The Buckyball Racing Club presents: The Last Gasp - Resuscitated (Magic 8-Ball Championship, Race 8)

I was doing so well - the route I have is, I think, possible to get 1k+, just, with a following solar wind.
Just had a run - and sold 4 Beer Mats at the first station.
"Oh Well", I thought (that's not what I shouted) I'll use this as a practice run.
So I visited all the other stations, did the run back, and possible could have made it if it wasn't for those pesky kids loops of shame.
So I'm back outside Rebuy Prospect, with only one second on the clock and still 40 ly away, so turn my Life Support back on.

Then I had a thought. "I wonder if you can go faster if you get rid of your ammo?"
So I gave it a try.
Of course doing so exceeded my power capacity - so the damn machine turned off my life support which, for some reason, is at a lower priority.

Does anyone know if your ammo does make a difference to your speed?
I was doing so well - the route I have is, I think, possible to get 1k+, just, with a following solar wind.
Just had a run - and sold 4 Beer Mats at the first station.
"Oh Well", I thought (that's not what I shouted) I'll use this as a practice run.
So I visited all the other stations, did the run back, and possible could have made it if it wasn't for those pesky kids loops of shame.
So I'm back outside Rebuy Prospect, with only one second on the clock and still 40 ly away, so turn my Life Support back on.

Then I had a thought. "I wonder if you can go faster if you get rid of your ammo?"
So I gave it a try.
Of course doing so exceeded my power capacity - so the damn machine turned off my life support which, for some reason, is at a lower priority.

Does anyone know if your ammo does make a difference to your speed?
Love this sequence of events, absolutely hilarious! As to whether ammo affects speed ... you mean because of the weight of the ammo you're carrying? No, I sincerely doubt it. That sounds like Star Citizen level of detail.
Leaderboards - day 07

Strap in folks, this one's a doozie and sees some more digits being revealed on the scores to give folks a fighting chance as we head into the weekend.


In regulation class ... first up was Martinjameson back with a further improvement up to 640-something (although no change in relative position) and just a single second left on the clock!!! Apparently the pirates were after his beer mats again so yesterdays hiatus must have been down to a "bad batch". And then the big one - Shaye's first entry in regulation and frankly it's absolutely mind blowing! Yes, you read that right ... ONE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY SOMETHING something light years with 20 seconds remaining. I have no words, Shaye says "Give me 6 more months and I might come up with the perfect route". Needless to say he takes first place. Next and FearlessF21 makes another solid improvement to take 9th place with 850+, pushing Azzie Elbub back into the 1-point club. With "time to spare" (1:16) he reckon's he still "needs to try harder". Following that Psykit enters the fraye, beating long time rival Epaphus to 7th place by less than 20 LYs in a very respectable 870+ run and just 18 seconds remaining! Finally in this first batch it's Edelgard Von Rhein,back in the Null Geodesic. Despite skipping a 5th stop, the tactic of making 4 big stops pays off and climbs Edelgard 4 places up the leaderboard to 6th. As well as selling the last 2 beer mats at stop #4, Edelgard also had some manual WD plotting shenanigans and some aggresive, heat damaging fuel scooping on the way back, luckily when a melted cargo hatch is no longer a problem.

pauses for breath (baddum tish)

Staying with regulation, Draig Seren continues to improve and finally concedes last place to Homborger with a 530+ run and just 18 seconds left on the clock! Tomorrow Draig is planning to focus on Inara and will hopefully be back with a further improvement before the end. Next was another pilot new to Buckyballing (unless I'm mistaken?), Cmdr PooperPig, who attempted just 3 stops (but big stops, plus some "mild swearing") to attain an excellent first time score of 670+, jumping straight into 12th place. With a minute and a half remaining perhaps there's room to add one more stop to that route and jump into the 800s? Either way, welcome to Buckyball! And lastly in regulation, Cmdr Sulu is back once more, improving to within spitting distance of Elastul Ma'fer as they're both now sat at 1,040-something! With just 8 seconds remaining and barely squeezing in before today's submission deadline I'm not sure narrowly missing out on 4th place is what Sulu had in mind when he said he "liked cutting it close".

