There is an irony in that when the game was relatively stable, we lacked content (the great Galnet Famine / Drought), and now that everything is unstable and bugged and lots of people are not playing, we're getting all sorts of stories and narrative. If you had a time machine, you could send your writers back in the past one year and then everything would be perfect
ps - I'm not being mean! I'm just pointing out "unfortunate timing", that's all.
This whole thing is a waste of time. The last time I was involved in this I was scanning systems for days, just to read a few days later in the forums that the Hersperus was hidden in an asteroid belt in a system that I had scanned a few days ago without noticing anything.The Scriveners clan Dredger leaves the system where the Hesperus is located. Erik Gunnarson of Wallglass Investigations Agency speculates:
View attachment 249807
Greetings Commanders, and welcome to the Azimuth Saga! Many of you will have caught wind of the various machinations of Aegis, Salvation, and other factions or individuals in recent times. This post will summarise these events as they unfold, so if you've missed anything or want to get involved, here's where to catch up!
OCT, 3306 - A Pilot's Federation Alert is issued, announcing the discovery of an abandoned megaship in the Chukchan system. Identified as the Adamastor, it appears that the vessel has returned on autopilot after setting out two centuries prior.
An excerpt from an Alliance Salvage Guild specialist's report:
"The Adamastor has been travelling at sublight speed through interstellar space for nearly two hundred years. There are no remains of the crew. All escape pods and secondary craft have been launched, and several airlocks were manually opened from within. A complete absence of identification suggests that this ship was intended for clandestine operations. All data drives have been deliberately erased."
A private investigator from Wallglass Investigations Agency uncovers further information about the Adamastor:
"I convinced the Alliance Salvage Guild to pass on some serial numbers that they discovered inside the Adamastor. Then I started scouring databases, interviewing sources and, well, doing my old job. The megaship was owned by a corporation called Azimuth Biochemicals. This was taken over by a similar company called Pharmasapien, but both were liquidated long ago. No mission records exist, but service crew reports mention that the Adamastor's passengers included scientists, engineers and some kind of military. Eventually I unearthed a flight plan, logged in October 3111. It plotted a course toward Barnard's Loop with fuel for approximately 370 light years, and was scheduled to pass by the HIP 39748 and HIP 33386 systems. I'm way too old to head out there myself, but l hope someone can use this info, and help satisfy my curiosity about what happened all those years ago."
NOV, 3306 - Data from the Adamastor reveals the presence of precious meta-alloy sources in the Coalsack Nebula. The Alliance Assembly announces an expedition to the Coalsack Nebula to secure the resources. To do so, they recruit the help of pilots and successfully establish outposts in the area to defend against potential Thargoid attacks. Shortly after, they begin working with Sirius Atmospherics, a subsidiary of Sirius Corporation to terraform ammonia worlds in the region.
DEC, 3306 - Thargoids launch coordinated attacks on the Coalsack and Witch Head nebulas, leading to urgent calls for assistance. Admiral Aden Tanner, chief military liaison for Aegis, made this announcement:
“This is a resurgence of Thargoid activity on a scale that we have not witnessed for a long time. Unfortunately, drastic reductions in funding and resources mean that Aegis is unable to provide adequate defensive measures.”
JAN, 3307 - As a coalition of all three Galactic Superpowers, Aegis appeals to the Empire, Federation, and Alliance to set aside internal conflicts to offer adequate focus on the Thargoid threat. Professor Alba Tesreau, head of research at Aegis, gave this statement:
“Humanity’s focus on petty internal conflicts has blinded us to the existential threat of the Thargoids. Their recent horrific attacks should be a wake-up call to the fact that defunding has crippled Aegis’s ability to offer protection. We strongly entreat our founders to come together and channel resources toward Aegis, and particularly into research. There can be no hope of coexistence with this alien species unless we increase our understanding of them.”
