The Buckyball Racing Club presents: Thargoid Structure Scramble 2 (Swift-16 Championship, Race 2)

2 Unlimited runs tonight with identical times (after allowing for the hyperdiction bonus on one of them) but after reviewing them they both have critical moments where the time is not in frame. If I can't do any better tomorrow I'll submit one with a link to the video as well as screenshots and throw myself on the judges' mercy :oops:

Sadly when it goes wrong I'm more like Austin Powers!
This! A thousand times THIS!!! 🤬
Right, here it comes - the penultimate scoreboard of the race.


In regulation ... a brand new entry for the Thargoid Structure Scramble from Cmdr Rocky Star who drops the Wilmlow into 16th place with a 2x hyperdiction run clocking in at just under 32 mins, nicely dodged by Leeya Geddy who improves by over three minutes to jump their favourite headache up into 15th.

And in unlimited ... a fresh run from Bethrael Mithrana's Eagle improving by 2 minutes but tragically then falling two places thanks to new submissions! Speaking of which, straight into 8th place comes MrIndigo's Dolphin with a final time of 24m 33s and further up, the Cmdr I said we should watch out for, Kevin The Stabber, jumps straight into 4th place (23 seconds ahead of Cmdr Sulu) with a fantastic time of 21m 51s.

And now we head into that tense period of silence before the final results (on Monday) where everything is still to play for but nobody knows what anyone else is up to.

See you in the bar once the race is over commanders.

Fly fast!
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If it wasn't bad enough that I was out competing for sensors at the crash site this morning, slamming head on into another racer in a seemingly directly targeted attack really is setting a bad example to other race organisers! 😬


Sorry @Willyum-71 :)
LOL, I saw you coming and squeezed my cheeks... It was an odd nite for me all around, every run I did had issues.
I'm actually gonna leave this (below) here with Chapters, but I'm not going to submit it unless I run out of time to do a good run. I actually tried to 'Scramble' over the top of the 'Structure' cause my first doorway was blocked on the inside... and I had a 'Too Fast for Orbit'. So that's about 3-4 minutes, But every run had mistakes, and with Today being Mother's Day here in the states, this just might end up being my final run lol. I think our 7pm is your midnight, so if I can't get a break before 6, I'll just grab the Screenshots from this run to submit.

Screenshot 2023-05-14 020322.jpg

EDIT... Screenshots added because I know Epaphus does the code for LiveSplit... Much appreciated. But wanted to mention that it is off by a few seconds again. Alec mention in my Regulation race that the LiveSplit times were 2-3 seconds faster than real time and this race LiveSplit reports as 25:52... but the screengrabs show 25:55

And a Bit off topic, but on topic in another way... I'm really happy about this race cause it has been changing the way I fly, and having me do activities I haven't done before. I actually had a bit of burn-out after my 'regulation' run cause everything was so new... lots of skills to try to learn. But now even with the thargoid scouts being buffed x10. I did the engineering to get that TG Pulse Neutralizer this morning and went into the Titan... AND made it out alive. I was 'trying' to use the fast helical entries to avoid interdictions and felt comfortable flying around a structure (even went into 1 of the side ports and almost got cooked)... If it wasn't for this race, I probably would have just watched from a far.
There's not a lot interesting in this vid, but I'll include it anyway for the rookie appeal...

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If it wasn't bad enough that I was out competing for sensors at the crash site this morning, slamming head on into another racer in a seemingly directly targeted attack really is setting a bad example to other race organisers! 😬
I mean, who targeted who? ;)

And a Bit off topic, but on topic in another way... I'm really happy about this race cause it has been changing the way I fly,
That's music to the ears, almost every race for me too.

So first run last night, faceplanted a planet, came out of SC to early on another, every jump was obscured and a pirate wanted some tasty sensors on the way back to Artemis. Went well I thought :LOL:
All that's missing for the full bingo card is an interdiction and failed cargo hatch.
Finger's crossed
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And a Bit off topic, but on topic in another way... I'm really happy about this race cause it has been changing the way I fly, and having me do activities I haven't done before. I actually had a bit of burn-out after my 'regulation' run cause everything was so new... lots of skills to try to learn. But now even with the thargoid scouts being buffed x10. I did the engineering to get that TG Pulse Neutralizer this morning and went into the Titan... AND made it out alive. I was 'trying' to use the fast helical entries to avoid interdictions and felt comfortable flying around a structure (even went into 1 of the side ports and almost got cooked)... If it wasn't for this race, I probably would have just watched from a far.
That's really awesome to hear! I think throwing my ships around Buckyball races definitely gave me a lot more confidence not to be afraid of trying stuff in this game - a) because it made me a better pilot, more familiar with my ship's controls and handling; b) because I became less precious about my ships (happier to chop and change stuff in the loadouts, etc) and c) less afraid of what might happen if I screwed up and rammed things, or worse. Congratulations on getting OUT of the maelstrom! I've been in but I'm still working on escaping with my ship in one piece. 😆
🤬 :mad:🤯👿👺💀☠️☠️☠️☠️

