The Buckyball Racing Club presents: Thargoid Structure Scramble 2 (Swift-16 Championship, Race 2)

OD-S b4-1 worked on my first run last night, but then that's exactly where the game crashed on my second run, which was a real shame since it was a great one up to that point. Didn't get that far on the third run, cargo hatch failed.

Oh, and good tip about driving out from under the Cobra via one of the front corners. On one of my landings last night at the crashed ship I couldn't get out the back, so I reversed at a blind angle and made it. And then I almost ran over another (presumed) Buckyballer who was on foot for some reason??? :LOL:
Ah, OK...

Do you have to use the Epic Launcher though? Can't you just manually run the Frontier Launcher?
Not to derail the thread, but no, Epic doesn't play well with your Frontier account like steam does. In that, though my accounts are connected and I can receive twitch drops and such, my Frontier account doesn't mention Epic at all, and if I log in to the Elite launcher without Epic and sign in with my Frontier account, it asks me to purchase the game.

It has to have some security key from Epic, either by using the Epic Games Launcher, or a python script I found on reddit that opens a web-page signed in to your Epic account for Elites security key, which I then copy and paste into a pop-up window that sends that to Frontier, and then the Elite Launcher opens with my correct account, and not having to run EGL in the background.

Edit: Crap, forgot the main part, I HAVE to use Epic Games Launcher to manage my installation and updates, at least as far as I'm aware.
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I was on a new PB last night and would have kept 2nd place, then this happened :(

View attachment 355515
Ouch! 🤬

I really felt for you when you posted that image on Discord, as I obviously knew I'd beaten your existing time, but I also knew your lost run was almost certainly faster than mine.

If it's any consolation, I really don't think I can squeeze more than a few more seconds out of my DBX route, so I'm not likely to try. In unlimited I'll be trying to get a better iCourier time, as that's where I think I have my fastest potential run.

Trouble is, in the iCourier I'm currently nearly two minutes behind my own DBX time! 🤣

I can't imagine getting close to @Shaye's time without seriously improving my landing times, but I'm hoping to get below 20 minutes with a clean iCourier run.

In regulation the pesky pirate trying to interdict me definitely cost me second place, but not first - I dropped at 22:46 around the back quarter of the station. So without them, I'd have maybe dropped a couple of seconds later, but around the front with a less panicked approach. So maybe I can get 23:00 with a similar run.
I didn't include this in my main write-up but I did also complete a rather unusual Unlimited class run this morning during which I also baked some unclassified relics as part of my ongoing "Voyage of discovery into the heart of the maelstrom". You can find out how that went including video of the run, what my final time was and why I disqualified myself over here:

Managed an improved Regulation time today at the second attempt, after multiple errors culminating in a 'too fast for orbital cruise' in trying to avoid a pirate led me to abort my first.
The obscured jump leaving the Thargoid Crash site is really hurting me in Regulation and in jumping out I added two jumps to my run. Thankfully, with my new route the run still turned out to be an improvement. Two hyperdictions this time, both with cargo, and my cargo hatch took a heavy hit on final supercuise approach to Artemis Lodge but somehow held together.


Volunteer Moderator
Not to derail the thread, but no, Epic doesn't play well with your Frontier account like steam does. In that, though my accounts are connected and I can receive twitch drops and such, my Frontier account doesn't mention Epic at all, and if I log in to the Elite launcher without Epic and sign in with my Frontier account, it asks me to purchase the game.

It has to have some security key from Epic, either by using the Epic Games Launcher, or a python script I found on reddit that opens a web-page signed in to your Epic account for Elites security key, which I then copy and paste into a pop-up window that sends that to Frontier, and then the Elite Launcher opens with my correct account, and not having to run EGL in the background.

Edit: Crap, forgot the main part, I HAVE to use Epic Games Launcher to manage my installation and updates, at least as far as I'm aware.
OK, that sucks. I really hope something can start working for you.
Since I'm fairly confident that there won't be any new submissions for a while today 😄 I might as well do the leaderboard update now.


In the unlimited class Bethrael Mithrana had a slower run overall but with a single hyperdiction bonus it worked out at a 21 second improvement overall which now puts their Eagle just 1 second behind Tannis Phage's Asp Explorer! Meanwhile, up in 7th Place Martinjameson improves by a good 30+ seconds but sadly falls a place thanks to Edelgard Von Rhein's Dolphin which slips into 6th place with a time of 25:29. This is the way.

Over in Regulation and jspace, free of the Cutter's landing limitations, has an excellent 26:14 run which puts Speed Optional in 6th place. Meanwhile, yours truly suffered a couple of hyperdictions (and a couple of obscured jumps) to get a very satisfactory final time of 24:18 which, because of the ban on race hosts appearing on their own podium, ends up in 4th place. And taking 3rd spot we have Sinister Hedgehog who, thanks to an excellent time of 25:24, may need a rethink on their ship name!

And that's it for today. We're now into the update deadzone so racing is suspended until later on when we'll find out whether Update 15 affects the race and fills the Thargoid structures with <redacted due to spoilers>. I might try to find the answer to this question live on Lave Radio tonight (or then again, given I'm hopeless at playing and talking at the same time, possibly not). Anyone who gets a chance to race later today please report your findings!
I read all that in the same voice used by the Whacky Races commentator. (I’m my head, not out loud)
Superb race so far! But 25 hours. Did he walk?
I haven't play Odyssey yet, so no!

