The disconnect between the theme and the animals of the Africa pack is very problematic

I think I'm of at least four minds on this, each pulling in a different direction (yeah, it's tough being me some days!)

On the one hand, I don't think it's a problem generally that themed construction sets need to line up precisely with animal biomes. Most zoos wouldn't try to match architectural styles for every animal anyway. They'd pick one or a few, and run with that.

On the other hand, there is a particular cultural/racial/colonial history of this being done with (and to) Africa that is quite different than the Scandinavian/arctic example. (Although it may parallel the South America/temple example in some ways). In the words of the OP, it is "problematic" in a way that wouldn't be done elsewhere (the Aztec-style moose being a good example). But even more importantly, even if it was done elsewhere somehow, it probably wouldn't carry the same history of cultural/racial/colonial erasure that is implicated here. If something like this slipped through elsewhere it might be strange or odd, but not necessarily problematic if there wasn't a real-world pattern that was being replicated/perpetuated.

But on the third hand, I think that as a whole, the Moorish and Egyptian theming that we've seen in the pictures looks pretty realistic for what a zoo would be most likely to have, outside of the existing Africa theme that's in game and presuming that they themed at all. (The only big exception to this would be the meerkat statue.) So in a way, PZ is accurately reflecting the cultural/racial/colonial history of zoos themselves, even up to the modern day. And depending on how they're actually made, some things may be able to be used elsewhere, to mimic other styles/themes, and therefore might have been chosen for their versatility.

But then on the fourth hand, I come up against the images of the meerkat statues -- while simultaneously reading posts in other threads about how other things can't be done or shouldn't be expected because of staff resource limitations -- and have to think that resources went toward this decision as well. Or I see posts about removing biomes from animals that aren't realistic, and wonder how or why this is treated so differently. So to the extent that this and similar threads are about where to put limited resources in the future, it seems perfectly reasonable for people to voice concerns about some of these decisions. It's not about being ungrateful. It's about providing feedback on where resources might be being used less effectively, so they can be freed up to work on other things.

I think I'll stop before I have to grow a fifth hand....
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