The Formidine Rift - Part 2

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field report: the entire area around PHOI AESCS GW-E D11-2 (-8200 -6434) has allready been scanned by several commanders. i cant go further and will crawl along the abyss in all directions possible. there are 2 neutron stars around here (tagged) but otherwise nothing that sticks out in particular.
My view of the galaxy from DRYEAE AEB QZ-O C19-1, 19.000ly from Sol...
It really looks a bit as if the galaxy was just hanging there... And the Magellanic Clouds look amazing also.

What bothers me... I'm very far out in the outer border of the arm right on the RR line. Just trilaterated my position, and see that someone has been submitting star data probably about 1.000ly more out than my current position, exactly along the RR line just like me. Do we know who was this? Thinking if I should bother going further out, but if someone has explored that already...
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My view of the galaxy from DRYEAE AEB QZ-O C19-1, 19.000ly from Sol... It really looks a bit as if the galaxy was just hanging there... And the Magellanic Clouds look amazing also.

What bothers me... I'm very far out in the outer border of the arm right on the RR line. Just trilaterated my position, and see that someone has been submitting star data probably about 1.000ly more out than my current position, exactly along the RR line just like me. Do we know who was this? Thinking if I should bother going further out, but if someone has explored that already...

In terms of the 'galaxy just hanging there", this is exactly the correct interpretation imho, as for your second part, I don't know the "It" hasn't been found yet so hard to say if whomever went farther out missed it or wasn't even involved in the mystery and didn't know to be on the lookout.
When did the book with it's reference come out.

Because I'm thinking the formidable rift and well Comets.

Comets exist in the game, but they aren't turned on.

In the same way that barnacles didn't effectively exist in season1 either, (no planetary landing capabilities).

So the clues about the rift are all valid.

but the reason why no one has found anything yet, is well, it's not turned on yet.
Season2 brought in an element of crafting.

With the right minerals we can super charge our FSD to make super large jumps.
meaning we can leap out with an impossible jump range.

What if season2.1 engineers provide us with Special FSD drive that super charges your jump further.

Meaning that impossible to jump to system will be doable, but only in 2.1,
and here is the beef.

That theoretical and mystical system, may not be on our starmap until Frontier are ready for to deploy that chapter.
While your idea seems logical, it's not true. Drew has confirmed whatever it is, is in-game currently and has been since the Gamma Phase, meaning before the game launched. We just haven't gotten all the clues yet and Drew is being beyond vague with them, atm. According to what Drew has said, April will yield another clue "if all goes well", to quote the man himself.
If the 7 veils line of reasoning factors in a meaningful way I'll be severely disappointed. Senator Kahina was randomly named after a cat, by a backwater bumpkin and she didn't even know what a cat was.

Umm... The story of Salomé is based on the Babylonian story of Ishtar, and the parrallels between the story of Lady Kahina / Salomé / Ishtar are pretty clear, as I documented a few pages ago. Why shouldn't it be significant?
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Just a quick follow up on the colour frequency theory, shared from Han Zens reply:

"It should be 'Good luck' I made a phone typo. :)

I think the commas are the coordinate separators.

If this is supposed to give something usefull, I would think something like this:

Good luck > G L > Green Low > coord = 5300.

... Right On > 0.01 * Red-Orange > coord = 48

Commander > Cyan > coord = 6350

Pretty far fetched, but at least a set of coordinates. :)"

Agreed, a bit thin but as luck would have it I was practically on top of of those coordinates (with their sign flipped). I was near the bubble end of the Scheau Hypue Badlands crossing, I'm headed back to the bubble to re-outfit and check some things that can only be done in the bubble so I was only 1000LY or so from -5300, -48, -6350 which as somebody else pointed out is only about 2K LY from the RRline and still more or less in the Rift area.

I checked it out on the map and more so when I got there. It's a veritable sea of Y-Type Brown Dwarf stars. 100's of them. There's enough refuel stars intermixed that it's easy to make your way through but if you're traveling on a light tank keep an eye on the guage. This pic shows some the Y-Type stars (they extend east west a lot and a bit north south) and their relative location with the Heart & Soul Nebula to the upper left and the bubble straight ahead.


I went to the closest star to those coordinates (Phrio Hypue WH-K A104-0), it was a planet-less brown dwarf. I looked around a bit in supercruise but didn't see anything interesting. The view from my six (star behind me) is pretty nice with the galactic plane and H&S Nebulas in the distance.