There's nothing in the rules that says you can't get kicked off the servers by an update as you're wandering around the Thargoid structures wondering why inactive ones won't work and take a break to sleep and take kids to school and go teach history and math for a day and bring the kids home from school and feed them dinner and put them to bed and then try to update and have the update break and reset things and then fix your bindings and then fix your bindings again and then test the race and have obscured jumps and interdictions and finally finish the race!! Loophole?
I haven't play Odyssey yet, so no!

There's nothing in the rules that says you can't get kicked off the servers by an update as you're wandering around the Thargoid structures wondering why inactive ones won't work and take a break to sleep and take kids to school and go teach history and math for a day and bring the kids home from school and feed them dinner and put them to bed and then try to update and have the update break and reset things and then fix your bindings and then fix your bindings again and then test the race and have obscured jumps and interdictions and finally finish the race!! Loophole?
Always looking for loopholes. Wonder which others he found.
I haven't play Odyssey yet, so no!

There's nothing in the rules that says you can't get kicked off the servers by an update as you're wandering around the Thargoid structures wondering why inactive ones won't work and take a break to sleep and take kids to school and go teach history and math for a day and bring the kids home from school and feed them dinner and put them to bed and then try to update and have the update break and reset things and then fix your bindings and then fix your bindings again and then test the race and have obscured jumps and interdictions and finally finish the race!! Loophole?
At least you're on the Leaderboard. I have been parked at the crashed Thargoid ship since last weekend. On my scouting run.
Unlimited run submitted. Went mostly smoothly. Did the same thing as @TobiasVonBrandt and reversed at an angle after getting the SRV stuck. During every rehearsal for this run (there weren't many) I fluffed up the gravity braking on return to Artemis so I thought I'd play safe and use the standard approach. But I slowed down too late and managed to stick a completely unintended gravity braking maneuver. So I'm chuffed with that.

Gutted - despite thinking I'd only have time for a single regulation run last night, I couldn't resist staying up too late and making a couple of iCourier attempts.

I was on for a decent time in my last run - thinking I'd perhaps beat my DBX time - when I encroached into the -60 degree zone in glide and dropped out 37km from the second structure. I knew the time would still be good, so I boosted down, but then I lost my bearings and couldn't identify either of my preferred landing spots, lost control, did a bit of iCourier pinball around the middle of the stucture, then finally spotted my landing area.

Made it into the structure, but I was rushing too much then for my mediocre SRV driving skills and kept careering off the tunnel walls.

Made it back to Celaeno in an iCourier PB that was 15 or 16 seconds slower than my DBX run.


That messed up second structure was still way better than in my original iCourier run, but I compared my time from 37km out to scanning the device for the two structures and I lost 1m20s during that part, so I was on for a 20 minute run at time of my glide mistake! 😭 🤬
Here we go again, it's day 7 of the Thargoid Structure Scramble and time for another leaderboard update.


In Unlimited class Leeya Geddy has switched from the regulation Cobra to a DBX and manages a really decent time of 27m 32s after a particularly nice gravity braking manoeuvre back at Artemis Lodge places them 9th. Further up and Cmdr Sulu drops in a solid improvement of nearly a minute but no position change, especially since Epaphus is also back (with Thargoids in hot pursuit), snatching 2nd place from Cmdr Raiko with a fantastic DBX time that's 5s over the 20 minute mark.

And over in regulation, another brand new Buckyballer Cmdr R.Soak flies the Uisce Beatha into 18th place with a time just under 44 minutes (welcome to Buckyball! plenty of opportunity to improve on that and you're only a minute behind Tannis Phage). Showing them how that's done, another recent newcomer Norbert B. Beaver improves by a good three and a half minutes (despite pirates) to nip past Leeya Geddy into 15th. Further up and Edelgard shaves nearly 3 minutes off their time and climbs a whopping 5 places knocking Wheat_Grinder into the 1-point club! That would have overtaken Sulu too but he's not done in regulation either and, after battling off no less than 5 hyperdictions, takes 8th with a time of 25m 32s. And finally, another relatively new name to watch out for in Buckyball, Kevin The Stabber submits a fantastic regulation time, breaking the 23 minute barrier and stealing 2nd place from Ozric while also knocking Raiko off the podium entirely (both Buckyball veterans).

And that's it for this update. With two and half days left in the race (plenty of time for planetary alignments to change) anything could happen (hell, Bruski might even manage to complete the course in under a day).

Happy racing commanders!

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Following a stewards enquiry into an objection on my hyperdiction bonus maths I must now apologise to Cmdr Sulu who did far better in regulation than I'd calculated.


He's in 6th place with a final time of 24:32 and not 25:32 as previously posted - and I need to get my skates on before I slip any further down that leaderboard! 😱
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Well, final regulation submission handed in. Almost, almost broke the thirty minutes, and would have done easily but for messing up that final approach. Rest of the run could not have gone better. Reserving this morning's session for taking screenshots for the blog. And then I have to get my head down and write it all up!

Happy racing wonderful fellow Buckyballers! o7
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