progress, but next cycle it will still have 1 port remaining, so you could defend that port while completing missions there. I can understand passing on it for evacuation though, given the distance involved each time.
And this will be available on the website? I'll be looking forward to that API.

To follow up that last update and to give you something sooner, I went ahead and got this done first!
The URL (simple GET request) is and a quick schema description is at
Basic format is JSON lines / one JSON object per line, with fields for matching the system/cycle and reporting the progress/source.
By all means let me know if it could use any obvious changes (looking at the "cycle" and "updated" fields here, hopefully those are good enough to avoid merging a report for the wrong cycle).

The contents there will update following a full scan, which will be a few times per day.
It should be fine to reduce computation if you want by using HEAD to check the Last-Modified, or use a Cache-Control header and check for HTTP 304 vs. 200.
You can also ignore a report line if it contains "src":"DCOH" - that happens if the progress updated during a scan and the new value reached DCOH already, where the report system is happy to use that imported progress entry.
You could update the progress from lines with "src":"INIV" if you want, though I think you have it covered once a system has that initial progress reported.
The real value will be if/when performing a full scan catches unreported progress in a new system, so you can check it out and take it from there.

Outside of responding to suggestions here, the existing fields are not expected to change, though some may be added in the future.
For example, I left out its active port information for now.
Victory in Namayu! Activity is calming ahead of the final half-day of the cycle; Luggerates remains within reach, as indeed does HIP 20899 given unrealistic expectations about any day of the week being comparable to any other, though with ten systems already I would consider it quite fine to rest a bit instead.

Muchihiks is on the cusp of the surplus activity buy-in, though realistically anyone at M. Oya will be defending Luggerates followed by Khondo Po. The prospect for Muchihiks may be better when its closer starport is attacked, notwithstanding ongoing Thargoid movement problems associated with Commanders being docked.

Top targets at 19:00 1st March 3309, likely only one:
Luggerates Invasion 62% — Oya 22 Ly, 4 ports, 1473 Ls planet attack
HIP 20899 Invasion 58% — Indra 23 Ly, 3 ports, 2988 Ls planet attack

Khondo Po Invasion 40% — Oya 24 Ly, 2 ports, 37 Ls planet attack, 37 Ls outpost damage
Muchihiks Invasion 32% — Oya 20 Ly, 3 ports, 210k Ls planet attack, 1228 Ls planet + 2946 Ls planet damage

To give @IM2D an explicit notification—unless a sneaky Commander replies first, the post just above this one should be V with the machine report for you!
Victory in Namayu! Activity is calming ahead of the final half-day of the cycle; Luggerates remains within reach, as indeed does HIP 20899 given unrealistic expectations about any day of the week being comparable to any other, though with ten systems already I would consider it quite fine to rest a bit instead.
I think it would be great if you added to your post something like:

SOLO COMMANDERS, go to _____ and FIGHT.
WINGS, go to ______ and fight.

I'm usually a solo commander playing for a few hours at night.. so if you tell me where to engage, I'm there!! Thank you for all your hard work on defeating these BUGS!


I think it would be great if you added to your post something like:

SOLO COMMANDERS, go to _____ and FIGHT.
WINGS, go to ______ and fight.

I'm usually a solo commander playing for a few hours at night.. so if you tell me where to engage, I'm there!! Thank you for all your hard work on defeating these BUGS!

Thank you most kindly for the confidence vote, and the intention is very much not to command anyone explicitly! If you are looking simply for a target where your activity will count for something, progressing the top targets will help increase the number of systems we can complete, but it is your choice whether to do that and exactly where to go. For example, with only a bit of time per evening you may wish to remain close to a particular Maelstrom. This does not change for Solo versus Wing.

In general, I suggest checking the list and considering your present position and the remaining cycle time before making your choice. For example:
  • I have a preference for Imperial space, so I spent most of this cycle at M. Hadad to help defend Vogulu, Neites and Yan Zangata (now all complete!). All were within the top ten, so it was fine to help prepare them for completion later without having to chase the present top target across the bubble.
  • I moved to M. Oya for Luggerates, which may not necessarily complete this cycle, but being above 33% means that it is as well to add more for next cycle. Notably Khondo Po is also nearby and I imagine Muchihiks will have a closer attack as well (less time in Supercruise), so I may stay around M. Oya for a bit.
To be sure, for a larger group of Commanders who will all progress the same system, that is different! Helping those top targets is still fine, but one would also have the ability to choose a completely new target, especially around Thursday–Saturday. Even without completing it independently, we will see what is happening and help draw more attention to it. The hope is to respect everyone's time while also getting the most we can from it!

Week 14, 2nd March 3309​

Luggerates, HIP 20899, Kagutsuchi, Putas, HIP 26688, Ge, HIP 30260, Khondo Po, Khwal, Poqomathi defended from Invasion.

