The Buckyball Racing Club presents: The Last Gasp - Resuscitated (Magic 8-Ball Championship, Race 8)



4.32 km at 360 m/s = 12 seconds. Or 2.4 seconds per station visited.
Here you go ... totally not a knock off!

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I'm out at the moment but I checked a few submissions before I left and can confirm there are podium shake-ups in both classes.
Yay! <Pulls t-shirt up over head and runs around the room, smacking into walls and tripping over the furniture>

And now back to trying to finish my regulation route, and find a new unlimited route, and hopefully complete that. Oh, and fly faster; a lot faster...
Good luck to those still trying to find routes to get a few more LY and to run them safely!
This has been a race I'll not soon forget, as I was quite nervous at first wondering how I'd cope hearing my CMDR struggling to breathe but it was not so bad as I thought (until reaching the last couple of minutes) and I found that it was a bigger problem missing out on some of the more subtle audio cues that I had come to take for granted (e.g. clearing mass lock). It shows just how much I rely on audio to do basic things like fly around the Galaxy, even when I'm just docking and selling something.
So thank you to Alec Turner for running this race and also for the 8-ball Championship, which has been keeping racing going (and I miss that more than any CG or event when I'm out in the black for an extended period). o7
It's probably just as well that this is the last race of the championship ... I rather fear I may have broken a few people with this one! Just a few more hours commanders and then you can rest and accept your place on the final championship leaderboard, safe in the knowledge (and pride) that, whatever your final score, you are all ... Buckyball Racers!


Volunteer Moderator
You broke me :D

Five runs attempted through this evening. I had to change the route after the second run as I realised the jumps back was one more than I could make, even though a test plot from rebuy to the last station showed 11 stops it was 12 on the other way round.

Three more runs on my newly guessed route. The first one I did an amazing landing, and then sold two beermats at the station 🤬 The penultimate run featured this, and I ran out of air two seconds before being able to make it through the mailslot at Rebuy


The final run I really didn't think I was going to make it, but made it through with one second of Oxygen left, and then almost blew up inside the station!

Thanks a lot for the race Alec, it's been a real test, comforting at times, frustrating at others. But a very fitting end to the championship!

Bravo to everyone that took part.
Commander Raiko recovers consciousness in the bar at Rebuy Prospect, looks at his watch, sees the date, "Oh sh......"

Intent to make a late, late entry! Last gasp indeed.

Thank goodness lots of my stuff was already at Fullerene. Embarrassingly I arrived here to participate in one of the earlier rounds. :whistle:
At last, I can breathe a sigh of relief that my last run of this race has been completed. The most frustrating thing about this race is that plotting a new route ate up enough time to consume attempts, and it wasn't really something I could do well while away from home, which limited my total number of attempts. Very rarely, did I fly the same route twice.

Which made this race a test of my ability to make approaches at completely unfamiliar stations, which was an interesting exercise, to say the least. I made sure I budgeted enough time for three severe mistakes... which I often needed, because if I wasn't hitting the orbital cruise zone by mistake, I was getting interdicted by pirates after my lucky Buckyball Bear Mats... er Beer Mats. :D

All that's left is to upload the videos, create bookmarks, extract the screenshots, upload them, and then submit my entries!
My final entries have been submitted. Sadly, my Regulation run won't finish strong enough to break into the top ten. My last unlimited run, though... it'll be interesting to see how I placed, once @Alec Turner has a chance to review all the new entries. :D

My Regulation Run submission: Several prior attempts were made, but I didn't bother submitting them, because I wanted to save what little time remained time to the race!


My Final Unlimited submission. Again, many attempts were made, but this is the only other one that I took the time to enter. Poor iCourier was really baked during this attempt.


And for the curious, my first unlimited submission

Final run submitted, for unlimited only. Several regulation runs attempted, all ended in destruction (didn't even get to see the Rebuy mailslot, closest was dropping from supercruise at 842km) before I realised the distance wasn't going to get me into the top 10, so switched to the Dolphin and a new route. Success! So with 20 minutes before midnight, back to the Cobra for one final throw of the dice. Worst run yet, blew up 0.8Ls from Rebuy.

Thanks to @Alec Turner for an excellent race, definitely different, and it's taught me a lot about manual plotting. Flying has definitely improved, doing the deadly spiral of death has started to click for me and I'm only looping round the back of the station/planet some of the time instead of always now. Congrats to all my fellow racers, looking forward to the next one, whenever/whatever it may be.

I think I'm a Buckyballer now :)
Quick heads up that all recent submissions have now been checked and judged OK and I have a tentative final leaderboard! I'll wait until around 2pm this afternoon before posting the final results (so if anyone is still sitting on a last minute submission get it in now) but I will say that there are no fewer than 15 new entries which see significant shake ups in both leaderboards, including this!


I actually had decent runs and the race is now over, so let's post video!

First is regulation. The route could be optimized a bit more (I think we all feel the same way), but this went as close to perfect as I can manage.

In unlimited I made a few mistakes with alignment when scooping which cost a few seconds and it took a couple stations to get docking. Those iCouriers are kinda twitchy. As I said earlier in the thread, I seemed to run out of inhabited space, so that clearly wasn't the correct direction to go. There was way too much time left on the clock and not enough time left in the race to explore a different edge of the bubble.
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