Thargoid War Rebalancing

Whilst I’m in favour of monitoring and balancing the requirements for liberating a system based on player engagement … I’m hoping that in the “long term war” we will win by discovering new defences and weapons that make the enemies easier to defeat, rather than the goalposts being arbitrarily moved behind the scenes. That would feel more immersive - tech discoveries helping to win the war - than the enemy being made weaker “by magic”.
I'm waiting for nerf it to ground, to level "single squadron could defend whole system" :ROFLMAO:

Srsly, first succesfull week- 1 system defended
next week- 9 systems
and they want to nerf it even more.

If players wouldnt do enough systems should burn, instead lowering bar.
Did I miss something?
Yes, you missed something.

"content", not "new content".
Also with enough pessimism you can say "no new content" about anything. For me CZs around active stations, on ground and in space are definetely game changer. It isn't 100% new content, but this new verion of old content is very cool.

If they only could fix bugs with instances, invisible goids, fleeing goids, and dead mission board...

Even ground combat with thargoids isn't new content, because "it is just ground pew pew, but to other enemies" ;)
Same with new ships.
Why I talk about it...because I see a lot of comments about adding similar things, which in reality aren't new, but smh people still want it :D
<yes, new ship without completely new purpose isn't new thing, it is just old content (example combat) in ship with slighty different look>
You walk out of your ship facing thousands of weapons, raise your translation device that looks very much like a gun and begin "We have come to ..." BANG!!! "Sorry, sir. It looked like a gun." followed by a rebuy screen.
I am not sure even Hollywood would stand still for that plot idea, well not more than a couple of times.
It's not a reset. The cycle progress bar refers to the week's mission objectives -a couple stations. If we fail to defend them we lose the stations and the Thargoids move on to new stations which means nem objectives (stakes) which generates a new progress bar. If we ran out of stations through x weeks, we lose the system. So we are not talking about the same stations so it's not a reset per se, but a new progress bar. Take the cycles as our lives, and the progress bar as a lifebar of a single heart - kinda how Thargoid hearts work.
Thank you for clarifying that! I hadn't realized that's what's happening, and it makes a lot more sense now.
Why? We took 10 systems? Are people really wanting this over in a month? Wth!

Not a good move imho
I think you mean defended 10 systems. To my knowledge we haven't freed a single Thargoid controlled system yet.

I am curious how big an 'effort multiplier' being on the defense is giving us.

Station missions let non-AX pilots assist and being able to repair/rearm mid-combat at the station makes less skilled AX pilots (like myself) a lot more effective.

My guess is that going on the offense against the 'goids is going to be a lot harder.
With all due respect, I shouldn't be having to go dumpster diving through my hard drive to try to fix a game I paid for. That should be fixed on their end by them. After all, when it works one day then not the next, then it works the next day for an hour then stops working then starts working again two hours later, what real fix is there going to be editing a single file?
ok, wait for fix for next weeks.
I will try to fix it alone because dead mission board is gamebreaking bug.
You can manually override the mission board server in appconfig.xml in the game folder. Tested this today with a cmdr who keeps having mission board problems, and when he used a server which worked for me, all good.

Mission server #1926 was the one that wouldn't work. Check your netlogs, see if that's what you're connecting to. Also, maybe FDev can take that one out of the rotation or give it a kick or something?

Servers 1932 and 1907 both work.
Hi! How to use it? I set <edServer id="1943" id2="1907" /> but in the netLogs "MissionManager now using server EDServer#1913". I tried to set 1933, 1932, 1927 and several others, nothing changing.
You can manually override the mission board server in appconfig.xml in the game folder. Tested this today with a cmdr who keeps having mission board problems, and when he used a server which worked for me, all good.

Mission server #1926 was the one that wouldn't work. Check your netlogs, see if that's what you're connecting to. Also, maybe FDev can take that one out of the rotation or give it a kick or something?

Servers 1932 and 1907 both work.
Tried this, doesn't work. Different servers aren't giving missions.
Fun fact: NPC givers at stations won't even talk to you when the mission boards aren't available, which makes sense, since they would provide missions.
But such is war, isn't it? If a large battalion of highly trained and vicious soldiers descend on a small village, then the few who could stand up to them would be quickly overrun in moments.

As we're (unfortunately) seeing in real life at the moment, the only way a smaller nation could repel an invasion by a much larger force is by uniting and calling for aid.

If anything, this war could/should see a change in dynamic amongst small groups and solo commanders where instead of just sitting amongst their little sandcastles being able to swat away anything with a yawn, they now need to band together, form alliances, and become part of a wider community. Which personally I think is a very good thing.
My Honorable Discharge is sitting underneath a pile of stacked paper. :)
You can manually override the mission board server in appconfig.xml in the game folder. Tested this today with a cmdr who keeps having mission board problems, and when he used a server which worked for me, all good.

Mission server #1926 was the one that wouldn't work. Check your netlogs, see if that's what you're connecting to. Also, maybe FDev can take that one out of the rotation or give it a kick or something?

Servers 1932 and 1907 both work.

Can you further describe how to do this?
I checked the appconfig.xml and i didn't find any server setting for the missionmanager in the file?

Found it, it was commented out :D
However, the setting has no effect, it is being ignored, how did you get this to work?
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Greetings Commanders,

After the first week of the war and the arrival of additional Maelstroms, the overall pressure applied by the Thargoids became more evenly distributed. Now that the Thargoid War is well underway and all eight Maelstroms have arrived in the bubble, we have a clearer view of what level of effort players are capable of applying to resist the Thargoid Threat.

On Thursday, we’ll reduce the activity required to fill system state progress bars. This change will come with the weekly tick, so will be in effect as of the next cycle without any update or downtime. We hope you’re enjoying the content from Update 14 and are excited to continue watching the unified effort push back against the invasion. We’ll see you in 3309!

Yaaaayyyy they are gonna nerf the war and take away all the fun. Congratz care bears and cry babies.
What we need is CZs that dont bug, mission boards that dont bug, interceptors that dont bug and become invisible....this is just placing a duct tape on the real problem.
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