The disconnect between the theme and the animals of the Africa pack is very problematic

Just wondering: Why a theme (always) has to be a perfect fit? I mean, I can imagine that Frontier just wants to stimulate our imagination. After all, we can make a decent pyramide if we want to. This theme seams to me just a ( very nice) way to remember us that this is a game and we can think out of the box.Personally I think it is looking wonderful. :)
Just wondering: Why a theme (always) has to be a perfect fit? I mean, I can imagine that Frontier just wants to stimulate our imagination. After all, we can make a decent pyramide if we want to. This theme seams to me just a ( very nice) way to remember us that this is a game and we can think out of the box.Personally I think it is looking wonderful. :)
To me the biggest issue is the themed statues. If we also got a simple none themed meerkat statue on the side, I wouldn't mind too much that they also did this weird Egyptian one. We need an alternative. Another good example of this is the statues in the SA DLC. Too over the top artistic.
The scenery looks ' fantastic. Not sure what all the outrage is about. A very unique scenery theme and some awesome animals, who can complain about that? :D
The criticsm is not about the scenery itself, rather the fact that it lumps together two areas of the world which could not be farther away from each other, which is pretty reductive to both north africa and sub saharan africa.
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I mean you say that but it does represent to an extremely insane degree of accuracy to both North African scenery and architecture, while giving the same love to the animals from the southern regions of the continent. Nobody said that the animals and the scenery need to match up. It's the Africa Pack, not the North Africa pack nor the South Africa pack. Having lived in Morocco for a considerable amount of time, the level of detail that Frontier achieved with the building set from what we've seen is jaw-dropping. They captured the beauty from the simplistic walls and stone, to the intricate levels of detail for tiles and mosaics that are often found in Arabic and Moorish architecture.

I feel like the criticism between the dichotomy of the scenery and the animals is justified when you view the game from "The Animals represent the Scenery, vice versa", but for the zoo game, it fits very well and I will defend Frontier on this decision. I wanted Frontier to take more innovation and do some more out-of-the-box thinking when it comes to scenery, and they absolutely did that and nailed it. One of the biggest complains I had with SEA was no scenery, specifically ones that relate to the Angkor-Wat style of building which would have taken it to new levels. But I'll look over that since the animals are pretty good. Save for a single Tapir ;)

Frontier and the development team(s) have 100% captured the essence of North Africa, and have absolutely done it justice. We can complain about a single Meerkat Egyptian-style piece all we want, but when it all comes down to it, I can tell this pack is going to be one of the best. I don't see them doing a disservice to either North Africa by lumping them with Central/South African animals - or vice versa. I see them rather doing both North Africa the justice it deserves by the scenery being emblematic of the cultural beauty of the region, and doing the Central/South African regions justice by representing the natural beauty of the areas to an amazing extent from what we've seen so far. It's not an "either-or", it's a "one-and-two". I will defend this choice until the cows come home.

Think about it in the same way that the Arctic Pack represented Norse culture with the beautiful Stave Church, rustic architecture, as well as cultural representations of the Christmas holiday and art that represented that. Meanwhile, Arctic Wolves don't necessarily share the same locale. In fact, Polar Bears moreso, because they're more around the Arctic cap and don't even touch Norway. But still, Frontier did justice to both of these very well in their own ways.
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I don’t care about southern African animals being in a pack with North African architecture but I intensely dislike the bizarre combination of meerkats and ancient Egypt in a way that I find crass, overblown and tacky. I’m sure the other pieces are great but that really sticks out for me.
I don’t care about southern African animals being in a pack with North African architecture but I intensely dislike the bizarre combination of meerkats and ancient Egypt in a way that I find crass, overblown and tacky. I’m sure the other pieces are great but that really sticks out for me.
This 👆. I hope that in the 180 building pieces there are also a proper sphynx and a proper pharaoh sculpture. But i'm ready to be disappointed 🙃.
It's bad enough that people conflate all of sub-Saharan Africa as one culture and region. But including north Africa and the middle east is problematic, and at best culturally insensitive.
Personally, I don't have an issue with taking the meerkat as a tempe statue easy, I mean it's quite funny.

