Thargoid War Rebalancing

I skimmed the thread and can't help but wonder why people complain about the war being "nerfed". The current stats are, according to DCOH:

169 systems under Thargoid control
50 systems being invaded
74 systems on alert

So that's almost 300 systems we need to worry about right now. Last week we defended 8 systems. This week the conditions have been relaxed but it's a bit of a special case with the holidays, however much we achieve will not be representative for the coming months.

Recapturing a system from 'goid control is much harder than anticipated. At the beginning of the week, AXI announced 3 targets for reconquest. After 2 days and barely making a dent in even one of these systems (HR 1737 lingers at 1%), they have cancelled these operations and shifted back to defending alerts and invasions. Right now it looks like a lost system will stay lost for the foreseeable future.

We also don't know by how much the required effort has been reduced. At the previous rate, we simply wouldn't be able to keep up: some 8 systems liberated from invasion / alert each week, means it would take us 16 weeks to clear all of them. But we don't have 16 weeks. Any of these systems that we don't tackle will have fallen in ~4-7 weeks; some of them much sooner. And it stands to reason that every system that falls under alien control will create more systems under alert. And even IF we manage to clear all the current alerts and invasions and quell new alerts as they pop up, there remains the elephant in the room what we can do about all those systems under thargoid control, let alone the maelstroms.

Conversely, we can't expect player involvement to remain continuously high in the long term. If it starts feeling like a repetitive slugfest, people will lose interest. There are other games as well. When spring comes around, people generally spend less time in front of the computer. This alone basically sets a deadline for the "hot phase", I would say.

Long story short, FDev will have looked at all these numbers as well, and run their own calculations, and conducted the rebalance accordingly, and I say that was definitely the right thing to do.


As for something tolm said further up,
Whilst I’m in favour of monitoring and balancing the requirements for liberating a system based on player engagement … I’m hoping that in the “long term war” we will win by discovering new defences and weapons that make the enemies easier to defeat, rather than the goalposts being arbitrarily moved behind the scenes. That would feel more immersive - tech discoveries helping to win the war - than the enemy being made weaker “by magic”.

I guess we'll definitely need new technology, yes.
For one, to be even able to fight interceptors without Guardian weapons.
Secondly, to find a way to take back thargoid controlled systems. Currently there doesn't seem to be a workable way.
And thirdly, to do something about the maelstroms. Where, again, Guardian modules are useless.

The downside is that this makes the whole plot pretty railroady. Sure there will be CGs to unlock this technology or that, but when those CGs are even launched is entirely up to FD. So AI or no AI, rebalance or no, effectively it's still the devs who control the pace and progress of the war.
It depends if the narrative opens up oppertunities for other playstyles.
Next two updates will tell that tale i guess and i'm expecting them to be goid focused but it can go either way from there maybe. No guarantees...
We really don't know but a headline feature and some boosts to others seems to keep ppl interested, from what i've seen so far.
Well, rn there is not much we can do differently than we are doing now. With the current resources and options we have, my preferred strategy would be this:
Give priority on populated systems that are reaching their expiry date, i.e. have less than 2 weeks left; once these are cleared take on the 3W ones, and so forth. Avoid systems losing their last operational port.

If you're not super experienced with AX combat but want to fight, focus on starports under attack - both orbital and ground. The option of quickly repairing and restocking is an invaluable advantage. That's why I post according comments in the "next targets" thread, to inform about what I consider good battles to pick.

Otherwise, keep doing what people have been doing; use the various online tools to determine where to direct your efforts as a player. I don't see much else that we can do at this point.

Oh yeah, and it's probably a good idea to push through any CGs as quickly as possible, supposing that they are planned sequentially and will offer us progressively better tech.
... just saying, it looks like all on-foot missions leading into settlements in thargoid post recovery state are bugged (for me it were all missions in HIP 23716 system), i.e. scripts for those missions are not updated to actual state of the game. It really is quite sad that Odyssey is still treated (feels) like separate game and is not properly integrated with affairs ongoing in "space". I hoped for load of settlements recovery missions, but nope. Maybe Update 15 will adress this. Settlements in HIP 23716 are empty, no fires, nothig remininding about Thargoids attack ..
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Volunteer Moderator
You can manually override the mission board server in appconfig.xml in the game folder. Tested this today with a cmdr who keeps having mission board problems, and when he used a server which worked for me, all good.

