The Dead End's Circumnavigation Expedition

I've made it back to the bubble. Although I think I confused EDSM by completing the circle by visiting Station X before Achrende, it is now refusing to move me to 100%.

Don't think I can make the final meetup due to RL. But will try and get there if I can.

o7 cmdrs it was a pleasure.
You're marked as "Arrived" now :)
I am following the same path (going straight for Achrende felt like a short cut).
Was it just EDSM lagging or did somebody fix this for you?
It might take even few hours for EDSM to update your status so no worries. :)

I'm trying to adjust to Bubble life. I've been flying around in ships without a fuel scoop (!) and even without DSS/ADS (!!) It's surreal... :D

Also lots of explosions. And many kilotons of beer for Oktoberfest... :)

Yup, feels strange. Feels like i havent played Elite for a year, all feels new and exciting. :D
I'm pleased to report that I have not lost my knack for rapid unplanned decompression :/

Quite liking the Krait. Not quite liking being attacked by the police - "to serve, protect and blast you to smitherines" doesn't sound right :(
I'm trying to adjust to Bubble life. I've been flying around in ships without a fuel scoop (!) and even without DSS/ADS (!!) It's surreal... :D

I never fly without a fuel scoop, even in the bubble [stoopid lousy fatcats in their ivory towers charging me for fuel]. The only exception to this is combat ships, of which I own two; these are covered in cobwebs as they're hardly ever used.

I do need a recap on the new C&P system.

Take all the recaps you like, it still won't make sense ;)
I was full of appreciation for the C&P system when I was transferred 1000Ly to a detention centre in my combat ship after defending the Gnosis from the Thargoid attack. Also fined by the Gnosis for firing in the no fire zone. Surreal, really.
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We'll have 20 minute timeslots for the talkshow, and you're encouraged to join and select a timeslot by replying in this thread with your preferred time slot. I'll update this post with your name. You can also join with another CMDR if you so chose, a multicrew-timeslot so to speak.

15:00: CMDR x
15:20: CMDR x
15:40: CMDR x
16:00: CMDR x
16:20: CMDR x
16:40: CMDR x
17:00. CMDR Nimdok

PS: Secrets will be revealed!

Still lots of times available for the final guests at the very final DECE talkshow, report to Macros asap. :)
I've just put the ship down in Hell Port, Seagull Sector in the last few mins, strangely i'm not feeling the joyous achievement thingie at these moments, more an overwhelming feeling of the finality ,,is that a word even,, of this touchdown.

Shades out. oo7
Nice to see cmdrs getting home safely. :)

But dont forget, we still have the final meetup/mass jump/talkshow at Achrende next Saturday, starting at 1500hrs IGT/GMT/UTC.
And i just got an confirmation that we will have a special guest with us also in the talkshow.. ;)
Damn, cant hide it anymore.. :D

Down To Earth Astronomy will be one of our special guests this Saturday at our final talkshow:


Mentioned at 9m40s->.
So this is our final meetup, and this is the tentative plan for our last get together on this expedition.

  • 15:00 The DECE talkshow goes live
  • 15:20 We mass-jump from the Witch Head Science Centre @ HIP 23759
  • 16:00 Mass-jump from 4 Eridani to Achrende
  • 16:10 Exit from orbital cruise at a location (TBA) in the Achrende system
  • 16:20 SRV/Fighter races begin, details TBA.
  • 17:20 Mass-jump where we part and go (jump) our separate ways

All times are IGT.

We'll have 20 minute timeslots for the talkshow, and you're encouraged to join and select a timeslot by replying in this thread with your preferred time slot. I'll update this post with your name. You can also join with another CMDR if you so chose, a multicrew-timeslot so to speak.

15:00: CMDR Delmonte. The Gnosis.
15:20: CMDR Erimus
15:40: CMDR LoneJohnSilver
16:00: CMDR x
16:20: CMDR x
16:40: CMDR x
17:00. CMDR Nimdok

PS: Secrets will be revealed!

I don't know if non-expedition members (apart from the Special guests) are welcome on the Talkshow, but if, and it's still available, I would like to join on the 16:40 slot :)
Of course I would make way for expedition members if requests are high.
I don't know if non-expedition members (apart from the Special guests) are welcome on the Talkshow, but if, and it's still available, I would like to join on the 16:40 slot :)
Of course I would make way for expedition members if requests are high.

First come, first serve. You're on. :)

And slots can be shared.
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