Thargoid invasion - Next target systems?

Sugalis was one of the spire-supported systems, so I think it was primarily down to that for its quick clearance. Can’t say the same about Snoqui or Humarala though.

Invasion targets might be getting sparse for the Titan at this point, or at least soon. For some of that inner populated clearance coming out of recovery, Alads is probably not getting targeted with Snoqui gone (unless the Thargoids misbehave), though Chinas being a target depends on two controls which are still some way down the list. Sholintet depending on whether it gets a reactivated port soon. (And on whether another Thargoid distraction occurs elsewhere.)

Any idea who has been working to retake Ongkarango? It looks like sampling work to me but could also be dedicated combat work to remove it as a counterstrike which only has a large orbital station available. And nobody really likes spinner Thargoids.
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Invasion targets might be getting sparse for the Titan at this point, or at least soon.
Looking at the remaining targets:
- even with Snoqui recaptured, and assuming no last minute surprise attacks, there's still enough left for a "full" set of 3 Invasions + 1 Alert tomorrow morning
- reading it out in my head, that I think would also leave enough for a 3+1 set the following week ... but next week's recaptures will almost certainly prevent some of those unless deliberately targeted to avoid potential attackers
- and the week after that is probably the week it loses (almost) all Controls with the remaining ones not pointed at anything useful.
Can’t say the same about Snoqui or Humarala though.

Definitely Snoqui has maintained a consistent 20–30 reported drops per hour at Fossey Survey, with more at peak times! That is much strong activity for any focal point, and also four times more than at the Spire site at Pegasi Sector IH-U b3-4 which has done very well itself.
assuming no last minute surprise attacks
On that front, I have a suspicion we will see some kind of development on the Thargoid front, possibly this Thursday even, with the recent GalNet mentioning the “Thargoid losses” incurred at Shinrarta.

Though I’m not quite past believing it’s a false flag from the writers… they could also set it up as an excuse for easier clearance of Thargoids. I am more inclined to believe the contrary would occur if they want to make the end of the Titan incursion (more?) memorable.

Week 97, 3rd October 3310​

Maelstrom Raijin
Control: A reactivated port is at HIP 116360.
Spire: Pegasi Sectors IH-U b3-4 and KC-U b3-4 remain.

Two Alerts repelled at HIP 40786 and Pegasi Sector BQ-Y d71.
Six Invasions defended at Holvandalla, Pegasi Sector GW-W d1-115, Wogaiawong, Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-3, HIP 113076 and Laumas.
Twenty-five Control evictions at Pegasi Sectors DG-X c1-4, MY-O a7-5, MN-S b4-8, MN-S b4-0, PI-S b4-0, OI-S b4-0, MN-S b4-2, MN-S b4-7, QE-N a8-1, HH-U b3-3, JH-V c2-22, NN-S b4-5, NN-S b4-6, JH-V c2-13, NN-S b4-10, KC-U b3-6, JH-V c2-19 and MN-S b4-9, HIPs 116360 and 112475, Mora, Njana, Col 285 Sectors TN-H b11-4 and YT-Q c5-10, and Sholintet.
Two Matrix systems cleared at Pegasi Sectors IH-U b3-4 and KC-U b3-4.
In addition to the defended Invasions, four recaptured systems starting Recovery are HIP 116360, Mora, Njana and Sholintet.