However, imo the subconscious irritation comes mainly from the issue that the meerkat is not by any means associated as an iconic symbol for Egypt and its tradition - one expects something symbolizing it's culture or history. Especially, when it replaces worshipped divinities of former times.
And, here you might be right, some people without better knowledge might actually start to associate the meerkat with Egypt/ Northern Africa, which kind of contridicts the teching aspect of PZ.
However, imo the subconscious irritation comes mainly from the issue that the meerkat is not by any means associated as an iconic symbol for Egypt and its tradition - one expects something symbolizing it's culture or history. Especially, when it replaces worshipped divinities of former times.
And, here you might be right, some people without better knowledge might actually start to associate the meerkat with Egypt/ Northern Africa, which kind of contridicts the teching aspect of PZ.
Precisely! People already conflate africa enough as it is, this is just feeding into a misconception.
It didn't matter what theme Frontier chose people would have been unhappy anyway that's human nature lol. If it was zulu themed I guarantee 100% that people would have come out in droves to this forum to complain.

Using meerkats in an Egyptian style was a bad choice because meerkats aren't from Egypt. That being said, it didn't matter what theme they chose, people were always going to complain about it...
The scenery looks ' fantastic. Not sure what all the outrage is about. A very unique scenery theme and some awesome animals, who can complain about that? :D
I can, because it isn't what I want in a building set. I'm not outraged, though - we all knew this theme was coming because of the leaks. I'm disappointed, however, that after the great and versatile pieces we got in the Aquatic Pack they've gone back to a theme park-style "stranger in a foreign land" theme pack. Obviously it all depends on how you prefer to build. If you want to make high-budget zoos with excessive themeing then this is great for you, but a great number of us prefer more simplistic builds with more simplistic pieces.
Yeah this is a weird pack. All of the animals are beautifully done, as well as the scenery. However, the theme threw a complete wrench in everything. I have a feeling that this pack wasn't always supposed to be like the way it is. I have a little theory...

This pack was supposed to be an animal pack, called the Africa Animal Pack. It included 7 habitat animals, and one exhibit. The remaining 3 habitat animals that we are now not recieving could have been from north africa/sahara desert and would fit well with the current theme. I think that once the SEA pack released and had some mixed reviews about the balance of scenery and animals. So maybe it got mixed up and changed some how and they threw together this.

Regardless, the pack looks amazing. I wouldn't say it's my favorite, but maybe 2nd or 3rd. Australia still stands on top for me. I'm really excited to utilize the new scenery pieces with the Bactrian Camel and the Fennec Fox in a Moroccan/north African area of my desert zoo!
Yeah this is a weird pack. All of the animals are beautifully done, as well as the scenery. However, the theme threw a complete wrench in everything. I have a feeling that this pack wasn't always supposed to be like the way it is. I have a little theory...

This pack was supposed to be an animal pack, called the Africa Animal Pack. It included 7 habitat animals, and one exhibit. The remaining 3 habitat animals that we are now not recieving could have been from north africa/sahara desert and would fit well with the current theme. I think that once the SEA pack released and had some mixed reviews about the balance of scenery and animals. So maybe it got mixed up and changed some how and they threw together this.

Regardless, the pack looks amazing. I wouldn't say it's my favorite, but maybe 2nd or 3rd. Australia still stands on top for me. I'm really excited to utilize the new scenery pieces with the Bactrian Camel and the Fennec Fox in a Moroccan/north African area of my desert zoo!
My theory is that covid cancelled the june pack last year, and that it was supposed to be an Arabian pack. So now they mixed the arabian and african pack, hence why the dromedaries are on so much of the items without being in the game.
My theory is that covid cancelled the june pack last year, and that it was supposed to be an Arabian pack. So now they mixed the arabian and african pack, hence why the dromedaries are on so much of the items without being in the game.
Hmm... I never thought of that. It makes sense because of that big gap between the South America Pack and the Australia Pack. Interesting theory.
My theory is that covid cancelled the june pack last year, and that it was supposed to be an Arabian pack. So now they mixed the arabian and african pack, hence why the dromedaries are on so much of the items without being in the game.
Again, I think you're reading way too much into it. I'd say dromedaries are in the decor because they fit the theme. You'd be hard-pressed to go anywhere in North Africa or the Middle East without seeing dromedary camels - it would be weirder if they weren't featured somewhere.
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