Will be heading out there soon! First need to make a couple stops, Getting Meta-Alloys at Maia if possible then heading to Felicia to see what upgrades I can get, THEN I'll be heading out providing I have suitable jump range.

Get your fsd upgrade first. It will make the trip to get the MA easier and you're less likely to be pirated! Since you'll be passing Maia you should get your thrusters upgraded there too.
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Just a heads-up, I would suggest to those that are able: go to 46 Eridani in open 24 hours or more before the 29th and create an instance, and then stay there with your ED client running until the event begins.

One of the big challenges for this event is going to be ensuring that whatever instance Salome ends up in will be populated by friendlies. One possible way to tip the scales in our favor will be to gobble up lots of instances, in hopes that she will be added to an existing one rather than creating a new one when she jumps into to the system. The more separate instances exist that host friendlies, the better the chance there is to have friendlies dominate (I assume the limit is still 32?).
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What if they use a specific instance they create for the event? I know they aren't built to handle a lot of players -- what if they imposed a limit? They might not even be expecting a lot of attention.

Will I need any specific modules like a discovery scanner for the event? Anyone know?

I would advise a Wake scanner, in case the event moves with no clear given direction and you're just expected to follow.
Also, if you can spare it, I'd suggest configuring for good shields -- maybe even boosters to it. You may want to bring a weapon, but don't try to out-gun the PvP configured ships, that won't work out too good. Bring something light that can knock out shields fairly quick. Fill the rest of your utility mounts with all sorts of counters, and a heatsink if you need to Silent Run away from the action.

Is there a badge/patch/thing for 3303 Rifters working to continue the case?
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Can someone please explain the relationship between Salomé, Rebecca, and the Zurara?

Rebecca's Zurara logs mention that its mission seems to have been to find habitable worlds as a contingency. Since this is discussed in the context of an invasion, it stands to reason that some people in high places already know about the coming invasion and were charting for possible places to go resettle in case the invasion came. Why they would pick a spot in the path of the invasion routes makes no sense, but I haven't read the books.

Is it possible Salomé knew that Patreus knew about the coming invasion and was trying to hide information? And if she reaches her destination then she can uncover some of the mystery, so we should protect her? Or what's the deal? Having not read the books I am afraid that I'm at a loss regarding why anyone would defend Salomé.
Can I just say that the wording on your post in the directive makes it sound as you actively encourage people to kill Salome et al:

"Do not engage in communications. Show no mercy. Kill them all on sight."

Might it be wise to add something along the line of "this is an imperial directive" to make it clear that the KOS order is not coming from you or FDEV but from the major faction?

I guess Drew has prepared serveral endings for the book and maybe he likes the ending where everyone dies best... ;)
That's not how instances work. If thirty of us rock up an hour early then we'll land up in the same instance. Salome then rocks up in a new instance with some hostile forces.

Best bet is to have a moderately full instance populated and then everybody else bundle in when she comes online.

Also remember instances are different for super cruise. Which let's face it, is the vulnerable point until landing at the destination. So you have to sit idle in SC, just waiting for somebody to interdict you.
Can someone please explain the relationship between Salomé, Rebecca, and the Zurara?

Rebecca's Zurara logs mention that its mission seems to have been to find habitable worlds as a contingency. Since this is discussed in the context of an invasion, it stands to reason that some people in high places already know about the coming invasion and were charting for possible places to go resettle in case the invasion came. Why they would pick a spot in the path of the invasion routes makes no sense, but I haven't read the books.

Is it possible Salomé knew that Patreus knew about the coming invasion and was trying to hide information? And if she reaches her destination then she can uncover some of the mystery, so we should protect her? Or what's the deal? Having not read the books I am afraid that I'm at a loss regarding why anyone would defend Salomé.

She's a lead character with a pretty face, I guess. I haven't read the book so I wouldn't know. Children of Raxxla are pretty zealous about the whole ordeal.

Edit: From the things I've seen, all she's done is cause deaths, be impatient, then feel sorry for the deaths..

Are you sure the Zurara is in the path of an invasion? To me it seems all alien activity is stemming from around the Peliades Nebula towards Barnard's Loop and the Witch Head Nebula.
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I would second this, and will try to figure some things out on the way there.

Is this line of systems very straight and noticeable or is it very loose and hard to follow?
The names you've given, I'm unfamiliar with as I'm fairly new to the game. Are these system names? Could I take these names and plot them as points on the ingame Gal. Map?

I keep reading about the "RR" line but can I please get system names so I can plot these points and see the exact line myself? If there was indeed colonization efforts along this "line", then perhaps it's worth trying to follow it and find terraformable/earthlike planets that are on this line. As far out as we can go.

Project DYNASTY sounds like it was an expansion effort to colonize further into deep space that was halted by a higher power. I wouldn't be surprised if it was terminated due to how successful it was being, and how shephards of a flock don't like it when their sheep are lost or hard to control.


