The codex screenshot for the The Dark Wheel - Which system is it?

Thanks - I'll look into that.

Is there any lore that talks about any decommissioned or 'disused' starports in the past?

edit: it appears the hunt is a bit more broad, encompassing Raxxla and TDW. Was wondering if anyone made a similar database of systems around Sol that only contain gas giants with 8 moons
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OK found one -

Does anyone know the owner of this Google Sheet? Would like to know if anyone tried to visit these systems with TDW in mind...
Have fun

There was a spreadsheet, but the Great Raxxla Potato Hunt did a better job. It just needs to be searched properly.

One other thing - 99% of my research over the years related in-game lore to the official novels. ONLY in-game actions can be taken as lore - the novels were written before the game was released, and the game itself had many fundamental changes between the issuance of the writers' packs and Beta. We have spoken to people connected to development around that time and it is very clear that the novels cannot be used verbatim to locate Raxxla. There were easter eggs added to the game which anchors the novels within the game universe, but nothing more. Garry's map being one...
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Since the lightings changed - the image in the Codex is now technically "outdated". Could we write a issue report on this, and see how they respond? That could be a hint by itself even if they say "no reason to change".
Just a thought that came to mind over the years-long hiatus and my mind going half-broken over RAXXLA too.
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