The Buckyball Racing Club presents: Tunnel-ish Vision (Swift-16 Championship, Race 3)

So I've been wishing I had a legitimate reason to haul *** through those installation tunnels since I found out they were there, big thanks to @sgurr for giving me one!

Once again, the weather and satellite internet prevented me from getting many runs in later in the week, and I could never do better than my first runs. Though, after reading through the thread, that might be because I'm an imbecile and was supercruising in Tir Na Nog AND Vequess, that's probably also why every other run I made was so much longer, my first two runs seem to have taken place while both installations and the cap ship and Agnews were incredibly near each other in their orbits.

Was wondering what everyone was on about trying to find a "One Jump" route, I did the Fed Cap Ship > Payson > Imp Cap Ship(TTB) > Agnews > both installations.
And the final, last place entry goes to....

I confess I skimmed through to the highlights but I particularly enjoyed the premature "Yeee hee hee heeeee .... Oh!" in the Tir Na Nog tunnel at around 19 minutes. 😆 If nothing else Colin you've re-sold me on VR. It looks amazing, I really need to dust off my old headset, or maybe even buy myself a new one! Have you got a link for your attempt at a trench run?
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Regulation boards updated with late entry, (run happened before race close)

Regulation boards updated with late entry, (run happened before race close)


Lave Radio’s own Cmdr Slow!

I confess I skimmed through to the highlights but I particularly enjoyed the premature "Yeee hee hee heeeee .... Oh!" in the Tir Na Nog tunnel at around 19 minutes. 😆 If nothing else Colin you've re-sold me on VR. It looks amazing, I really need to dust off my old headset, or maybe even buy myself a new one! Have you got a link for your attempt at a trench run?
I’ve already embarrassed myself enough Alec, you’ll never see that trench run! However the new XR elite headset (although eye watering ly expensive) has really rekindled my enthusiasm for the ship and vehicle parts of this game. I only go flat screen now if I have to run on-foot missions.

It’s a shame that they weren’t able to VR Odyssey to the same level that NMS has, but that’s understandable as I am just beginning how much work you have to put in to get any on foot vr experience to work properly!
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I’ve already embarrassed myself enough Alec, you’ll never see that trench run! However the new XR elite headset (although eye watering ly expensive) has really rekindled my enthusiasm for the ship and vehicle parts of this game. I only go flat screen now if I have to run on-foot missions.

Absolutely agree.

It’s a shame that they weren’t able to VR Odyssey to the same level that NMS has, but that’s understandable as I am just beginning how much work you have to put in to get any on foot vr experience to work properly!

I, for one, am glad they didn’t follow NMS’s example. I find that game’s VR implementation to be one of the worst I’ve experienced: they stopped short of full Room-Scale, so it’s either an exercise in frustration if I try to play it as if it’s Room-Scale, or an exercise in nausea if I play it seated.
I'm really glad you got your run added Colin.

