Community Event / Creation The Buckyball Racing Club presents: Double Trouble (Swift-16 Championship, Race 4)

Are you absolutely sure you don't want some guns on that thing?🤔

That looked a lot like your Scarab floating by after the second tunnel death by the way.
sigh I am torn now ... head butting the doors was fine in pre-race practice but it was definitely causing a headache today! It's a great way to get the hull down for the 10% bonus but it'd be nice to maybe shoot the 2nd door when the hull's getting low. Trouble is I'm fairly certain the extra weight would mean 3 jumps back and I want to be racing now, not faffing around with outftting and engineering. Worst thing is, with my current route, by blowing up on Break and Enter I'm missing out on doing Total Recall which is my favourite bit.
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Whew, just completed survived my first Unlimited run out of two days of racing. Claiming all bonuses, + Demolition Man:D
Only got Demolition Man because my throttle glitches out when I swap between FA off and on, and I forgot to re-zero it before attempting to land at Neff Hub.
Now to figure out how to upload a video..
If you're playing Odyssey, I've no problem with you jumping out of the SRV and back into your ship.

The shenanigan rule says "dock" with your ship, but that's because I couldn't remember the correct term the game used, so I'm charging it to "board".

This isn't intended to be used as any kind of exploitable loophole, but is acceptable for situations where you can't fit the SRV under your ship due to the idiot autopilot.

Great choice of music @Arrowroot 66
If you're playing Odyssey, I've no problem with you jumping out of the SRV and back into your ship.

The shenanigan rule says "dock" with your ship, but that's because I couldn't remember the correct term the game used, so I'm charging it to "board".

This isn't intended to be used as any kind of exploitable loophole, but is acceptable for situations where you can't fit the SRV under your ship due to the idiot autopilot.

Great choice of music @Arrowroot 66
Oh man, I should have thought of that last night when my ship did the random "hover mode" pickup after recalling at Lanchester, would have saved me two minutes of awkwardly positioning the SRV until it could beam me up. The only thing more annoying than the fact we can't control that feature manually is that it works so much better on foot than in an SRV.


Volunteer Moderator
I had a few more runs tonight, the first one involved two obscured jumps and an interdiction. It wasn't pretty but it was completed at least. The next two runs ended in destruction while doing the Crop Circles shenanigan. Fortunately the last one was good enough to get something to submit. Hopefully this one will be valid ;)
So since the Launcher Update rolled out, I've been unable to get in-game. After much frustration, I did get the new launcher to open twice, once for it to tell me I didn't own the game, the second time the game actually launched, then failed to authenticate. 🤷‍♀️ Since then I haven't even been able to get the Launcher to open, the process instantly dies a split second after it starts in task manager. Rebooted, reset modem, tried all the usual things, no dice.

I'll keep wrestling with this, but I'm going to be royally ****** if this snafu costs me a regulation run. Hopefully Fdev get a handle on this in the next few days.
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Controversy reined in Regulation Cobra Class today, with that most pedantic of factions The Race Marshalls employing their V.A.R. (very annoying replays) system to frustrate everybody.

First run of the day was an excellent attempt by Cmdr @Ozric, making it back to Hoshide Dock ahead of @Alec Turner's time, and comfortably under 6 minutes with bonuses, but the Race Marshalls picked over Ozric's Cobra Spoiler Not Included and their extensive and confusing set of rules and determined that the loadout contravened the strict regulation class rules by only fitting a single fragmentation cannon.

Undeterred Ozric fitted a second cannon and set out again, blazing his own trail around the course, but an obscured jump cost him this time and he arrived back 15 seconds off the lead.

Alec was hanging onto his lead by a technicality, and as the day wore on and all the action was happening in Unlimited Class, it looked like it would stay that way.

Then a flurry of activity rewrote the leaderboard, despite an attack of cookiebots jamming submissions for some time, eventually Cmdrs @sgurr and @Epaphus managed to register their times.

Sgurr blasted around the course in Class of 84, claiming a full house of bonuses and an adjusted time of 2m19s, but again The Race Marshalls and their V.A.R. system had their wicked way - Sgurr had broken and entered before his fly-through of the installation, and so was denied that bonus. Nonetheless, the stunning regulation run was fast enough to claim the lead by nearly two minutes.

Then just as the day appear done, Epaphus completed his second run in Baller, knocking ten minutes off his regulation time and knocking poor Alec down to third place, and Ozric (who would have been second) off the podium.


Over in Unlimited, it was a very busy day.

First Buckyball crazy-ship maestro Cmdr @crotalus ran around the course in his Alliance Crusader Eleanor with a run of under 30 minutes, picking up the Station Hustler and Beer Run bonuses to bring it down to 25m52s.

Shortly afterwards Buckyball newbie Cmdr EvilRaven30 made a run in his Imperial Eagle Red Comet unfortunately missed out some of the waypoints - he was never going to get that one past the eagle eyes of The Race Marshalls, especially with that dazing new paintjob. EvilRaven is back out on the course as this report is being compiled and so will hopefully have a valid spot tomorrow.

Improved runs were then made by @Sulu and @Shaye Blackwood.

Those cookiebots have been running amok in Sulu's Imperial Courier, but he still managed to knock nearly 4 minutes off his time and close the gap on Alec's lead.

Shaye has no cookiebots on Blackbird, and today was no baselining run. The Race Marshalls shook their heads in disbelief, unable to find anything to disqualify as Shaye set the first negative time of the event - blazing around in under 24 minutes with a full house of bonuses including a 100% hull "Daisy bonus" for an adjusted time of -1m03s! o7

The final run of the day, by CMDR Tannis Phage (@shockbait) was absolutely beset by cookiebots, but Tannis persevered and made it back with all bonuses and an adjusted time of under 24 minutes.


See you tomorrow, hopefully with no unwanted interference by The Race Marshalls or cookiebots.
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Finally got an Unlimited run to submit. Not pretty, fast only in places, but made it back in one piece.
You know...
There's technically no rule against leaving your SRV behind. Yet.
I like it, but...
OMG - I was getting cross watching that and it wasn't even my own run!

I was reminded of that High Wake video when I was doing it!
I would swear the srv can clip through the courier a little in legacy which avoids stuff like that.

Very frustrating Arrowroot
No clipping, God knows I tried...
If you're playing Odyssey, I've no problem with you jumping out of the SRV and back into your ship.

The shenanigan rule says "dock" with your ship, but that's because I couldn't remember the correct term the game used, so I'm charging it to "board".

This isn't intended to be used as any kind of exploitable loophole, but is acceptable for situations where you can't fit the SRV under your ship due to the idiot autopilot.

Great choice of music @Arrowroot 66
I'm hoping to be in a position to get parts and build an Odyssey-capable machine in a few weeks. Can't come soon enough!
Ok, almost completed a practice run. Took the best part of an hour but that included trying several shenanigans a few times over. Managed to flyve my SRV 4km away from the Folly before turning it into rollving. A record for me! But my wireless mouse (not ideal, I know, but the only solution in my current setup) began losing signal at the agricultural place and almost crashed into a star or two on the way back. Got interdicted just before dropping back at the finish and then the mouse gave up.

Knew I should have charged it overnight.
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Thanks Ozric, and I know we expect it but a shoutout to Shaye for the negative time, that's stupid fast

I'm loving this race. As I've already said to Raiko I think it's brilliant, simple for a no shenanigans run but with a load of subtleties under the surface between SC/flying/driving. Even with the frustrations of destroying many ships and swearing as the ship doesn't land this is my favourite Buckyball to date.
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