Targets updated at 06:50 9th March 3309
HIP 20527 Invasion 88% — Indra 23 Ly, 1 port, 595 Ls starport attack, 834 Ls outpost + 4806 Ls 0.15g planet damage
HIP 21991 Alert 74% — Taranis 26 Ly, 1149 Ls starport, 2928 Ls planet
HIP 7338 Invasion 54% — Oya 19 Ly, 2 ports, 1660 Ls 0.2g planet attack, 2426 Ls outpost damage
MCC 105 Invasion 40% — Oya 22 Ly, 2 ports, 517 Ls 0.12g planet attack, 505 Ls outpost damage
Holvandalla Invasion 38% — Raijin 21 Ly, 2 ports, 86 Ls starport attack, 43 Ls 0.3g planet + 1112 Ls 0.11g planet damage
Garongxians Invasion 28% — Leigong 28 Ly, 6 ports, 5992 Ls 0.2g planet + 5891 Ls 0.2g planet attack
HIP 30158 Invasion 22% — Hadad 21 Ly, 0 ports, 543 Ls outpost + 6284 Ls 0.4g planet damage
HIP 23716 Invasion 20% — Taranis 18 Ly, 5 ports, 3051 Ls 0.14g planet + 2351 Ls outpost attack
HIP 29596 Invasion 20% — Hadad 18 Ly, 7 ports, 1550 Ls 0.14g planet + 3038 Ls outpost attack
Muchihiks Invasion 20% — Oya 20 Ly, 1 port, 890 Ls starport attack, 210k Ls planet damage
Yukait Invasion 20% — Hadad 26 Ly, 4 ports, 258 Ls 0.4g planet attack
HIP 20948 Invasion 18% — Indra 24 Ly, 1 port, 56k Ls 0.16g planet attack, 55k Ls planet damage
HIP 38225 Alert 18% — Oya 27 Ly, 89 Ls starport, 162 Ls outpost, 88 Ls planet
Bumbo Invasion 10% — Oya 22 Ly, 1 port, 378 Ls outpost attack, 504 Ls outpost damage
HIP 18857 Invasion 10% — Thor 25 Ly, 3 ports, 962 Ls outpost + 66k Ls planet attack, 15k Ls planet damage
Cao Tzu Alert 8% — Taranis 22 Ly, 280 Ls outpost
Chibis Invasion 8% — Cocijo 25 Ly, 3 ports, 596 Ls 0.1g planet attack
HIP 11111 Invasion 8% — Oya 24 Ly, 2 ports, 2474 Ls 0.11g planet attack
HIP 6442 Invasion 8% — Leigong 28 Ly, 3 ports, 591 Ls 0.4g planet attack, 1139 Ls outpost damage
Kaurukat Invasion 8% — Raijin 17 Ly, 0 ports, 139 Ls starport damage
Patollu Invasion 8% — Leigong 22 Ly, 1 port, 679 Ls outpost attack, 999 Ls 0.19g planet damage
HIP 19781 Alert 6% — Indra 26 Ly, 262 Ls outpost
HIP 21946 Invasion 6% — Indra 24 Ly, 2 ports, 2654 Ls 0.18g planet attack
Njana Invasion 6% — Cocijo 26 Ly, 3 ports, 1134 Ls 0.4g planet attack
65 Kappa Tauri Invasion 4% — Indra 25 Ly, 2 ports, 72k Ls 0.18g planet attack
Almar Invasion 4% — Thor 32 Ly, 1 port, 4087 Ls outpost attack
Bagalya Invasion 4% — Hadad 27 Ly, 3 ports, 2507 Ls outpost attack
Ceti Sector DB-X b1-3 Alert 4% — Leigong 50 Ly, empty
HIP 9607 Invasion 4% — Leigong 32 Ly, 1 port, 6852 Ls outpost attack
Haitchane Invasion 4% — Leigong 30 Ly, 3 ports, 225 Ls 0.5g planet attack, 2794 Ls planet damage
Ikpen Invasion 4% — Oya 24 Ly, 1 port, pending attack report
Isla Invasion 4% — Raijin 24 Ly, 5 ports, 888 Ls 0.13g planet attack
Senocidi Invasion 4% — Taranis 20 Ly, 4 ports, 3144 Ls outpost attack
Vucumatha Invasion 4% — Cocijo 23 Ly, 1 port, 13k Ls outpost attack, 13k Ls outpost damage
Chinas Invasion 2% — Raijin 17 Ly, 2 ports, 1199 Ls 0.13g planet attack, 1208 Ls planet damage
Col 285 Sector ZE-P c6-21 Invasion 2% — Cocijo 24 Ly, 1 port, 110 Ls planet attack
Gamil Alert 2% — Hadad 30 Ly, 893 Ls outpost, 887 Ls planet
HIP 16954 Invasion 2% — Thor 33 Ly, 4 ports, 1410 Ls outpost attack
HIP 20019 Alert 2% — Indra 26 Ly, 786 Ls starport, 787 Ls planet
Jeng Invasion 2% — Oya 23 Ly, 2 ports, 2195 Ls outpost attack
Lunguni Invasion 2% — Leigong 23 Ly, 3 ports, 18 Ls outpost attack, 21 Ls outpost damage
Nibelaako Invasion 2% — Raijin 22 Ly, 4 ports, 519 Ls 0.16g planet + 16k Ls outpost attack, 519 Ls planet + 16k Ls outpost damage
Picenile Invasion 2% — Cocijo 25 Ly, 1 port, 395k Ls outpost attack, 395k Ls planet damage
Theemim Invasion 2% — Thor 30 Ly, 2 ports, 3619 Ls outpost attack, 2718 Ls 0.12g planet damage
Trianguli Sector BA-A d84 Control 2% — Taranis 28 Ly, empty
Vistnero Invasion 2% — Raijin 21 Ly, 2 ports, 521 Ls outpost attack, 365 Ls outpost damage
Wangakwan Invasion 2% — Taranis 21 Ly, 1 port, 317k Ls starport attack, 317k Ls planet damage