Plotted those names you listed and right enough, there's a clear line there. Takes you all the way to Heart and Soul, right through between them, and all the way to the Formidine settlements. If you keep following the line, you get to Heisenberg's Bridge - Zurara is nearby, though a little ways off the line, Could this possibly be because of the lack of stars in that part of the rift? It could have made a curve to try and follow the stars rather than power on through no-mans-land. I don't know if they thought of the pathway documented by Heisenberg. (Edit: Or something similar)

I think this is important, and probably a huge part of the story back in the bubble that seems to be often ignored.

Sirius Corp is heavily involved in cutting edge hyperspace R&D and expansion beyond the current limits of human civilization. Debris from at least two major hyperspace "accidents" were delivered to Sirius Corp, who promised data but delivered nothing.

Core Dynamics is also a player in all this, I think - specifically hyperspace related events. There's been CG's that have delivered exploration data to them (as well as Sirius Corp), where they promised the galaxy data and results, but released nothing. Core Dynamics have also been involved in a lot of mysterious goings-on and deaths, as reported on Galnet.

The only space-faring presumed ET's we know of - the flower-ships - seem to come from hyperspace. Core Dynamics and Sirius Corp - both giant corporations, arguably "bigger than the Feds or the Empire" - have been involved in some pretty secretive and shady hyperspace tech and research. Additionally, Sirius Corp has been involved in moving out of the human bubble, and Core Dynamics has been involved in getting a huge number of new capital ships built. Why?

We need to be pushing these two organizations for answers a LOT harder. They know something.
Or nuke the opposition from orbit, it's the only way to be safe.

Bad luck? You decide.

Located the Fed Merope base (Alcazar's Hope) & ordered the Gunship here. More ships to follow during the week.

Yes, both Feds and Imps got a shipyard in the Pleiades since 2.3. The Imp one is called Ceres Tarn.

'Save the Cheerleader, save the World" vs. 'Send in the Clowns'. This will get interesting.

Interesting use the 'meme' you pick to shape actions.
I'm thinking Bang-Bang versus Baa-baa,
Cowboys vs. Shepards
which is why Americans eat T-bone's in A/C comfort
instead of mutton in cardigans.

hum remember that Fdev video showing hundreds of flowership blasted ships,
where would you ever find that many ships together?

what if the operant meme is "It's a Trap!"
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I think this is important, and probably a huge part of the story back in the bubble that seems to be often ignored.

Sirius Corp is heavily involved in cutting edge hyperspace R&D and expansion beyond the current limits of human civilization. Debris from at least two major hyperspace "accidents" were delivered to Sirius Corp, who promised data but delivered nothing.

Core Dynamics is also a player in all this, I think - specifically hyperspace related events. There's been CG's that have delivered exploration data to them (as well as Sirius Corp), where they promised the galaxy data and results, but released nothing. Core Dynamics have also been involved in a lot of mysterious goings-on and deaths, as reported on Galnet.

The only space-faring presumed ET's we know of - the flower-ships - seem to come from hyperspace. Core Dynamics and Sirius Corp - both giant corporations, arguably "bigger than the Feds or the Empire" - have been involved in some pretty secretive and shady hyperspace tech and research. Additionally, Sirius Corp has been involved in moving out of the human bubble, and Core Dynamics has been involved in getting a huge number of new capital ships built. Why?

We need to be pushing these two organizations for answers a LOT harder. They know something.

I don't think they'll be likely to just hand over answers. I've seen Commanders be on friendly terms with Sirius after doing a bunch of missions for them -- Perhaps this is a route to the inside. Don't Sirius also have permit locked systems? (Not sure on that one.)

It might be the case that the answers are out there, we just need to piece together the clues. The Formidine Rift is our biggest source of information right now, but remember there's also Conflux and Hawking's Gap. I'm going to try tracking down some more sources on the datalogs found in the abandoned settlements, there might be some obvious clue we're missing which could become apparent if we just compare all the data with each other.
Thanks for the data.

Plotted this, it comes right after Sothis. Remains un-named, though. This is now the furthest system from the bubble on my map, before getting to the Heart/Soul asteroid bases.

Now named "Sothis".

Now named "Ceos".

Now named "Robigo".

Now named "Algamest".

Is this a system name? I can't find it.

Plotted. Falls in with the line. Was the outpost given a specific name or is it seemingly random?

Now named "Te Kaha".

Plotted. Is this the start point of the Sirius colonization line?

The line's quite clear now. Did Sirius colonize any further out, or is it nothing until Zurara from Sothis/SX-L D7-92

I had assumed I'd have about 10% typos,,,but Gliese 97.2 is in the original galnet article.

now Algamest is defo typo of Almagest
did you know butterflies is an old spoonerism
they were originally called flutterbies

Did you use math for your line or are you eyeballing bookmarks.
I don't think they'll be likely to just hand over answers. I've seen Commanders be on friendly terms with Sirius after doing a bunch of missions for them -- Perhaps this is a route to the inside. Don't Sirius also have permit locked systems? (Not sure on that one.)