( i ) An audio log from the Adamastor Megaship
( i ) Related GalNet Articles
29.10.3306 - "Ghost Ship" Arrives in Chukchan System
09.11.3306 - "Ghost Ship" Leads Alliance to New Resources
12.11.3306 - Alliance Launches Coalsack Nebula Campaign
17.11.3306 - Coalsack Nebula Campaign Completes Initial Stages
26.11.3306 - Alliance Consolidates Presences in Coalsack Nebula
10.03.3307 - Galactic Mysteries: The Adamastor
10.12.3306 - Coalsack Nebula Project Gathers Ammonia Worlds Data
28.12.3306 - Coalsack Nebula Terraforming Project Stalls
31.12.3306 - Thargoids Attack Coalsack and Witch Head Nebulas
07.01.3307 - Thargoids Wreak Havoc in Nebulas
08.01.3307 - Aegis Supports Galactic Summit
09.03.3307 - Thargoid Conflict Discussed at the Galactic Summit
APR, 3307 - The Adamastor "awakens" and begins transmitting a signal, drawing the interest of the Alliance Salvage Guild. An anonymous source known only as "Salvation" implores independent Commanders to help decode the Adamastor's message and provides a decryption key. They claim it will lead to advanced scientific knowledge. Commanders around the galaxy answer the call and identify the co-ordinates of a sister-ship, the derelict Hesperus. When pilots arrive at an asteroid belt around the second star of the Perseus Dark Region KC-V C2-2 system, they find that the twin megaship has already been claimed by the Scriveners, a Dredger Clan. Francesca Wolfe of Wallglass Investigations Agency gave some insight:
“The Scriveners Clan was originally a fleet of research vessels for a long-forgotten academic consortium. Over centuries they became a self-sufficient society, constantly acquiring materials and information. They’re not aggressive, but shun outsiders and jealously guard their ‘Knowledge Core’. I’m fascinated by mentions of research-sergeants and lector-generals, suggesting their culture is a merger of scholastic and military. With the Hesperus claimed as salvage by the Scriveners and its drives stripped, all chance of learning more was lost. Luckily, four encoded data files had resisted upload, and a gap in the dredger’s antiquated firewalls allowed pilots to hack them.”
Elsewhere, Aegis launches a new anti-xeno research programme and requests Commanders for aid in delivering Guardian technology. Professor Alba Tesreau, head of Aegis Research, gave this statement:
“At the Galactic Summit, Aegis agreed to undertake a fresh analysis of Guardian technology. The hope is that this will lead to the development of more effective defences against the Thargoids. We therefore require new samples to compare with Ram Tah’s groundbreaking work on this mysterious species. [...] I beseech the galactic community to support this project. It is vital that Aegis continues to receive funding, and to achieve this we must push the boundaries of our knowledge even further.”
Aegis are overwhelmingly successful in their initiative, receiving a massive delivery of Guardian artefacts. Professor Alba Tesreau made this announcement:
“Everyone at Aegis is thankful for the impressive effort made by the galactic community. If we can gain new insights into Guardian technology from these samples, then funding and resources for our work may continue.”
( i ) Related GalNet Articles
08.04.3307 - The Awakening of the Adamastor
19.04.3307 - The Adamastor Enigma
22.04.3307 - Aegis Appeals for Guardian Artefacts
27.04.3307 - Galactic Mysteries: The Hesperus
29.04.3307 - Guardian Artefacts Collected for Aegis Project
MAY, 3307 - Salvation sends another message to pilots, requesting they deliver any logs scanned from the Hesperus to Taurus Mining Ventures at the Hind Mine base in T Tauri system. Patience Middleton, a representative of the corporation, announced:
“‘Salvation’ has authorised us to offer two million credits or ten units of void opals for delivering the Hesperus’s logs. This contract ends on the 21st of May 3307, after which payments will not be available. We have been asked to relay the message below:
This is Salvation. I call myself this as I cannot yet reveal my identity, but my scientific breakthroughs will literally save all of humanity. The Adamastor and the Hesperus were just the beginning, as I have always known. For my intrepid agents, there will be further work to come."
Thargoids attack en masse, targeting the Delphi system and several others among the California, Coalsack and Pleiades nebulas. It's speculated that Aegis (based in Delphi) gathering Guardian artefacts provoked the incursion. The Aegis owned Alexandria megaship jumps from Delphi to HIP 16538, carrying a large quantity of Guardian artefacts and is pursued by Thargoids. The Federation refuses the megaship entry into Federation space, despite the planned route to Sol.
JUN, 3307 - Captain Jacob Morales, commanding officer of the Alexandria, outlines the Alexandria's next steps:
“On Thursday we will make a hyperspace jump to the HIP 30944 system. Since this has a small population, the risk of casualties will be low if the Thargoids continue to pursue us. Once there, we will arrange to offload our cargo and distribute it to multiple locations.”
However, the megaship never reached its arrival point and all communication with it has ceased. Search teams in local systems have not detected its presence. Admiral Aden Tanner, chief military liaison with Aegis, informed the media:
“We regret to announce a complete loss of contact with the Alexandria. Although there is no evidence of damage or destruction, its disappearance while travelling through hyperspace raises the possibility that it was intercepted en route by Thargoid forces. Captain Jacob Morales and over four thousand crew members will be listed as missing, presumed dead. In addition to this great tragedy, Aegis’s research programme into Guardian technology has been severely impacted by the loss of many precious artefacts.”