I then went up and down a bit hitting 5 other systems in the 5300, 6350 box. 3 more dwarf stars, an M class and a dwarf M, they had planets and I scanned some of the more interesting ones but nothing really turned up. I've dumped what little data I had into EDSM. I could have done a more exhaustive search of the stars in the immediate area but there's 100s of systems out here and the precision or even relevance of those coordinates is pretty debatable. If it's 5380 -24 -6260 then I'm 100+LY out of position and there's 30 stars to search. I did search the map for some of the common EB-P, ON-C type name combinations or named systems but there weren't any. I also didn't see any black holes or neutron stars in the vicinity.

I'm going to head on back to the bubble but if somebody wants to scour that area there's enough brown dwarf stars to keep you busy for a month. It is an interesting area and fits some clues even without the color code bit but ultimately I suspect it's a red herring.
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Carefuly winding my way out of the maze route I took 500ly into the rift, I began to feel the hairs rise on the back of my neck. Now that I was able to easily plot my course back to the bubble, the words "watch your six" wouldn't stop echoing in my head.

What if we aren't meant to know if we've discovered "the system"? What if some CMDR will just stumble into and through the system with nothing unusual happening? Perhaps it will trigger 'something' that follows that CMDR back to the bubble. I admit that a warning to watch your six sounds like you'd be able to somehow detect if a UFO was following you all the way back, but then again I'm not carrying A rated sensors!

You could be responsible for leading something more trouble than the Thargoids back to the bubble without even knowing it.

Just a little more foil for everyone's hat!
Carefuly winding my way out of the maze route I took 500ly into the rift, I began to feel the hairs rise on the back of my neck. Now that I was able to easily plot my course back to the bubble, the words "watch your six" wouldn't stop echoing in my head.

What if we aren't meant to know if we've discovered "the system"? What if some CMDR will just stumble into and through the system with nothing unusual happening? Perhaps it will trigger 'something' that follows that CMDR back to the bubble. I admit that a warning to watch your six sounds like you'd be able to somehow detect if a UFO was following you all the way back, but then again I'm not carrying A rated sensors!

You could be responsible for leading something more trouble than the Thargoids back to the bubble without even knowing it.

Just a little more foil for everyone's hat!

I think that whole mess with the barnacles and that shyster Pallin has the trouble angle taken care of. Spreading unknown alien biotechnology around human space, what an appalling idea. That guy is up to no good, for sure!

I'm starting to think that whatever is in the rift is probably going to be an artifact of some kind. If there's a space-faring alien civilisation instead, you'd think they'd probably inhabit a fairly large area and so be relatively easy to find or at least notice. I'm a couple of thousand light years into the rift and still seeing the occasional object that has been scanned by someone else.
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I'm "just" 5770 LY behind. Watch you six! :D
Ha! You will probably overtake me then, as I'm not sure I'll be able to log in today. Is your cmdr name the same as in the forum? Might add you and see if I see you!

In terms of the 'galaxy just hanging there", this is exactly the correct interpretation imho, as for your second part, I don't know the "It" hasn't been found yet so hard to say if whomever went farther out missed it or wasn't even involved in the mystery and didn't know to be on the lookout.
The thing is that whoever plotted this route in EDDiscovery, did it perfectly along the RR line. You can see the RR line perfectly in the 3D map, going from the rift out to the farthest reaches of the arm. I'm sure he did follow the line, and thus knew about the mystery...
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This is what I mean:

Someone plotted right along the RR line. The yellow dot is my current position, and the red dots are the positions I trilaterated on my way there. All the white dots are from other people. I went parallel to the RR line all the way, and only joined the line at the end, but someone followed it pretty accurately, and inspected quite a bit at the end...

You can also see that some people submitted quite a lot of stars right along the line at the beginning of the rift, probably getting stuck there as well. Someone did seem to manage to cross a bit north of the rift, and I crossed over the bridge even farther north (red dots).

I'm quite far out already, but can still go on...
The Rr line is actually old news, people could have followed it a year or more ago. If you find the name of one of those triangulated Rr stars, you can look up who did it on edsm

It doesnt mean that the line has been searched. Even of they did full system scans, I doubt very much that they did it in economic mode, so skipped most stars
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The Rr line is actually old news, people could have followed it a year or more ago. If you find the name of one of those triangulated Rr stars, you can look up who did it on edsm

It doesnt mean that the line has been searched. Even of they did full system scans, I doubt very much that they did it in economic mode, so skipped most stars
Yes, you're right there. Pondering if continuing out, or returning towards the rift now...