That's XR Elite headset is terrific. I'm probably going to be upgrading my VR next year, and while that's probably out of my budget, it's the first £1000+ headset that's got me tempted.
I’m holding out until headsets and games can do foveated rendering and eye tracking.
@Alec Turner I think I may have caught you in your gravity well nightmare during my Unlimited submission. I remember seeing you close to the Imperial Cap ship as I was spiralling in, thinking you were on your way in too at the time. Then when we didn't instance together I kinda forgot about it. Reviewing it though, it looks like you were leaving the Imp ship and heading towards Agnew's Folly, which by the time I'd dropped out, flown through the Imp ship and then headed to Agnew's myself, you still hadn't got there. Sorry to further salt the wound, but it might be worth a look as a comparison to see when you pop into supercruise and drop out at Agnew's compared to what I was doing. Start around 12:15 :)
@Alec Turner I think I may have caught you in your gravity well nightmare during my Unlimited submission. I remember seeing you close to the Imperial Cap ship as I was spiralling in, thinking you were on your way in too at the time. Then when we didn't instance together I kinda forgot about it. Reviewing it though, it looks like you were leaving the Imp ship and heading towards Agnew's Folly, which by the time I'd dropped out, flown through the Imp ship and then headed to Agnew's myself, you still hadn't got there. Sorry to further salt the wound, but it might be worth a look as a comparison to see when you pop into supercruise and drop out at Agnew's compared to what I was doing. Start around 12:15 :)
Are you sure that wasn't me at Agnew's? (there's a ship spiralling with you which seems to drop in just before you did and I think has jumped out again just before you drop in).
Are you sure that wasn't me at Agnew's? (there's a ship spiralling with you which seems to drop in just before you did and I think has jumped out again just before you drop in).
Yes I believe it is, which is why I thought it might be interesting to gauge the time from when you appear at the cap ship on my HUD, to us both approaching Agnew's. :)
Short writeup:
With my selfimposed limitations of only using the Orca, Python and Viper, it was quite clear that the Viper would be the one for this race, it's practically made for it. I did however want to run the Orca around as well so decided to start with that. The two locations in Vequess was obviously faster to do in one visit. The two in Tir Na Nog I had initially planned to test thoroughly, but once I saw how close they both were both to the main star and the planets they were orbiting (or are they? didn't seem to move at all all week) it seemed obvious to me that splitting them up would be faster. The Turner's Tactical Bonus I didn't find a good place to fit in for the Orca, it being quite large and slow turning compared to the Viper, I don't think I ended up gaining any time doing it. For the Viper the issue was more how fast it is and how long the boost lasts, needing a big run-up to let the boost run out before flipping around. I did manage to do this reliably at the Imperial capital ship eventually.

With the Orca's jump range being what it is the limiting factor would be which jumps would be unobscured. Scouting the locations with this in mind I set up a route and ran it twice. On the first run I made quite a few mistakes, but the second one I felt was good enough to submit and move on to the Viper.

Orca route: Findja (trench run) -> Yaroklis (Payson tunnels) -> Tir Na Nog (CEA tunnel) -> Vequess (Federation capital ship gap) -> Vequess (Agnews' Folly rings) -> LP 214-1 (Imperial capital ship gap) -> Tir Na Nog (UEB tunnel) -> Findja

The main difference for the Viper was one jump my build could not do, Vequess <-> LP 214-1. Scouting all the locations one route stood out, but a few days later it became obscured from Payson Holdings. An alternative route was plotted and it worked just as well, until that too became obscured at Payson Holdings. :ROFLMAO:
I think it was a day and a half between that happening and my original route opening back up, so patience was exercised.

Primary route: Findja (trench run) -> Yaroklis (Payson tunnels) -> LP 214-1 (Imperial capital ship gap) -> Tir Na Nog (CEA tunnel) -> Vequess (Federation capital ship gap) -> Vequess (Agnews' Folly rings) -> Tir Na Nog (UEB tunnel) -> Findja

Secondary route: Findja (trench run) -> LP 214-1 (Imperial capital ship gap) -> Tir Na Nog (CEA tunnel) -> Vequess (Federation capital ship gap) -> Vequess (Agnews' Folly rings) -> Yaroklis (Payson tunnels) -> Tir Na Nog (UEB tunnel) -> Findja

Winning run:

End note:
This race slots easily into any top 5 list I would put together. The varied approaches and skills needed to get around the track fast, with so short supercruise distances that plotting the next stop actually was a challenge in itself, all made it a real gem. Congratulations to Ozric for winning in regulation and everyone else managing a podium place at the expense of Raiko. Next time. :)
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Winning run:

End note:
This race slots easily into any top 5 list I would put together. The varied approaches and skills needed to get around the track fast, with so short supercruise distances that plotting the next stop actually was a challenge in itself, all made it a real gem. Congratulations to Ozric for winning in regulation and everyone else managing a podium place at the expense of Raiko. Next time. :)
I can't even maintain a '4 second' vector properly... You're holding 2 and 1 second vectors consistantly, Amazing flying!
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