Mission server #1926 was the one that wouldn't work. Check your netlogs, see if that's what you're connecting to. Also, maybe FDev can take that one out of the rotation or give it a kick or something?

Servers 1932 and 1907 both work.
Mine has this commented out in a notes section, if I try and add the line to the appconfig.xml then I get a login failed error about making sure my game is up to date, so I guess there is some specific nack for this for those of us who don't have that line in the config already?


edServer id="1932" id2="1932" <-- I added this. No go.(tried with and without the < and trailing />)
<!-- if you need to connect to a specific server, include a line like this
where id is your 'regular' EDServer and id2 is a mission server
(omitting id2 will cause using id for both the regular and the mission server): -->
<!-- <edServer id="892" id2="892" /> -->
<GameObjects />

Any ideas?

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Any ideas?
That fix doesn't work regardless. You can check the netlogs and see that the game is still connecting to random servers instead of the ones specified. The only reason people think it works is due to coincidence (the game may connect to different servers when restarted, or the problematic servers may start responding correctly).
Hallowed be the Far God..!
Just what to say awesome update
1. I know I'm a minority, but please make it harder not easier...
2. I would like the option to fight for the other side.
3. Also fighting for the other side has good pay outs.
4. Please reset the BGS and power play with the Thargoids in the bubble. TIME FOR CHANGE...
Merry XMAS...o7 y'all
Hallowed be the Far God..!
Just what to say awesome update
1. I know I'm a minority, but please make it harder not easier...
We are a player base of varying experience talent and ability so it should be both harder and easier depending on location.
2. I would like the option to fight for the other side.
If this came in there should be more consequences than there are swapping between the Empire and Federation.
3. Also fighting for the other side has good pay outs.
Too many things in the game are afflicted by good payouts, like difficulty payouts should be varied, if only to stop road to riches type route maps and the boredom that comes with them.
4. Please reset the BGS and power play with the Thargoids in the bubble. TIME FOR CHANGE...
Merry XMAS...o7 y'all
Don't worry, I'm not bothered - old players like you have already spent their money. New players, who knows, you certainly don't (you are not playing, so how could you?) and I don't know either, but the game will keep going for at least another year (guess why?) and that would have been a great run for me...
Maybe. We will see after the next financial report.
I'm not sure if this is already the case or not, but it would be nice if the different systems were easier or harder to defend based on whether they're fed/imp controlled or independent. Canonically they are going almost undefended, so it would be awesome if defending them were much harder as a result.
I'm not sure if this is already the case or not, but it would be nice if the different systems were easier or harder to defend based on whether they're fed/imp controlled or independent. Canonically they are going almost undefended, so it would be awesome if defending them were much harder as a result.
They already are - battles at locations with federal/imperial factions present have a chance to spawn a capital class ship to help out.
as long as the war results in a permanent alteration of the game stage to the effect of completely changing the dynamic of the player experience with the bgs, i'm on board with rebalances.

this is all only a waste or meaningless if it doesn't impact player gameplay.

let's hope we just don't have to wait a year+ for the benefits this war will bring by culling redundant stations and being aggressive obstacles in certain locations between or around what's left.
Check out this journal snippet:
{ "timestamp":"2023-01-03T06:49:30Z", "event":"FactionKillBond", "Reward":24000000, "AwardingFaction":"$faction_PilotsFederation;", "AwardingFaction_Localised":"Pilots' Federation", "VictimFaction":"$faction_Thargoid;", "VictimFaction_Localised":"Thargoids" }
{ "timestamp":"2023-01-03T06:49:30Z", "event":"ShipTargeted", "TargetLocked":false }
{ "timestamp":"2023-01-03T06:49:31Z", "event":"MissionRedirected", "MissionID":909051328, "Name":"Mission_TW_Massacre_Cyclops_Singular", "NewDestinationStation":"Phillifent Port", "NewDestinationSystem":"Kaurukat", "OldDestinationStation":"", "OldDestinationSystem":"" }

That's a basilisk kill triggering completion for a cyclops mission (second time it has happened to me). Not a bad thing by any means, it would be great if all higher level interceptor kills counted for lower level missions but since they don't (consistently at least) it smells like a bug.
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