Salvation emerges once again and contacts any pilots passing through the Chukchan and Perseus Dark Region KC-V c2-2 system. Commander Tyler Thorsen told Vox Galactica:
“I was taking some sightseers on a trip round the Hesperus, and getting as close as I dared to the Scriveners Clan dredger. I scanned the tourist beacon for them, and suddenly received a direct message from this ‘Salvation’ guy. He asked me to track down some old signal beacons, which are listening posts configured to retransmit long-range comms. Apparently these could help locate the survivors from the megaship. But the Hesperus is ancient history. Surely there can’t be anything or anyone left to find?”
The Pilot's Federation issues an official warning to all Commanders, cautioning them against undertaking tasks for a potentially illegal enterprise.
A Guardian/Thargoid battlefield is discovered at the end of a series of signal beacons tracked by independent pilots, following Salvation's instruction. Both Aegis and Taurus Mining Ventures lay claim to the site, requesting delivery of any Guardian artefacts to the PMD2009 48 system.
JUL, 3307 - The Glorious Prospect megaship, contracted by Salvation, receives the vast majority of delivered artefacts and rewards pilots with a specially engineered Class 2 Fixed Guardian Shard Cannon. The Pilot's Federation declares these modules as "hot", requiring additional costs to clean them prior to installation.
The Scriveners clan Dredger leaves the system where the Hesperus is located. Erik Gunnarson of Wallglass Investigations Agency speculates:
“When the Scriveners laid claim to the Hesperus, I expected only a cloud of fragments would remain. But their salvage operation has been prematurely abandoned, after stripping the megaship’s innards and leaving behind a mostly intact hull. Why have they done this? Perhaps because this particular dredger clan avoids outsiders. [...] Alternatively, the Scriveners detected richer pickings elsewhere – either fresh resources for the dredger to consume or new information for their ‘Knowledge Core’. In theory they could still be tracked down as their vessel’s hyperdrive has a similar range to modern-day fleet carriers.”
( i ) Related GalNet Articles
07.05.3307 - The Voice of Salvation
13.05.3307 - Mass Thargoid Strike - Emergency Declared
21.05.3307 - Thargoids Pursue Aegis Megaship
24.05.3307 - Federation Refuses Entry to "Plague Ship"
01.06.3307 - Aegis Megaship Prepares to Escape Thargoids
04.06.3307 - Aegis Megaship Vanishes in Hyperspace
11.06.3307 - The Legacy of the Hesperus
18.06.3307 - Guardian-Thargoid Battlefield Discovered
24.06.3307 - Aegis and "Salvation" Compete for Guardian Artefacts
01.07.3307 - "Salvation" Eclipses Aegis to Obtain Guardian Artefacts
09.07.3307 - Scriveners Clan Abandons the Hesperus
View attachment 249807
Greetings Commanders, and welcome to the Azimuth Saga! Many of you will have caught wind of the various machinations of Aegis, Salvation, and other factions or individuals in recent times. This post will summarise these events as they unfold, so if you've missed anything or want to get involved, here's where to catch up!
OCT, 3306 - A Pilot's Federation Alert is issued, announcing the discovery of an abandoned megaship in the Chukchan system. Identified as the Adamastor, it appears that the vessel has returned on autopilot after setting out two centuries prior.
An excerpt from an Alliance Salvage Guild specialist's report:
"The Adamastor has been travelling at sublight speed through interstellar space for nearly two hundred years. There are no remains of the crew. All escape pods and secondary craft have been launched, and several airlocks were manually opened from within. A complete absence of identification suggests that this ship was intended for clandestine operations. All data drives have been deliberately erased."
A private investigator from Wallglass Investigations Agency uncovers further information about the Adamastor:
"I convinced the Alliance Salvage Guild to pass on some serial numbers that they discovered inside the Adamastor. Then I started scouring databases, interviewing sources and, well, doing my old job. The megaship was owned by a corporation called Azimuth Biochemicals. This was taken over by a similar company called Pharmasapien, but both were liquidated long ago. No mission records exist, but service crew reports mention that the Adamastor's passengers included scientists, engineers and some kind of military. Eventually I unearthed a flight plan, logged in October 3111. It plotted a course toward Barnard's Loop with fuel for approximately 370 light years, and was scheduled to pass by the HIP 39748 and HIP 33386 systems. I'm way too old to head out there myself, but l hope someone can use this info, and help satisfy my curiosity about what happened all those years ago."