errr... no, I've not quite turned crazy yet.
But someone seems to have decided to prevent me participating in this race (at least) by all means. Having RL time constraints interfering with race time during the week is about en par. But when I finally would have had a few hours to get at least one run in on Sunday afternoon, the PSU (I idiot lights of any kind visible on the mobo at least) of my gaming machine finally decided to cash in its chips and shuffle its mortal coil.
I'll order a replacement and keep on hoping that it really is only the PSU (and that it didn't decide, in some sort of malicious intent, to take the mobo, GPU and whatever else it could reach with it). But for this race, I'm out.

Oh, and if I ever go and build another PC - someone please forcefully remind me never again to choose a case that barely fits whatever I want to put in and requires the removal not only of both side panels but also two fans to finally remove that last power connector...


Volunteer Moderator
I am done. I've tried 4 more goes this afternoon: Too Fast for Orbital Cruise Death impacting into the crash site Too Fast for Orbital Cruise Didn't get Hyperdicted The third run was great because I was about 10 seconds behind Caelum when we started so we were chasing each other around. Landing at the Crash Site and trying to pick my way to another Sensor was great fun. We both decided to SC away to break orbit and ended up approaching the first base the same distance apart. Unfortunately Caelum got the dreaded message this time, I did the first site, got the Link but I was obscured once again. As I was leaving I saw Caelum coming back. Second site I was too fast and decided to abandon the run. It had already cost me a minute and a half because of the obscured jumps and there was no way I could improve my time. My final chances hung on getting Hyperdicted on leaving the crash site going a different direction. Once again it was brilliant on the way to the crash site because we had me, Caelum, Stobi-Wan and Kevin the Stabber all heading in SC towards the site. I think that Kevin might have been TFfOC because Stobi was on the ground when I landed, and Caelum was coming in as I was picking up my sensor. I think that he might have just managed to jump over my SRV in time as I saw something flash past. As there's only 3 Sensors at the crash site it could have been awkward. Unfortunately I didn't get hyperdicted and so that's my attempts done. I did see Alec leaving as I got back to Artemis Lodge.

Thanks so much for doing this race Alec, it's been great fun to get to take part this time and the changes you made really made the race better I think. Well done everyone who's had a go.

🤬 :mad:🤯👿👺💀☠️☠️☠️☠️

errr... no, I've not quite turned crazy yet.
But someone seems to have decided to prevent me participating in this race (at least) by all means. Having RL time constraints interfering with race time during the week is about en par. But when I finally would have had a few hours to get at least one run in on Sunday afternoon, the PSU (I idiot lights of any kind visible on the mobo at least) of my gaming machine finally decided to cash in its chips and shuffle its mortal coil.
I'll order a replacement and keep on hoping that it really is only the PSU (and that it didn't decide, in some sort of malicious intent, to take the mobo, GPU and whatever else it could reach with it). But for this race, I'm out.

Oh, and if I ever go and build another PC - someone please forcefully remind me never again to choose a case that barely fits whatever I want to put in and requires the removal not only of both side panels but also two fans to finally remove that last power connector...
Oh no how annoying. Fingers crossed it is just that.
I got a Fractal Design Meshify C ATX Mid Tower Case, it's really good. Great cable management too.
Alec, I submitted my final run just now... Same as posted above. Please let me know if I got the screenshots correct for future race purposes. Or so I can correct now.
Edit... by the way I don't mean 'now' as in Dewit NoW!. lol.. I was referring to the problems I had with my screen grabs before, whenever you get to checking submissions, let me know if All mistakes have now been corrected lol.

@Epaphus I added screenshots to my post above cause it seems I'm consistently having LiveSplit reporting my run as 3 seconds faster than it is. So not sure if it's just my PC or LiveSplit...
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