Week 13, 23rd February 3309​

HIP 20485, HIP 20492, HIP 2422, Lahua, Lovaroju, Namayu, Neites, Pentam, Vogulu, Yan Zangata defended from Invasion.
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Thank you most kindly for the confidence vote, and the intention is very much not to command anyone explicitly! If you are looking simply for a target where your activity will count for something, progressing the top targets will help increase the number of systems we can complete, but it is your choice whether to do that and exactly where to go. For example, with only a bit of time per evening you may wish to remain close to a particular Maelstrom. This does not change for Solo versus Wing.
And thank you for keeping these lists updated. Your efforts are appreciated.
Luggerates closing soon; my new Fer-de-Lance has been quite lonely there at Morrison. Kagutsuchi returns in one day something close to its previous Alert progress level along with Putas, fresh Alert activity spotted in HIPs 21991 and 19781, and joining the fight are Ge, Poqomathi and Yukait!

Top targets at 09:10 3rd March 3309:
Luggerates Invasion 86% — Oya 22 Ly, 3 ports, 14k Ls outpost attack, 1473 Ls planet damage
HIP 20899 Invasion 64% — Indra 23 Ly, 2 ports, 2991 Ls planet attack, 2988 Ls planet damage
Kagutsuchi Invasion 22% — Indra 22 Ly, 5 ports, 42 Ls planet + 42 Ls planet attack
Khondo Po Invasion 22% — Oya 24 Ly, 1 port, 47 Ls outpost attack, 37 Ls planet damage
Putas Invasion 22% — Hadad 23 Ly, 2 ports, 861 Ls outpost attack
HIP 26688 Invasion 10% — Taranis 22 Ly, 1 port, 230 Ls planet attack
HIP 30260 Invasion 10% — Hadad 29 Ly, 2 ports, 3713 Ls planet attack, 3717 Ls outpost damage
Ge Invasion 6% — Taranis 28 Ly, 5 ports, 45 Ls planet + 5593 Ls planet attack
Muchihiks Invasion 6% — Oya 20 Ly, 1 port, 890 Ls starport attack, 210k Ls planet damage
Victory in Luggerates! A storm of activity is occurring at HIP 20899, Kagutsuchi and Putas, all of which should complete comfortably. More new Alert activity seen in Ceti Sector DB-X b1-3 and HIP 38225, and we have HIP 29596 and Khwal joining the fight!

For anyone interested in Alert activity, we have HIP 21991 emerging at M. Taranis. Alerts are proving to be a risky prospect due to their one-week nature, but enough dedicated Commanders moving there at this early point in the cycle could prime it for a place in the order of completion.

Top targets at 20:20 3rd March 3309:
HIP 20899 Invasion 80% — Indra 23 Ly, 2 ports, 2991 Ls planet attack, 2988 Ls planet damage
Kagutsuchi Invasion 40% — Indra 22 Ly, 5 ports, 42 Ls planet + 42 Ls planet attack
Putas Invasion 34% — Hadad 23 Ly, 2 ports, 861 Ls outpost attack
Khondo Po Invasion 24% — Oya 24 Ly, 1 port, 47 Ls outpost attack, 37 Ls planet damage
HIP 26688 Invasion 18% — Taranis 22 Ly, 1 port, 230 Ls planet attack
HIP 30260 Invasion 14% — Hadad 29 Ly, 2 ports, 3713 Ls planet attack, 3717 Ls outpost damage
Ge Invasion 8% — Taranis 28 Ly, 5 ports, 45 Ls planet + 5593 Ls planet attack
HIP 21991 Alert 6% — Taranis 26 Ly, 1149 Ls starport