NOV, 3306 - Data from the Adamastor reveals the presence of precious meta-alloy sources in the Coalsack Nebula. The Alliance Assembly announces an expedition to the Coalsack Nebula to secure the resources. To do so, they recruit the help of pilots and successfully establish outposts in the area to defend against potential Thargoid attacks. Shortly after, they begin working with Sirius Atmospherics, a subsidiary of Sirius Corporation to terraform ammonia worlds in the region.
DEC, 3306 - Thargoids launch coordinated attacks on the Coalsack and Witch Head nebulas, leading to urgent calls for assistance. Admiral Aden Tanner, chief military liaison for Aegis, made this announcement:
“This is a resurgence of Thargoid activity on a scale that we have not witnessed for a long time. Unfortunately, drastic reductions in funding and resources mean that Aegis is unable to provide adequate defensive measures.”
JAN, 3307 - As a coalition of all three Galactic Superpowers, Aegis appeals to the Empire, Federation, and Alliance to set aside internal conflicts to offer adequate focus on the Thargoid threat. Professor Alba Tesreau, head of research at Aegis, gave this statement:
“Humanity’s focus on petty internal conflicts has blinded us to the existential threat of the Thargoids. Their recent horrific attacks should be a wake-up call to the fact that defunding has crippled Aegis’s ability to offer protection. We strongly entreat our founders to come together and channel resources toward Aegis, and particularly into research. There can be no hope of coexistence with this alien species unless we increase our understanding of them.”
( i ) An audio log from the Adamastor Megaship
( i ) Related GalNet Articles
29.10.3306 - "Ghost Ship" Arrives in Chukchan System
09.11.3306 - "Ghost Ship" Leads Alliance to New Resources
12.11.3306 - Alliance Launches Coalsack Nebula Campaign
17.11.3306 - Coalsack Nebula Campaign Completes Initial Stages
26.11.3306 - Alliance Consolidates Presences in Coalsack Nebula
10.03.3307 - Galactic Mysteries: The Adamastor
10.12.3306 - Coalsack Nebula Project Gathers Ammonia Worlds Data
28.12.3306 - Coalsack Nebula Terraforming Project Stalls
31.12.3306 - Thargoids Attack Coalsack and Witch Head Nebulas
07.01.3307 - Thargoids Wreak Havoc in Nebulas
08.01.3307 - Aegis Supports Galactic Summit
09.03.3307 - Thargoid Conflict Discussed at the Galactic Summit
APR, 3307 - The Adamastor "awakens" and begins transmitting a signal, drawing the interest of the Alliance Salvage Guild. An anonymous source known only as "Salvation" implores independent Commanders to help decode the Adamastor's message and provides a decryption key. They claim it will lead to advanced scientific knowledge. Commanders around the galaxy answer the call and identify the co-ordinates of a sister-ship, the derelict Hesperus. When pilots arrive at an asteroid belt around the second star of the Perseus Dark Region KC-V C2-2 system, they find that the twin megaship has already been claimed by the Scriveners, a Dredger Clan. Francesca Wolfe of Wallglass Investigations Agency gave some insight:
“The Scriveners Clan was originally a fleet of research vessels for a long-forgotten academic consortium. Over centuries they became a self-sufficient society, constantly acquiring materials and information. They’re not aggressive, but shun outsiders and jealously guard their ‘Knowledge Core’. I’m fascinated by mentions of research-sergeants and lector-generals, suggesting their culture is a merger of scholastic and military. With the Hesperus claimed as salvage by the Scriveners and its drives stripped, all chance of learning more was lost. Luckily, four encoded data files had resisted upload, and a gap in the dredger’s antiquated firewalls allowed pilots to hack them.”
Elsewhere, Aegis launches a new anti-xeno research programme and requests Commanders for aid in delivering Guardian technology. Professor Alba Tesreau, head of Aegis Research, gave this statement:
“At the Galactic Summit, Aegis agreed to undertake a fresh analysis of Guardian technology. The hope is that this will lead to the development of more effective defences against the Thargoids. We therefore require new samples to compare with Ram Tah’s groundbreaking work on this mysterious species. [...] I beseech the galactic community to support this project. It is vital that Aegis continues to receive funding, and to achieve this we must push the boundaries of our knowledge even further.”
