The FFED3D Thread

Wow!, it's taken me more than a week but I've read this whole thread! ;)

I really hope FFED3D carries on evolving, with such great improvements in so much of the graphics it'd be a great shame if it died out.

Btw, am I just super rusty (last played E2/3 properly ~10yrs ago) or has the weapons shld balance been altered? I just don't remember my Panther being blown up in a few seconds before! (like last night from an Imperial Courier(?) with a 20 MW laser). My ship's got 215 shld gens FGS!
Thinking of swapping out the 2 20MW turret lasers (maybe just the top 1) for 5(?)MW ones & fitting a stack load more shld gens....
With that many shield generators you should be able to just ram the attacking ship. If you don't destroy it on the first hit, you will have severely damaged it making it an easy kill.
If I can get near enough, no chance of that with a big 'un! ;)

Yesterday I got blown up nearly instantly by an Imp explorer, I'm assuming he had a PA.
Funny thing is I was just thinking of launching a missile to destract him, next time I won't think I'll just do! ;)

Btw I swapped my top turret for a 5MW beam, cut done on a little spare cargo space & I now have 232 shld gens. Not sure about ditching the remaining 20MW beam though, I'll see how it goes with the top turret......
FFED3D On Parallels ( Mac Help Needed!)

I recently stumbled accross FFED3D ...

It just about runs on my Windows Lappy but it's severely lacking in the graphics card department ..Um well...It doesn't have one !!! ...surprisingly it runs ... and doesn't look too shabby ...

My main computer is a recent 21.5" Imac i3 4gb ram and a fairly decent graphics card ... Running FFED3D under OSX is not possible ( although i pray that someday someone does this ) ,

I installed windows on Bootcamp specifically to run it ( this was a different problem in it's self just google Windows 7 2010 21.5 iMac ) and It ran well , untill windows got 5 ;Virus'/malware/trojans in the space of the 2 hours that it was installed ( which ******ed it to the point where i couldn't even browse to Avast to download anti-virus ) Needless to say i rebooted back into OSX and ereased the partition ...

The other option to BootCamp is Parallels , it runs just about ... The Frame rate is so low it's unplayable .... I have a feeling Parallels isn't using the ATI graphics card but i don't know how to fix it .....

Being a typical Mac user i am pretty thick when it comes to these things , so any solution that any one has will need spelt out to me as i am verging on technologically ...

There must be other Fans out there using Macs ... Please anyone give me a solution ....

And anyone who suggests buying a PC , or Installing Windows ( after the hell that was ) .... Can Um can emigrate to YZ Caniz Minoris
Amazing , this looks awesome just downloaded and started playing ... Very Buggy and Not Finished ..... But in Some respects looks better than FFED3D ...

Is there a Thread for this ?
Thread revival ;)

Just had the same problem of not being able to see any base (oh & the missile would run away from the satellite!,I got around that anyway), tried to reload from a save just before I jumped to the system & now it crashes the game!
Anytime I take the mission for CD15492 & jump to that system the game crashes, wth!!?? Was alright going in the 1st time round!

Guess I'm gonna have to try GLFFE?
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Unfortunately, the distribution of FFED3D has got quite messed up. My version has no bugs apart from targets not appearing in bombing missions.
There does appear to be some movement regarding the next incarnation of the game at Elite Games Russia, but it might not be advisable to hold your breath :rolleyes:
I have never needed to do the above, and i do a lot of military missions.

It is entirely possible that the above is your problem, but if not then perhaps you are not reading the planet right? It can appear that you are on top of the base and close to the planet, but the base is not visible. Actually the base is on the other side of the planet!

Here is my suggested approach plan:

1) Use autopilot to get yourself within range of the target planet.
2) Identify the base. It may not show up at first, but if you go into your planetary map and click about on the planet sometimes you will hit the pixel where the base is and it will be targetted
3) Manouver so that you are approaching from above the planet and the base is along the middle vertical line of the planet
4) Move into the planet's gravity, keeping 100k or more from the surface. There is no need to hurry at this point.
5) Continue until you can see the base target begin to move towards and over the top of the planet. Drop to about 20k off the surface and follow the terrain.
6) When you are within 30k or so of the planet, start to dive towards it. By this time you will be being attacked, so i hope you brought some shields.
7) Start to slow as you come close to the base. Some planets have mega gravity and you will be pulled in to the ground and destroyed.
8) When within 1k of the base, photo it or nuke it.
9) You can now hyper out if you like, or get some height and fight the attacking ships.

I'd recommend about 1k altitude and about 20k km/h velocity unless it prevents you from dodging mountains, or the base is located in a deep valley.

Keeping high velocity should also help you disregard gravity.

At point 4) you may find that the gravity is so immense that it's not practically possible to enter the planet's gravity without being pulled to your death. This happens perhaps 10% of the time. If this is the case, just reload from the save before you took the mission and take a different one.
In what ship? Because I can't really imagine anything like that if you fly something from Asp's class or lower and I haven't heard of anyone building bases on white dwarves.
BTW: I have a save with Harrier landed on Alioth 4 and can lift-off from there too.

Better yet, upload your own saves from such troublesome planets.
Tried in system switching to GLFFE but still couldn't see the base, will try going into system next with GLFFE, think that's what was said here eariler, will check in a sec ;).
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Ok that worked :).

But I've got another problem now, I'm sure the game is stitching me up! :mad:, anytime red alert goes off during the secret base approach it switches off manual engines mode! (it was not in auto) I've had a few near misses where I've not noticed & nearly slammed into the ground!, not to mention being an easier target for enemy ships & losing speed.
I try to select manual mode & it refuses to accept it! So I have to keep my finger on the thrust button preventing me from hovering over the ECM button, grrrr :mad:
Once the 'local' ship is destroyed it returns to normal, wth is going on???

Oh happy new year btw ;)
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Ok that worked :).

But I've got another problem now, I'm sure the game is stitching me up! :mad:, anytime red alert goes off during the secret base approach it switches off manual engines mode! (it was not in auto) I've had a few near misses where I've not noticed & nearly slammed into the ground!, not to mention being an easier target for enemy ships & losing speed.
I try to select manual mode & it refuses to accept it! So I have to keep my finger on the thrust button preventing me from hovering over the ECM button, grrrr :mad:
Once the 'local' ship is destroyed it returns to normal, wth is going on???

Oh happy new year btw ;)
JJFFE and derivatives (GLFFE, D3DFFE) have all thrusters mapped to numpad. ECM is also there, mapped to Num0, for quick access during dogfights.

Losing speed is game trying to be helpful and auto-brake during dogfights, because apparently the full manual in FE2 was too hardcore.
If you're in an atmosphere and are also slowed down by atmospheric friction, it's quite a big problem.

Happy new year.
This is a thing that really bugs me about FFE. I wish that feature was removed. I love the JJFFE thrusters though being mapped to the numeric pad as it helps a lot in pulling off sneaky combat moves. :cool:

Oh, and happy new year to you both too!
The thing is it doesn't do that for space battles where it would actually be useful!, I don't understand why it does it planet side where it makes fighting/photographing a nightmare sometimes! It's a right PITA!

Anyway to stop it doing that or at least re-instating manual mode? As I mentioned I tried to via the tab button but it refuses to accept it.

Oh & I don't want to have to hold the main thrust button on to keep going, ties up a hand!
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