Targets updated at 06:20 10th October 3310
HIP 37844 Control 72% — Cocijo 28 Ly
Col 285 Sector VN-H b11-1 Matrix 70% *70.3%Cocijo 15 Ly
Col 285 Sector PM-J b10-4 Control 68% — Cocijo 29 Ly
HIP 40229 Control 66% — Cocijo 28 Ly
Camenisar Control 64% — Raijin 17 Ly
HIP 39409 Control 60% — Cocijo 28 Ly
Col 285 Sector VY-Q c5-22 Control 58% — Cocijo 28 Ly
Paitra Control 50% *50.2%Cocijo 25 Ly
Col 285 Sector AU-F b12-6 Control 48% — Cocijo 28 Ly
Hez Ur Control 46% *46.8%Cocijo 22 Ly
Col 285 Sector KM-V d2-72 Control 44% — Cocijo 28 Ly
Brigua Control 36% *37%Raijin 16 Ly
Col 285 Sector CA-P c6-16 Control 36% — Cocijo 28 Ly
Col 285 Sector ZT-F b12-3 Matrix 26% *26.4%Cocijo 17 Ly
Marindhs Control 24% *24.8%Raijin 16 Ly
Pegasi Sector MN-S b4-6 Control 20% — Raijin 13 Ly
Pegasi Sector JH-U b3-7 Control 12% *13.4%Raijin 16 Ly
Canaharvas Control 12% *12.3%Cocijo 24 Ly
Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-105 Control 10% — Cocijo 22 Ly
Pegasi Sector IH-U b3-7 Control 8% *8.4%Raijin 6 Ly
Mapon Control 8% *8.2%Cocijo 18 Ly
Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-102 Control 6% *7.7%Cocijo 26 Ly
Khwal Control 6% *7.1%Cocijo 22 Ly
Vocovii Control 6% *6.7%Cocijo 24 Ly
Pegasi Sector JH-V c2-23 Control 6% *6.2%Raijin 13 Ly
Pegasi Sector FW-W d1-111 Control 6% — Raijin 14 Ly
Col 285 Sector YT-Q c5-14 Control 6% — Cocijo 28 Ly
Vucumatha Control 2% *3.9%Cocijo 23 Ly
Col 285 Sector ZE-P c6-7 Control 2% *2.4%Cocijo 25 Ly
Tsao Chun Control 2% *2.4%Raijin 11 Ly
19 Puppis Control 2% *2.4%Cocijo 27 Ly
Pegasi Sector IH-U b3-6 Control 2% *2.2%Raijin 10 Ly
Col 285 Sector VY-Q c5-19 Control 2% — Cocijo 26 Ly
Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-4 Control 2% — Cocijo 24 Ly
Col 285 Sector UD-G b12-2 Control 2% — Cocijo 26 Ly
Col 285 Sector KM-V d2-122 Control 2% — Cocijo 28 Ly

The Alert report lists predicted attackers.

Week 96, 26th September 3310​

One Alert repelled at Daisla.
Eight Invasions defended at Vistnero, Nibelaako, Col 285 Sectors OS-T d3-146 and ZE-P c6-11, Ixbaksha, Asletae, Kissi and Picenile.
Twenty-two Control evictions at HIPs 113660, 113695 and 117229, Pegasi Sectors UK-L a9-2, PE-N a8-2, UK-L a9-0, QE-N a8-0, UK-L a9-1, PE-N a8-3, PI-S b4-5, IH-U b3-8, UK-L a9-5, TK-L a9-2, HH-U b3-2, MN-S b4-5 and DG-X c1-6, Sugalis, Iceniguari, Chakma, Humarala, Ongkarango and Snoqui.
One Matrix system cleared at Pegasi Sector JH-U b3-4.
In addition to the defended Invasions, seven recaptured systems starting Recovery are Sugalis, Iceniguari, Chakma, Humarala, Ongkarango, Snoqui and Pegasi Sector MN-S b4-5.
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This week Raijin has five targets possible - but with three of them relying on its ten outer controls it probably won't get to make most of them - HIP 112823 is the only one which would still be usable following a simple outside-in attack of similar size to recent weeks.
TLDR previous posts BUT, I helped finish Invasions at Raijin (did AXCZ Medium) and was very enjoyable after doing no Invasions from Nov 2023, BUT, are Controls same fun (as Invasions) at Raijin or should I just go to do more Invasions at Cocijo?

(no idea about Spires or matrix (whatever that is))
I helped finish Invasions at Raijin (did AXCZ Medium) and was very enjoyable after doing no Invasions from Nov 2023, BUT, are Controls same fun (as Invasions) at Raijin or should I just go to do more Invasions at Cocijo?

Populated Control systems now get reactivated ports, but only if a Counterstrike is present and only around the Titan with fewest Control systems—of which there was exactly one this week, the already-completed HIP 116360. Look out for those next week, though!

In the meantime, indeed the only other port defence option this week is now Laumas around T. Cocijo.

