The Dead End's Circumnavigation Expedition

See you all in Achrende! o7


Here waiting :D

My entire trip was 17,103 jumps and 601,262ly, 21,861 scans. And a whole lot of fun.
You beat me by about 200k credits. I have yet to cash in my trip to BC24 and 25 though ;)

Does it still count if I've already made it to Achrende and returned in another ship?
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News Update Letter to FD

Dear FD,

The Dead End's Circumnavigation Expedition (DECE) is coming to an end. We've been gone from the bubble almost a year doing the circumnavigation of the galaxy.

First the important stuff: Is there any chance of a DECE decal for our CMDRS?

Anyway, I stole the text below from Henkka's post on reddit: (

The Dead End's Circumnavigation Expedition coming to an end

o7 all!

Thought that i would write a bit here about DECE, some of you might know or heard about it, some of you havent.

The Dead End's Circumnavigation Expedition began in Oct 14th 3303 with approx 100 cmdrs. The aim was to circumnavigate the galaxy clockwise via the very edges, during 11-12 month period and in EDSM our arrival date is marked at Oct 13th 3304. Most of us will be back home before that date.As the journey has been long and demanding, we have lost quite many cmdrs during this past year, but we do have still good number of cmdrs with us who has traveled all the way, all the waypoints and basecamps.

Some cmdrs flew our route in few weeks and the fastest circumnavigation was made by Cmdr Hanekura Shizuka who circumnavigated the whole galaxy just in under a week!

When the expedition began, we had only waypoints set which we would follow, but no idea about basecamps or meetup locations.Therefore we put up a great scouting team who flew ahead and scouted nice looking basecamps for us. I was one of the scouts and i loved doing that. At basecamp meetups we had SRV racing, general shenanigans and of course the mass jump.

Our pace was approx 1000ly/day so not that fast paced. We had basecamp meetups bi-weekly every Saturday.

The absolute highlight of DECE for me and for many others was the meetup in Beagle Point with another expedition, Beagle Point Expedition which launched from Colonia sometime after DECE.

It was the very first time when two major expeditions meet in Beagle Point. We had SRV racing, ship towers and other shenanigans during our BP meetup week. Greeting to BPE cmdrs if youre reading!

We've also had talkshows at meetups which we have streamed to Youtube and to Twitch, every time one cmdr from our fleet arrives as a guest and we chat about DECE for an hour, those has been a great fun!

YT playlist:
DECE mass jumps & talkshows - YouTube

Now, im approx 8000ly from Shinrarta and already feeling a bit blue as DECE is coming to an end. :(

Its been really long but rewarding journey, cant believe i just spent a year circumnavigating the galaxy. That thought alone makes me a very proud explorer.

My sincere thanks to all who traveled with me, its been a priviledge. You guys made DECE what it became, a great expedition around the galaxy!

Luckily there might be DECE 2 sometime in the future.. ;)


EDSM page:'s+Circumnavigation+Expedition
Forum thread:
Sent, at Macos' request, the following in an email re: DECE Decal to Frontier:

*WARNING - May Contain Roleplay*

Echo glanced at the nav panal as the FSD spooled up, then - after a frozen moment - cancelled the jump.


She hadn't realised how close to being almost home she was.
Gazing out of the window, seeing though Barnards Loop as she reminised, Echo recalled how nervous she'd felt this time last year when she'd first committed to making this epic journey.

A whole year in the Black. The whole way round the Galaxy.

It'd seemed such a mad idea, and yet it started a chain of thoughts and imaginings that Echo couldn't shake off.
She'd bought *Peregrine*, a Saud Krugar Dolphin because she couldn't even afford a Diamondback Explorer, and stripped all the parts that would fit her new "explorer" from her T-6 workhorse.

There had been perils - like when the heat radiators developed a fault that caused the ships temperature to surge at the slightest touch on the steering above a planets surface, and those shocking drops out of witch-space into too-close binaries.

The group of strangers she'd set off with - just like that, into the void with who knows who - had become a close-knit tribe over the course of the expedition. Helping each other out with repairs, encouragement and advice.

Now Echo was returning a much more confident pilot and individual. The galaxy itself had cleansed her of doubts and worries.
Those troublesome things that had seemed so insurmountable in the Bubble had faded besides the tasks of just getting to distant stars in a little ship, keeping herself healthy and *Peregrine* in good order.

Echo smiled with affection for her "little" ship that had gone so far and showed her so many astonishing sights.

"I'll get you re-sprayed as soon as we dock, and maybe I can get the dock crew to paint a decal on you, Qohen Leth is good at that. You deserve a medal."

Musings on a Dead Ends Circumnavigation Expedition Decal,
from the private logs of CMDR Eleanor "Echo" Cho.
Hi Cmdr's,,
Being as i'm getting closer to the blob by the day here, and I've been away for a bit, am wondering if there is anywhere that I should be looking to hand in the data that would help engineering my ship. Bearing in mind that all I want to do to it is engineer/fit Guardian and deep charge or whatever it is thingy that'll take my ship from the present 70, to 80LY performance.

Thanks guys oo7
On my way back home too now. Skipped the last couple of waypoints because I'm running out of time. Getting home first, and then might return back and finish up the last stars later. It was a great journey, and it was a joy meeting y'all. Hopefully we'll meet up again in DW2.
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