Aegis are overwhelmingly successful in their initiative, receiving a massive delivery of Guardian artefacts. Professor Alba Tesreau made this announcement:
“Everyone at Aegis is thankful for the impressive effort made by the galactic community. If we can gain new insights into Guardian technology from these samples, then funding and resources for our work may continue.”
( i ) Related GalNet Articles
08.04.3307 - The Awakening of the Adamastor
19.04.3307 - The Adamastor Enigma
22.04.3307 - Aegis Appeals for Guardian Artefacts
27.04.3307 - Galactic Mysteries: The Hesperus
29.04.3307 - Guardian Artefacts Collected for Aegis Project
MAY, 3307 - Salvation sends another message to pilots, requesting they deliver any logs scanned from the Hesperus to Taurus Mining Ventures at the Hind Mine base in T Tauri system. Patience Middleton, a representative of the corporation, announced:
“‘Salvation’ has authorised us to offer two million credits or ten units of void opals for delivering the Hesperus’s logs. This contract ends on the 21st of May 3307, after which payments will not be available. We have been asked to relay the message below:
This is Salvation. I call myself this as I cannot yet reveal my identity, but my scientific breakthroughs will literally save all of humanity. The Adamastor and the Hesperus were just the beginning, as I have always known. For my intrepid agents, there will be further work to come."
Thargoids attack en masse, targeting the Delphi system and several others among the California, Coalsack and Pleiades nebulas. It's speculated that Aegis (based in Delphi) gathering Guardian artefacts provoked the incursion. The Aegis owned Alexandria megaship jumps from Delphi to HIP 16538, carrying a large quantity of Guardian artefacts and is pursued by Thargoids. The Federation refuses the megaship entry into Federation space, despite the planned route to Sol.
JUN, 3307 - Captain Jacob Morales, commanding officer of the Alexandria, outlines the Alexandria's next steps:
“On Thursday we will make a hyperspace jump to the HIP 30944 system. Since this has a small population, the risk of casualties will be low if the Thargoids continue to pursue us. Once there, we will arrange to offload our cargo and distribute it to multiple locations.”
However, the megaship never reached its arrival point and all communication with it has ceased. Search teams in local systems have not detected its presence. Admiral Aden Tanner, chief military liaison with Aegis, informed the media:
“We regret to announce a complete loss of contact with the Alexandria. Although there is no evidence of damage or destruction, its disappearance while travelling through hyperspace raises the possibility that it was intercepted en route by Thargoid forces. Captain Jacob Morales and over four thousand crew members will be listed as missing, presumed dead. In addition to this great tragedy, Aegis’s research programme into Guardian technology has been severely impacted by the loss of many precious artefacts.”
Salvation emerges once again and contacts any pilots passing through the Chukchan and Perseus Dark Region KC-V c2-2 system. Commander Tyler Thorsen told Vox Galactica:
“I was taking some sightseers on a trip round the Hesperus, and getting as close as I dared to the Scriveners Clan dredger. I scanned the tourist beacon for them, and suddenly received a direct message from this ‘Salvation’ guy. He asked me to track down some old signal beacons, which are listening posts configured to retransmit long-range comms. Apparently these could help locate the survivors from the megaship. But the Hesperus is ancient history. Surely there can’t be anything or anyone left to find?”
The Pilot's Federation issues an official warning to all Commanders, cautioning them against undertaking tasks for a potentially illegal enterprise.
A Guardian/Thargoid battlefield is discovered at the end of a series of signal beacons tracked by independent pilots, following Salvation's instruction. Both Aegis and Taurus Mining Ventures lay claim to the site, requesting delivery of any Guardian artefacts to the PMD2009 48 system.
JUL, 3307 - The Glorious Prospect megaship, contracted by Salvation, receives the vast majority of delivered artefacts and rewards pilots with a specially engineered Class 2 Fixed Guardian Shard Cannon. The Pilot's Federation declares these modules as "hot", requiring additional costs to clean them prior to installation.
The Scriveners clan Dredger leaves the system where the Hesperus is located. Erik Gunnarson of Wallglass Investigations Agency speculates:
“When the Scriveners laid claim to the Hesperus, I expected only a cloud of fragments would remain. But their salvage operation has been prematurely abandoned, after stripping the megaship’s innards and leaving behind a mostly intact hull. Why have they done this? Perhaps because this particular dredger clan avoids outsiders. [...] Alternatively, the Scriveners detected richer pickings elsewhere – either fresh resources for the dredger to consume or new information for their ‘Knowledge Core’. In theory they could still be tracked down as their vessel’s hyperdrive has a similar range to modern-day fleet carriers.”