(no idea about Spires or matrix (whatever that is))

A Spire siege at the remaining Pegasi Sector KC-U b3-4 is the best way to help M. Raijin progress at present! A very concise overview of actions is at the top of the thread, under Matrix systems or Spire systems. In short:
  • Destroying Scouts, Orthrus and any arriving Interceptors.
  • Destroying Banshees and Revenants on the ground.
  • On-foot sabotage missions, which should be available from the Rescue megaship in Cornsar.
I think it's safe to say we'll be attacking Raijin starting the 17th, no?
Most likely, yes, if there are no significant diversions coming up (if so, they are not obviously telegraphed as the Shinrarta invasion was). There is a good chance Raijin would lose enough systems to be vulnerable even if it does not get another spire turned back on by Frontier, since it will probably lose another 8 this week (at least) and a few of the remaining 13 will have decent carryover progress from the spire itself. Plus, of course, the inevitable counterstrike ports becoming available (which the Thargoids could just ignore and make the lives of humans fighting back more difficult, but, I guess they want to make it fairer to us?).

At best - for the Titan - it might end up in a similar situation to Thor with ending just short of being vulnerable to assault. If it goes for a spire reactivation - since obviously those have no positive effect for the Thargoids while up and running - there is no doubt about it going into the assault week (days, more like)... if Frontier have any sense to create an interesting situation that will also be the week Cocijo gets unruly and pulls a few more Shinrartas elsewhere in the Bubble (preferably), but can't say I expect it.
Indeed T. Raijin will be within reach for week 99, if enough Commanders apply direct action after Pegasi Sector KC-U b3-4 is done! That moment ought to occur today, after which a reasonable plan could be eliminating empty Control systems ahead of week 98, that the inner Tsao Chun gets a Counterstrike and presumable reactivated port. It has a quite backwards direction, but according to Update 18.06 the outermost ten systems should be Counterstrike regardless, where twelve or fewer should reach its third position place.

Another Spire purchase seems unexpected; I think some Research sessions for a vulnerability push should be feasible instead, although I admit I would prefer to have Titan practice time for introducing Commanders new to it. In the context of securing that last Counterstrike, six of these seven systems need to reach completion before Thursday (Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-10 being the one ahead of sequence):

Pegasi Sector KC-U b3-4 Matrix 94% *93.3%Raijin 18 Ly
HIP 112475 Control 84% — Raijin 18 Ly
Pegasi Sector NN-S b4-10 Control 86% — Raijin 16 Ly
Pegasi Sector KC-U b3-6 Control 76% — Raijin 18 Ly
Pegasi Sector JH-V c2-13 Control 74% — Raijin 18 Ly
Pegasi Sector JH-V c2-19 Control 54% — Raijin 17 Ly
Pegasi Sector MN-S b4-9 Control 52% — Raijin 17 Ly
MN-S b4-2
Fighting hard at HIP 112475 tonight, but on Sunday in MN-S B4-2 was in open and instance worked OK with 2 or 3 others and when it went Boom I got Tier 1 rewards!!!!
I must have gotten carried away by being in a non bugged instance.
I will def try in Open again - great fun, even if I do mess up the Interceptor sequence/stages.

Also, has anyone noticed that the NPC AX Pilots are actually quite good at Interceptors and Hydra's? (well better than me anyway as I mostly do scouts to keep them off other CMDR's).
I just join in after they take down most of it and tag it for final kaboom.
Also, has anyone noticed that the NPC AX Pilots are actually quite good at Interceptors and Hydra's? (well better than me anyway as I mostly do scouts to keep them off other CMDR's).
They can do a decent job of exerting hearts and generally survive a long time against Cyclops, but they do not subtarget so any damage they inflict on hearts is more circumstantial than actually targeted fire. Given enough time they can/will take a Cyclops out though... it's still more likely to become enraged first.

Basilisk, they can be decently useful at exerting but don't expect them to do any real damage to a heart. Survival chance is 50/50 on whether they last any longer period of time.

My experience with Medusa and Hydra on the other hand, is they get slaughtered en masse. That is from fighting in AXCZs with no other players around, where fighting a Medusa frequently results in a fight where the NPCs are either numerous enough to last throughout it but are very few in number by the time it is down to 1-2 hearts, or they all got replaced throughout. Same thing with Hydra but worse, though I've only taken one on in low intensity AXCZs twice.

Week 98, 10th October 3310​

Maelstrom Raijin
Control: Reactivated ports are at Camenisar, Brigua, Marindhs, Pegasi Sector FW-W d1-111 and Tsao Chun.
Titan: Vulnerable week 99!