By the way, Dommarra, in your great spreadsheet, system DRYEAE AEB QZ-O C19-1 is marked as probably unreachable. It is easily reached. I'm in it and enough stars still around to navigate easily.
Yes, you're right there. Pondering if continuing out, or returning towards the rift now...

By the way, Dommarra, in your great spreadsheet, system DRYEAE AEB QZ-O C19-1 is marked as probably unreachable. It is easily reached. I'm in it and enough stars still around to navigate easily.

Thanks. I took the 1000ly points from someone else, I only did the in between 500ly points. Probably bad news as that extends the search by a few Kylie
How do you use these coordinates in the map

Agreed, a bit thin but as luck would have it I was practically on top of of those coordinates (with their sign flipped). I was near the bubble end of the Scheau Hypue Badlands crossing, I'm headed back to the bubble to re-outfit and check some things that can only be done in the bubble so I was only 1000LY or so from -5300, -48, -6350 which as somebody else pointed out is only about 2K LY from the RRline and still more or less in the Rift area.

I checked it out on the map and more so when I got there. It's a veritable sea of Y-Type Brown Dwarf stars. 100's of them. There's enough refuel stars intermixed that it's easy to make your way through but if you're traveling on a light tank keep an eye on the guage. This pic shows some the Y-Type stars (they extend east west a lot and a bit north south) and their relative location with the Heart & Soul Nebula to the upper left and the bubble straight ahead.

I went to the closest star to those coordinates (Phrio Hypue WH-K A104-0), it was a planet-less brown dwarf. I looked around a bit in supercruise but didn't see anything interesting. The view from my six (star behind me) is pretty nice with the galactic plane and H&S Nebulas in the distance.

I then when up and down a bit hitting 5 other systems in 5300, 6350 box. 3 more dwarf stars, an M class and a dwarf M, they had planets and I scanned some of the more interesting ones but nothing really turned up. I've dumped what little data I had into EDSM. I could have done a more exhaustive search of the stars in the immediate area but there's 100s of systems out here and the precision or even relevance of those coordinates is pretty debatable. If it's 5380 -24 -6260 then I'm 100+LY out of position and there's 30 stars to search. I did search the map for some of the common EB-P, ON-C type name combinations or named systems but there weren't any. I also didn't see any black holes or neutron stars in the vicinity.

I'm going to head on back to the bubble but if somebody wants to scour that area there's enough brown dwarf stars to keep you busy for a month. It is an interesting area and fits some clues even without the color code bit but ultimately I suspect it's a red herring.
I've just moved a few hundred light years away from the Rift after deciding to return to the bubble until we have more info to go on. I've stumbled on a wrecked clipper and picked up a "large survey data cache". Imagine if it contained some answers!!!

In other news I reached the dead ends around Phoi Aescs CM-D D12-0 without finding anything. I couldn't reach the Neutron Stars in this area.
How do you use these coordinates in the map

When looking at the galaxy map you can see the coordinates display (first picture in my post). Zoomed out to where I was they're in units of 100, if you zoom in more they drop to units of 10. So in that picture -5200 is to the right, -5400 is to the left, I'm right on the -5300 line (-5290 is bit to the right, -5310 is bit to the left), -6300 is the lower part of the box I'm in and -6400 is the upper so I'm in the middle there which is -6350. Vertically that star I have selected is at -44.

You can move left right, up down on the map with navigation keys (depends on key binds, wsadfr typically for translation, qe for rotation I believe). When translating the rate at which you traverse the map is a function of how zoomed out you are. The blue reticule marks the center of focus. To find a location quickly just zoom out, use translation keys to get close and then zoom in more and more till you're on top of it.

The coordinates are standard galactic coordinates, 0,0,0 is Sol. You can find real world objects in game by looking up their coordinates in a standard catalog and then navigate to that point. I was rather disappointed to not find HL Tau (see my post in astronomy section) when I looked for it. In RL I'm vaguely associated with that discovery but not an author by any stretch.
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Looking through your old post, the piece of clothing (tiara) she left could be the first of seven. After all, I think to remember that Drew mentioned that we didn't have yet all the clues to solve this. He also specifically said to watch galnet and that more might come in April.

Careful, Drew said on this thread: that he said April because that is when 2.1 was expected.
So I think any potential April clues will be delayed along with 2.1

<span class="potentially overcomplicating">Which is better because it rules out April fools, unless Drew is misdirecting us about the dates of clues.</span>
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