The Dead End's Circumnavigation Expedition

I know this is over. But I finally got a PC that can run the game again and some time to play. I couldn't finish because my house caught on fire and half of it burned down.
We've rebuilt and everyone is okay.
I checked the expedition page today and noticed I only have 2 waypoints to visit before completion.
WP 37 was the last that I visited. Plae Eur DW-E d11-0 back in September 2018 before the fire.
Heading to WP 38 Haffner 18 LSS 27 (Skull & Crossbones Nebula)

Ohman sorry for what happened, but you say you've rebuilt, that's awesome! And almost finished the run, godspeed cmdr!
And congratz to post #5000 in this thread.
Quite necropost coming up, but here goes..

So, hi all, im back. o7

For the past 5 years or so i have been more or less on hiatus from Elite, doing other stuff, playing other games.
Couple of weeks ago i had the good old "i want to play Elite" feeling in my stomach, so i took my Hotas from the bottom of the closet, (still works) cranked up my ships and made my way back in the verse.

So, what do i want to do now with my new coming?
I have my own faction which needs my attention, (did some of that, a bit boring and tedious) i could collect some money for my own fleet carrier, (did that too, even more boring and even more tedious) i could buy and test some of the new ships.. (did buy T-8 and there might be something with that ship what comes to exploration..)

.. or.. i could re-do DECE.

Now, for claritys sake, this isnt DECE 2, we (me, Macros, Chankk and Dr. Nagi) really had it in planning stage, even scouted some basecamps for that, but then it never really took off as my personal interest with Elite was all time low and i think it was the same for the other guys also. (so the secret is out of the bag).

So no, this isnt D2, this is just me pondering, if i want to do the route all over again. Not going to use a full year for it this time tho. :D

DECE was and still is my all-time favourite expedition. I have been on many, both Distant Worlds exps and many others, over 40k systems visited. (yeah i know, rookie numbers)
But DECE had a huge personal impact for me, we really had a good time and lots of fun, i really miss those days. :(
I still do have every talkshow video in my Youtube.

So, i just might do this all over again, without any schedules or time frames. Ship still undecided but which ever it is, it isnt Anaconda. :D

If someone else wants to join, feel free to do so. :)

hey there Henkka, welcome back to the black.....

I'm still meandering across the GalMap doing nothing of interest or value to anyone other than myself :)

Shout if you decide to go on a journey and want some company....

Cmdr A
Welcome back, Henkka!

One thing that always has bugged me, is that I somehow forgot the Xibalba region when planning the expedition.


Ii would be nice if to include Xibalba on the trip :)

The trip itself was unforgettable for me, and I'd like to repeat it. In particular the races with the SLF's and the SRV's was really fun. Not forgetting the YT-show!

Btw, join the fight and (maybe) earn the engineered SCO FSD drives for the trip!

Now we're 3 CMDR's, just 97 more to get the races fun.
Crystaline Shards, Antimony @59.7190, -143.6938, Crab Sector HR-W D1-4 B 3 D, Horizons.
Crystaline Shards, Polonium @53.3776, -137.3102, Crab Sector HR-W D1-4 B 3 C, Horizons.
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Quite necropost coming up, but here goes..

So, hi all, im back. o7
I thought I saw you a few days ago, I wondered what you were up to :)

Welcome back. I recently decided to get back in the saddle myself. I have a carrier in the Agnairt region and use it as a base to do a bit of exobiology for the upkeep and mix it up with a bit of mining for carrier fuel. Keeps me interested.

DECE and DW1 were the best times I ever had as a gamer. Miss those days. Maybe I will pay you guys a visit on your way to Beagle Point.
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