One Alert repelled at Col 285 Sector XT-F b12-2.
Three Invasions defended at Chibis, Col 285 Sector AF-E b13-5 and Sukurbago.
Twenty Control evictions at Camenisar, Pegasi Sectors FW-W d1-111, MN-S b4-6, IH-U b3-7, IH-U b3-6, JH-V c2-23 and JH-U b3-7, Marindhs, Brigua, Tsao Chun, Col 285 Sectors PM-J b10-4, VY-Q c5-22, KM-V d2-72, AU-F b12-6, CA-P c6-16 and YT-Q c5-14, HIPs 37844, 39409 and 40229, and Paitra.
One Matrix system cleared at Col 285 Sector VN-H b11-1.
In addition to the defended Invasions, seven recaptured systems starting Recovery are Camenisar, Pegasi Sector FW-W d1-111, Marindhs, Brigua, Tsao Chun, HIP 37844 and Paitra.
Maelstrom Raijin is depleted!

Targets updated at 06:20 17th October 3310
Col 285 Sector ZT-F b12-3 Matrix 82% *83.8%Cocijo 17 Ly
Col 285 Sector KM-V d2-122 Control 76% — Cocijo 28 Ly
Hez Ur Control 74% *74.3%Cocijo 22 Ly
Khwal Control 68% *69%Cocijo 22 Ly
Canaharvas Control 56% — Cocijo 24 Ly
Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-116 Control 46% — Cocijo 28 Ly
Col 285 Sector YT-Q c5-12 Control 44% — Cocijo 28 Ly
Col 285 Sector ZE-P c6-20 Control 42% — Cocijo 28 Ly
Col 285 Sector BF-E b13-1 Control 40% — Cocijo 28 Ly
Col 285 Sector XI-H b11-5 Control 38% — Cocijo 28 Ly
Col 285 Sector BA-P c6-10 Control 32% — Cocijo 28 Ly
Col 285 Sector ZT-F b12-7 Control 30% — Cocijo 28 Ly
Col 285 Sector WN-H b11-5 Control 22% — Cocijo 28 Ly
Mapon Control 20% *20.1%Cocijo 18 Ly
Vucumatha Control 18% *18.2%Cocijo 23 Ly
19 Puppis Control 8% *8.4%Cocijo 27 Ly
Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-7 Control 8% — Cocijo 24 Ly
Col 285 Sector BF-E b13-0 Control 8% — Cocijo 21 Ly
Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-102 Control 6% *7%Cocijo 26 Ly
Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-4 Control 6% *6.5%Cocijo 24 Ly
Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-0 Control 6% — Cocijo 26 Ly
Col 285 Sector BP-F b12-1 Control 6% — Cocijo 28 Ly
Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-105 Control 4% *5.8%Cocijo 22 Ly
Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-2 Control 4% *4.1%Cocijo 24 Ly
Col 285 Sector BA-P c6-20 Control 2% *3.6%Cocijo 7 Ly
Col 285 Sector CA-E b13-1 Control 2% *2.7%Cocijo 26 Ly
Col 285 Sector TN-H b11-5 Control 2% — Cocijo 28 Ly
Vocovii Control 2% — Cocijo 24 Ly

The Alert report lists predicted attackers.

Week 97, 3rd October 3310​

Two Alerts repelled at HIP 40786 and Pegasi Sector BQ-Y d71.
Six Invasions defended at Holvandalla, Pegasi Sector GW-W d1-115, Wogaiawong, Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-3, HIP 113076 and Laumas.
Twenty-five Control evictions at Pegasi Sectors DG-X c1-4, MY-O a7-5, MN-S b4-8, MN-S b4-0, PI-S b4-0, OI-S b4-0, MN-S b4-2, MN-S b4-7, QE-N a8-1, HH-U b3-3, JH-V c2-22, NN-S b4-5, NN-S b4-6, JH-V c2-13, NN-S b4-10, KC-U b3-6, JH-V c2-19 and MN-S b4-9, HIPs 116360 and 112475, Mora, Njana, Col 285 Sectors TN-H b11-4 and YT-Q c5-10, and Sholintet.
Two Matrix systems cleared at Pegasi Sectors IH-U b3-4 and KC-U b3-4.
In addition to the defended Invasions, four recaptured systems starting Recovery are HIP 116360, Mora, Njana and Sholintet.
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Have you cleared cookies?

Just now done that, and logged in again—still blank! It is confusing given that it works if I press Edit then Preview on my post, but apparently not once posted, and also apparently only for some. As a mildly curious issue though, I am a bit conscious about taking too much time from others, perhaps unless the cause seems clear!
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