( i ) Related GalNet Articles
07.05.3307 - The Voice of Salvation
13.05.3307 - Mass Thargoid Strike - Emergency Declared
21.05.3307 - Thargoids Pursue Aegis Megaship
24.05.3307 - Federation Refuses Entry to "Plague Ship"
01.06.3307 - Aegis Megaship Prepares to Escape Thargoids
04.06.3307 - Aegis Megaship Vanishes in Hyperspace
11.06.3307 - The Legacy of the Hesperus
18.06.3307 - Guardian-Thargoid Battlefield Discovered
24.06.3307 - Aegis and "Salvation" Compete for Guardian Artefacts
01.07.3307 - "Salvation" Eclipses Aegis to Obtain Guardian Artefacts
09.07.3307 - Scriveners Clan Abandons the Hesperus
The real question the community should be asking is why Salvation needed the Alexandria and what it promises to the Scriveners clan to salvage the Alexandria after they stole the mega-ship. When Salvation finally does reveal itself... The disappearance of Alexandria will finally be answered.View attachment 249807
Greetings Commanders, and welcome to the Azimuth Saga! Many of you will have caught wind of the various machinations of Aegis, Salvation, and other factions or individuals in recent times. This post will summarise these events as they unfold, so if you've missed anything or want to get involved, here's where to catch up!
OCT, 3306 - A Pilot's Federation Alert is issued, announcing the discovery of an abandoned megaship in the Chukchan system. Identified as the Adamastor, it appears that the vessel has returned on autopilot after setting out two centuries prior.
An excerpt from an Alliance Salvage Guild specialist's report:
"The Adamastor has been travelling at sublight speed through interstellar space for nearly two hundred years. There are no remains of the crew. All escape pods and secondary craft have been launched, and several airlocks were manually opened from within. A complete absence of identification suggests that this ship was intended for clandestine operations. All data drives have been deliberately erased."
A private investigator from Wallglass Investigations Agency uncovers further information about the Adamastor:
"I convinced the Alliance Salvage Guild to pass on some serial numbers that they discovered inside the Adamastor. Then I started scouring databases, interviewing sources and, well, doing my old job. The megaship was owned by a corporation called Azimuth Biochemicals. This was taken over by a similar company called Pharmasapien, but both were liquidated long ago. No mission records exist, but service crew reports mention that the Adamastor's passengers included scientists, engineers and some kind of military. Eventually I unearthed a flight plan, logged in October 3111. It plotted a course toward Barnard's Loop with fuel for approximately 370 light years, and was scheduled to pass by the HIP 39748 and HIP 33386 systems. I'm way too old to head out there myself, but l hope someone can use this info, and help satisfy my curiosity about what happened all those years ago."
NOV, 3306 - Data from the Adamastor reveals the presence of precious meta-alloy sources in the Coalsack Nebula. The Alliance Assembly announces an expedition to the Coalsack Nebula to secure the resources. To do so, they recruit the help of pilots and successfully establish outposts in the area to defend against potential Thargoid attacks. Shortly after, they begin working with Sirius Atmospherics, a subsidiary of Sirius Corporation to terraform ammonia worlds in the region.
DEC, 3306 - Thargoids launch coordinated attacks on the Coalsack and Witch Head nebulas, leading to urgent calls for assistance. Admiral Aden Tanner, chief military liaison for Aegis, made this announcement:
“This is a resurgence of Thargoid activity on a scale that we have not witnessed for a long time. Unfortunately, drastic reductions in funding and resources mean that Aegis is unable to provide adequate defensive measures.”
JAN, 3307 - As a coalition of all three Galactic Superpowers, Aegis appeals to the Empire, Federation, and Alliance to set aside internal conflicts to offer adequate focus on the Thargoid threat. Professor Alba Tesreau, head of research at Aegis, gave this statement:
“Humanity’s focus on petty internal conflicts has blinded us to the existential threat of the Thargoids. Their recent horrific attacks should be a wake-up call to the fact that defunding has crippled Aegis’s ability to offer protection. We strongly entreat our founders to come together and channel resources toward Aegis, and particularly into research. There can be no hope of coexistence with this alien species unless we increase our understanding of them.”