Then we turn to unlimited and a slightly redundant if stylish pair of submissions from Cmdr New Model 15. First he tried the Imperial Eagle and then an Imperial courier. Both the same route, both runs ultimately worse then his previous Asp Explorer run. Although I slightly resent the ultimately unnecessary work required to judge these two runs I did appreciate seeing both ships so beautifully decked out in full racing regalia.



And finally, Cmdr Martinjameson also found time to return to unlimited class with a nicely improved Dolphin run, climbing 3 places with a fine 1540+ run. Cmdr Jameson was quoted as saying "I hope this doesn't get beaten by some **** Cobra!". I mean, prior to today's submission from Shaye I would have said that was highly unlikely but frankly I wouldn't now put anything past the incomparable Cmdr Blackwood!

Today's fun fact - thus far only four systems have been visited by more than one person. Specifically, Azzie Elbub and Rocky Star have two systems in common, Sulu and Psykit have one system in common and Elastul Ma'fer and Bruski have one system in common.

Stand by for more action folks ... tomorrow it's the final bloomin' weekend of the Magic 8-Ball Championship!!!
Conservative Regulation Run plotted. Tonight, I’m hoping to run get in a couple of runs, to see how much much room I’ve got for a more aggressive run tomorrow. And then Sunday, I’ll hopefully have time to apply all the lessons I’ve learned to a slightly more aggressive Unlimited run.
True to the BRC motto, 10-jump regulation route scouted - seems like you need to get >1000 ly in regulation. Took me longer than expected - the first four attempts failed when the return trip came out to 11 jumps (even though I had an empty hold and less distance than on the outgoing leg) 😡.

Now the only remaining problem will be to actually manage to run and survive this route...
After several false starts, I have a regulation route I'm not very happy with, but it'll have to do. Trial run suggests I have room for maybe one screwed up SC approach, which is about a third of my usual number. However, the frame rate slowed right down mid run, so I'm going to give the laptop a rest for the night and then try blowing out the internal dust in the morning. All the extra route plotting must have confused its innards.
Spent last night scouting for Unlimited. I must be missing something because I seem to run out of inhabited space around 420 ly. Nearly 2.3k is madness!
Leaderboards - day 08

It's so nearly all over now ... but not quite, and all digits of the totals have finally been revealed so folks can now see how close things really are.


First up in regulation was a brand new entry in this class from OrangePheonix. Claiming it to be the "smoothest run he's had", this was a fine 620+ 5-stopper which got back to Rebuy Prospect with 28 seconds remaining and places the Inyourendo 14th. Next and Elastul Ma'fer is determined not to be beaten by jspace and actually manages to climb 2 places, stealing 2nd from Bruski with a fantastic 1,150+ LY run. With "terrible dockings" and nearly a minute to spare we may not yet have seeen the last of Snakes On A Spaceship! Also climbing 2 places, FearlessF21 returns with an 890-something run that's now less than 2 LYs behind Edelgard Von Rhein! He claims to be at the "limit of his nerves" ... but come on ... 2 light years, that's just 6 seconds faster!!!

Turning to the unlimited class - New Model 15 switched back to the Asp, ran it around the route he used for his Imperial ships and managed to add a 4th stop to turn in a 1470+ run and overtake Edelgard's Viper. His plan now is to stick with this ship but look for an alternative route. Next and Sulu is back again (of course), and curious to see if he can break the 2200 barrier. He does (just) and, with 14 seconds to spare, further tightens his grip on that 2nd place finish .. in fact he's really not that far behind Shaye now! And finally for today, Caelum Incola returns to Buckyball with a bloody good first submission (even if it was Lenslock protected and almost impossible to check). Running an Imperial Courier around 5 stops with 30 seconds to spare for a distance total of 2110+ LYs, he drops straight into 3rd place ahead of Captain-MD. Fantastic racing Cmdr!

So ... one more day to go! I probably won't do a leaderboard update tomorrow, giving everyone time to get their final submissions in before I mark them and release the final results on Monday. So let me just wish everyone a fantastic final 30+ hours of racing.

Today's fun fact - the average stop distance (across both classes) is 251.59 light years and, with average remaining O2 at 58 seconds that means the average overall run total would be 1277.28 light years. The closest to that is Edelgard's Viper!
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