Additional: I forgot to mention that Ceti Sector DB-X b1-3 is, very interestingly, unpopulated. Short of checking that system personally a bit later, does it have workable signal sources which can be used to fight Thargoids, or have some enterprising Commanders been crazy enough to summon Thargoids there via hyperspace destabilisation?
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I'm doing Ceti Sector DB-X b1-3, just to test it out. There are enough signal sources to keep busy most of the time, though the occasional drought occurs, which I use to make deliveries. The stats I got last night which gave a pip were:

Deliveries to Rescue Ship at Tarach Tor:
Black Boxes: 10
Wreckage Components: 29
Occupied Escape Pods: 24
Damaged Escape Pods: 14
Scout Tissue Samples: 8
Thargoid Hearts: 1

Scouts: 29
Cyclops: 3

According to the UI, only the kills count, but I'm not taking that on faith, and judging from the numbers, I would expect the salvage to be counting as well.
Victory in HIP 20899! Kagutsuchi clearly is next for those still at M. Indra, after which the non-Hadad systems below are the next useful nearby targets. HIP 20948 and Patollu have returned, along with HIP 23716 part three for the return of Wakata!

For what it is worth, the repeat Invasions are a sign of holding the front to some extent. I say this very much ahead of the Alert at Muruidooges maturing into its fourth Invasion next cycle.

Top targets at 03:10 4th March 3309:
Kagutsuchi Invasion 48% — Indra 22 Ly, 5 ports, 42 Ls planet + 42 Ls planet attack
Putas Invasion 46% — Hadad 23 Ly, 2 ports, 861 Ls outpost attack
Khondo Po Invasion 28% — Oya 24 Ly, 1 port, 47 Ls outpost attack, 37 Ls planet damage
HIP 26688 Invasion 24% — Taranis 22 Ly, 1 port, 230 Ls planet attack
HIP 30260 Invasion 20% — Hadad 29 Ly, 2 ports, 3713 Ls planet attack, 3717 Ls outpost damage
Ge Invasion 12% — Taranis 28 Ly, 5 ports, 45 Ls planet + 5593 Ls planet attack
Poqomathi Invasion 10% — Oya 24 Ly, 6 ports, 24 Ls outpost + 14 Ls planet attack
HIP 21991 Alert 8% — Taranis 26 Ly, 1149 Ls starport

I'm doing Ceti Sector DB-X b1-3, just to test it out. There are enough signal sources to keep busy most of the time, though the occasional drought occurs, which I use to make deliveries. The stats I got last night which gave a pip were:

Deliveries to Rescue Ship at Tarach Tor:
Black Boxes: 10
Wreckage Components: 29
Occupied Escape Pods: 24
Damaged Escape Pods: 14
Scout Tissue Samples: 8
Thargoid Hearts: 1

Scouts: 29
Cyclops: 3

According to the UI, only the kills count, but I'm not taking that on faith, and judging from the numbers, I would expect the salvage to be counting as well.

Thank you! Excellent investigation and report numbers, as well as ultimately the news that unpopulated Alerts are no longer completely empty. I will jump to a few randomly-selected Alerts tomorrow to be sure of that, then put this into the possible actions at the top of the thread.

As a curiosity, which starship were you using? I can imagine a heavy, though personally if I were doing that then I would want probably a capably-built Krait Phantom to help with reaching the Rescue Megaship—unless you had one vessel for salvage operations and used another for the Megaship run.
Tarach Tor is only 70-some ly away, so the megaship run is doable in most ships. I was using a Cutter, and hiding behind its shield for the various internals (it will blow up before its shield goes down against thargoids), equipped with human AX weapons to be able to repeatedly pop Orthrus (though I didn't run into any in this run). It doesn't really hold up against the quartet of interceptors that sometimes shows up at the repair convoy signals (I managed 2 of 4 cyclops before having to bail), or even a basilisk with my skill level. But picking up salvage, gathering tissue samples, popping scouts, and killing Orthrus and Cyclops are all doable for an extended period of time without needing to stop for repair/rearm.

I did a bit more today, this time only pulling human salvage (in an Anaconda, so I could actually stop in the debris fields). I delivered the following additional salvage to Tarach Tor without doing any other tasks, but it required fairly extensive relogging to redo signals:

Black Box: 18
Wreckage Components: 54
Occupied Escape Pod: 43
Damaged Escape Pod: 25

This didn't get another pip, but it did jump from 4th to 2nd on the most-progressed list, so salvage DOES work in unpopulated alerts, even if the UI doesn't say so. Though looking at it now, there are now 2 pips, which means either someone else is working the area now, or the pips update on a different schedule than the top 5 lists. (Or, I supposed, the first update was from when I was halfway done unloading salvage)
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