( i ) An audio log from the Adamastor Megaship
( i ) Related GalNet Articles
29.10.3306 - "Ghost Ship" Arrives in Chukchan System
09.11.3306 - "Ghost Ship" Leads Alliance to New Resources
12.11.3306 - Alliance Launches Coalsack Nebula Campaign
17.11.3306 - Coalsack Nebula Campaign Completes Initial Stages
26.11.3306 - Alliance Consolidates Presences in Coalsack Nebula
10.03.3307 - Galactic Mysteries: The Adamastor
10.12.3306 - Coalsack Nebula Project Gathers Ammonia Worlds Data
28.12.3306 - Coalsack Nebula Terraforming Project Stalls
31.12.3306 - Thargoids Attack Coalsack and Witch Head Nebulas
07.01.3307 - Thargoids Wreak Havoc in Nebulas
08.01.3307 - Aegis Supports Galactic Summit
09.03.3307 - Thargoid Conflict Discussed at the Galactic Summit
APR, 3307 - The Adamastor "awakens" and begins transmitting a signal, drawing the interest of the Alliance Salvage Guild. An anonymous source known only as "Salvation" implores independent Commanders to help decode the Adamastor's message and provides a decryption key. They claim it will lead to advanced scientific knowledge. Commanders around the galaxy answer the call and identify the co-ordinates of a sister-ship, the derelict Hesperus. When pilots arrive at an asteroid belt around the second star of the Perseus Dark Region KC-V C2-2 system, they find that the twin megaship has already been claimed by the Scriveners, a Dredger Clan. Francesca Wolfe of Wallglass Investigations Agency gave some insight:
“The Scriveners Clan was originally a fleet of research vessels for a long-forgotten academic consortium. Over centuries they became a self-sufficient society, constantly acquiring materials and information. They’re not aggressive, but shun outsiders and jealously guard their ‘Knowledge Core’. I’m fascinated by mentions of research-sergeants and lector-generals, suggesting their culture is a merger of scholastic and military. With the Hesperus claimed as salvage by the Scriveners and its drives stripped, all chance of learning more was lost. Luckily, four encoded data files had resisted upload, and a gap in the dredger’s antiquated firewalls allowed pilots to hack them.”
Elsewhere, Aegis launches a new anti-xeno research programme and requests Commanders for aid in delivering Guardian technology. Professor Alba Tesreau, head of Aegis Research, gave this statement:
“At the Galactic Summit, Aegis agreed to undertake a fresh analysis of Guardian technology. The hope is that this will lead to the development of more effective defences against the Thargoids. We therefore require new samples to compare with Ram Tah’s groundbreaking work on this mysterious species. [...] I beseech the galactic community to support this project. It is vital that Aegis continues to receive funding, and to achieve this we must push the boundaries of our knowledge even further.”
Aegis are overwhelmingly successful in their initiative, receiving a massive delivery of Guardian artefacts. Professor Alba Tesreau made this announcement:
“Everyone at Aegis is thankful for the impressive effort made by the galactic community. If we can gain new insights into Guardian technology from these samples, then funding and resources for our work may continue.”
( i ) Related GalNet Articles
08.04.3307 - The Awakening of the Adamastor
19.04.3307 - The Adamastor Enigma
22.04.3307 - Aegis Appeals for Guardian Artefacts
27.04.3307 - Galactic Mysteries: The Hesperus
29.04.3307 - Guardian Artefacts Collected for Aegis Project
MAY, 3307 - Salvation sends another message to pilots, requesting they deliver any logs scanned from the Hesperus to Taurus Mining Ventures at the Hind Mine base in T Tauri system. Patience Middleton, a representative of the corporation, announced:
“‘Salvation’ has authorised us to offer two million credits or ten units of void opals for delivering the Hesperus’s logs. This contract ends on the 21st of May 3307, after which payments will not be available. We have been asked to relay the message below:
This is Salvation. I call myself this as I cannot yet reveal my identity, but my scientific breakthroughs will literally save all of humanity. The Adamastor and the Hesperus were just the beginning, as I have always known. For my intrepid agents, there will be further work to come."
Thargoids attack en masse, targeting the Delphi system and several others among the California, Coalsack and Pleiades nebulas. It's speculated that Aegis (based in Delphi) gathering Guardian artefacts provoked the incursion. The Aegis owned Alexandria megaship jumps from Delphi to HIP 16538, carrying a large quantity of Guardian artefacts and is pursued by Thargoids. The Federation refuses the megaship entry into Federation space, despite the planned route to Sol.
JUN, 3307 - Captain Jacob Morales, commanding officer of the Alexandria, outlines the Alexandria's next steps:
“On Thursday we will make a hyperspace jump to the HIP 30944 system. Since this has a small population, the risk of casualties will be low if the Thargoids continue to pursue us. Once there, we will arrange to offload our cargo and distribute it to multiple locations.”
