Community Event / Creation The Buckyball Racing Club presents: Double Trouble (Swift-16 Championship, Race 4)

Yikes - sorry to hear that, fingers crossed for a full recovery!
Thank you. Ok:so far. Mochi doesn’t seem interested in pulling out the stitches. Tumours are very common in pet rats. We had a squash ball sized one removed from a rat once, thought she would be ok and woke up the next morning to a bright and bouncy rat with a three inch gaping maw where the stitches were. Vet stapled it all this time and it took around 7 days and nights of constant supervision and an improvised sock vest (one of the boys old baby socks with holes cut out for arms) but she made a full recovery and lived for another 9 months. Amazing creatures.
Livesplit files are available -
Due to the pick your own stop order, I've done a basic one like the last race.

If there is interest I can look at creating a more detailed Livesplit which would help with tracking jump, supercruise and docking times. However you would need to edit the Livesplit files to re-arrange sections to fit your chosen route.
Typical - first day of real racing (after some fairly successful practice runs last week) and my first three attempts all end in explosions. One doing the Bootlegger tunnel, one doing the Okinura Baby and one boosting straight into another ship on my way out of Neff (I think) and ending up in jail. Putting together a quick blooper reel of those now.

The fourth attempt however ... that was more like it ... run submitted.
Typical - first day of real racing (after some fairly successful practice runs last week) and my first three attempts all end in explosions. One doing the Bootlegger tunnel, one doing the Okinura Baby and one boosting straight into another ship on my way out of Neff (I think) and ending up in jail. Putting together a quick blooper reel of those now.
I was getting quite cross about it all...
I'm glad you managed to survive a run, and I also passed on your troubles to Little Nuk...

R (2).jpeg

Sorry, he's just not a nice guy - I suspect he's the one responsible for the missiles.
But also, of you bump the doors open with your ship the installation doesn't attack, so you could try that if the missiles keep getting you.
I can cope with the thing shooting missiles at me, but when I'm approaching I can clearly see the bits with the blast doors and where I need to go. The moment I get through the 3 circular thingies everything re-arranges itself and the blast doors go and hide somewhere completely different! :mad:

Anyway, slightly faster time submitted for the Cobra, still working on the unlimited.
I can cope with the thing shooting missiles at me, but when I'm approaching I can clearly see the bits with the blast doors and where I need to go. The moment I get through the 3 circular thingies everything re-arranges itself and the blast doors go and hide somewhere completely different! :mad:

Anyway, slightly faster time submitted for the Cobra, still working on the unlimited.
Yes - totally this! And also just submitting my own Cobra run. I did have a better run in the bag except ... I forgot to buy the damn beer! 🤬
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