It might be the case that the answers are out there, we just need to piece together the clues. The Formidine Rift is our biggest source of information right now, but remember there's also Conflux and Hawking's Gap. I'm going to try tracking down some more sources on the datalogs found in the abandoned settlements, there might be some obvious clue we're missing which could become apparent if we just compare all the data with each other.

Sirius do have some permit locked systems. I have the permits to them, actually. From what I've seen though, this plan, whatever it is, is secretive enough that they aren't going to tell friendly, or even allied, CMDR's about it. There's a lot on Galnet about Siruis' and Core Dynamics' moves, and I think a lot that we've missed.

I don't think that we've actually used the full tools at our disposal in working at solving this mystery. We've been to the Rift, and we've done well there. We've been to the Pleiades, and we've done well there. We've used our scanners, our frame-shift drives, and our cargo-scoops.

But we've almost entirely ignored the politics of it all. The BGS allows us to bring actual political and financial pressure on some of the known entities here. I believe there's a player faction using this tool defensively, to protect the Prism system. But we can use it offensively too. We know there are factions aligned with Core Dynamics. We can pressure them. Sirius Corp is a both a BGS faction and a powerplay faction. We can pressure them. We have the tools to work against their interests. We should be using them.

/edited to add: our biggest source of information might not be out in Conflux or Hawkins Gap, but right under our noses in the bubble. Or right at our fingertips on Galnet.
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As pointed out, the two phrases are equivalent in speech. If you describe A as thought of as being trouble, and this B thing is actually more trouble by comparison, by definition B is worse than A. Now, I'm not saying that B in this case is another alien race, but correcting everyone every time someone says "But she said it was worse than Thargoids" when in fact they are correct from the phrase is just peeving me off a little.

If it's a matter of most common meaning, I agree with you. But English is not a precise language.
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Can someone please explain the relationship between Salomé, Rebecca, and the Zurara?

Rebecca's Zurara logs mention that its mission seems to have been to find habitable worlds as a contingency. Since this is discussed in the context of an invasion, it stands to reason that some people in high places already know about the coming invasion and were charting for possible places to go resettle in case the invasion came. Why they would pick a spot in the path of the invasion routes makes no sense, but I haven't read the books.

Is it possible Salomé knew that Patreus knew about the coming invasion and was trying to hide information? And if she reaches her destination then she can uncover some of the mystery, so we should protect her? Or what's the deal? Having not read the books I am afraid that I'm at a loss regarding why anyone would defend Salomé.

She has conspiratorial secrets to reveal to all humanity that can affect the live of trillions
if she dies before her power point presentation that's too bad for everyone
and we'll probably have to wait and buy the book for even a hope of finding out what she had to say
and maybe not even then.

Deleted member 148280

As far as I know, Salome is in a Clipper and Raan is in a iEagle. Both are probably modded for speed.
If they don't actively seek combat, they will be able to avoid those weapons quite easily.

I'm sure her Clipper is modded to the teeth, but if she's interdicted she'll be under a huge alpha strike from a wing of enemies before her escort can drop into the instance.
Even if they manage to pull off the interdiction trick, Salomé should keep an eye on her own escort. Just in case:O

Just remember that for each friendly that squeeses into the instance, there will be room for one less foe.
Just stay alive.

I couldn't agree more here. My own iEagle, Alcaudón, is modded and ready:D
Just a heads-up, I would suggest to those that are able: go to 46 Eridani in open 24 hours or more before the 29th and create an instance, and then stay there with your ED client running until the event begins.

One of the big challenges for this event is going to be ensuring that whatever instance Salome ends up in will be populated by friendlies. One possible way to tip the scales in our favor will be to gobble up lots of instances, in hopes that she will be added to an existing one rather than creating a new one when she jumps into to the system. The more separate instances exist that host friendlies, the better the chance there is to have friendlies dominate (I assume the limit is still 32?).

How does one tell friendlies from not so friendlies?

Seems like a setup for a comedy of cascading clusterfrac of weapons fire.
An exponentially expanding Trayvon Martin shooting.
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I would advise a Wake scanner, in case the event moves with no clear given direction and you're just expected to follow.
Also, if you can spare it, I'd suggest configuring for good shields -- maybe even boosters to it. You may want to bring a weapon, but don't try to out-gun the PvP configured ships, that won't work out too good. Bring something light that can knock out shields fairly quick. Fill the rest of your utility mounts with all sorts of counters, and a heatsink if you need to Silent Run away from the action.

Thanks for the advice. I'll switch the d scanner for a wake scanner and hope I dont need system data along the way. Honestly I'll likely end up chasing a ghost, xboxers only have one character to instance with, my probability isn't looking good.
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