However, the megaship never reached its arrival point and all communication with it has ceased. Search teams in local systems have not detected its presence. Admiral Aden Tanner, chief military liaison with Aegis, informed the media:
“We regret to announce a complete loss of contact with the Alexandria. Although there is no evidence of damage or destruction, its disappearance while travelling through hyperspace raises the possibility that it was intercepted en route by Thargoid forces. Captain Jacob Morales and over four thousand crew members will be listed as missing, presumed dead. In addition to this great tragedy, Aegis’s research programme into Guardian technology has been severely impacted by the loss of many precious artefacts.”
Salvation emerges once again and contacts any pilots passing through the Chukchan and Perseus Dark Region KC-V c2-2 system. Commander Tyler Thorsen told Vox Galactica:
“I was taking some sightseers on a trip round the Hesperus, and getting as close as I dared to the Scriveners Clan dredger. I scanned the tourist beacon for them, and suddenly received a direct message from this ‘Salvation’ guy. He asked me to track down some old signal beacons, which are listening posts configured to retransmit long-range comms. Apparently these could help locate the survivors from the megaship. But the Hesperus is ancient history. Surely there can’t be anything or anyone left to find?”
The Pilot's Federation issues an official warning to all Commanders, cautioning them against undertaking tasks for a potentially illegal enterprise.
A Guardian/Thargoid battlefield is discovered at the end of a series of signal beacons tracked by independent pilots, following Salvation's instruction. Both Aegis and Taurus Mining Ventures lay claim to the site, requesting delivery of any Guardian artefacts to the PMD2009 48 system.
JUL, 3307 - The Glorious Prospect megaship, contracted by Salvation, receives the vast majority of delivered artefacts and rewards pilots with a specially engineered Class 2 Fixed Guardian Shard Cannon. The Pilot's Federation declares these modules as "hot", requiring additional costs to clean them prior to installation.
The Scriveners clan Dredger leaves the system where the Hesperus is located. Erik Gunnarson of Wallglass Investigations Agency speculates:
“When the Scriveners laid claim to the Hesperus, I expected only a cloud of fragments would remain. But their salvage operation has been prematurely abandoned, after stripping the megaship’s innards and leaving behind a mostly intact hull. Why have they done this? Perhaps because this particular dredger clan avoids outsiders. [...] Alternatively, the Scriveners detected richer pickings elsewhere – either fresh resources for the dredger to consume or new information for their ‘Knowledge Core’. In theory they could still be tracked down as their vessel’s hyperdrive has a similar range to modern-day fleet carriers.”
( i ) Related GalNet Articles
07.05.3307 - The Voice of Salvation
13.05.3307 - Mass Thargoid Strike - Emergency Declared
21.05.3307 - Thargoids Pursue Aegis Megaship
24.05.3307 - Federation Refuses Entry to "Plague Ship"
01.06.3307 - Aegis Megaship Prepares to Escape Thargoids
04.06.3307 - Aegis Megaship Vanishes in Hyperspace
11.06.3307 - The Legacy of the Hesperus
18.06.3307 - Guardian-Thargoid Battlefield Discovered
24.06.3307 - Aegis and "Salvation" Compete for Guardian Artefacts
01.07.3307 - "Salvation" Eclipses Aegis to Obtain Guardian Artefacts
09.07.3307 - Scriveners Clan Abandons the Hesperus
I feel the same about just regular missions. I sometimes get ambitious and load up on missions but then adulting happens. By the time I manage to get back to the game sometimes I've already failed several missions, enough to upset some factions. It is unfortunate as I like playing, but I don't like the pressure to need to play for maintenance (looking at my expensive carrier right now).Community events need to hang around longer. I'd take 30% less and have them endure x2 as long. I'm often on a long mission, pushing influence, fighting a war, etc. and want to do the community event, but they go by so fast, I miss them most of the time
the story is very good, I made a suggestion a while ago:Great story, fascinating to see where it goes. The only thing is, none of this is game development, like new ships or new weapons or new aliens. Fascinating as it is, all I see are rumors, modified old weapons and thargoids changing systems periodically. So I find it's more enjoyable to play other games and just read about this one.
We never had this trouble with Arthur. ;-)Hey everyone!
I've updated the post with more recent events. Apologies this wasn't done sooner as a fair amount has happened (I'll try to do this more frequently as time goes on).
As a point of information, some of the events from ACT II are now considered to fall within the first part of ACT III and have been marked appropriately. With today's activity, we're at the beginning of ACT IV.